ITT: whores of babylon

ITT: whores of babylon

Someone post gender-swapped girugamesh

quit this retarded fucking HOLDING HANDS THAT SO LEWD XDDD IM SO FUNNY
because its not funny
you aren't funny
you're pathetic

haha i know this meme^^ epic I upvote you gentlesir of le internet


Lurk 2 years before posting.

cool meemay there friend
Any actual response or is that all you can come up with?

You guys sound like baka gaijins. pls go back to mal

But what did their hands hold?

Do you just choose to speak in nothing but shitty memes or is it a disability I've never heard of?

>this entire thread
jesus take a chill pill brudders

A little of both desu senpai

Wrong Image, Idiot

My mommy lets me watch all the anime I want. You are just made because your dad fucked your dog.

How did you know

Your mom told me last night while she was licking my butthole.

That would explain it.

Yeah no problem my man, if you need any more info about me and your dads gay romps just go ahead and ask.

I'm good.




not appropriate viewing for anyone who still has their purity intact


Consider suicide.

You know MPC has a built-in screenshot function, right?

wrong place, wrong time, baka

I took that a few years ago. I even used the built-in function for other shots from the same episode. I don't know how that happened desu.

ironic shitposting is still shiposting, lurk moar for another 2 years or fuck off, but i rather for you to drink bleach

>1080p handholding

What kind of degeneracy is this?


>Not a slut.