What if we just let people do drugs and be responsible for what they put in their bodies?

What if we just let people do drugs and be responsible for what they put in their bodies?

Just like weapon ownage and democracy.
Would only work in a country wihtout ape-people.

Because we have to pay for their healthcare, or criminality if they go full junkie

that would work if long-time junkies weren't a danger to those around them

What id we just let people smoke cigarettes and not be responsible for exhaling in your face.

The primary issue with drugs is the negative externalities caused by a person being affected by them. We dont give a shit about you snorting the fungus growing off cowshit. We care about what happens between the time you snort it and you waking up the next day in a store with broken windows covered in blood and vomit.

unfortunately once you get past all the bullshit prohibition is the only effective way to control drug use, our prohibition is not effective in America because illegal drugs have been the backbone of the economy since the collapse in the 70's which we never recovered from this has to due with the entirely corrupt political system and the revolving door between it and the banks/corporations

If everyone were educated properly and informed there would be no politics.

^ honestly I never see this point brought up. All that you think you know is incorrect. These days you gotta deal drugs *just to get by*. The reason opiates are raging right now? They’re easily obtainable and sell quite expensively. Good way to raise yourself a fortune, not saying I have the guts to try it myself. People would rather do that and risk spending life in prison than live on the streets. At least you’ll get 3 hots and a cot worst case scenario with the first choice.

>The primary issue with drugs is the negative externalities caused by a person being affected by them. We dont give a shit about you snorting the fungus growing off cowshit. We care about what happens between the time you snort it and you waking up the next day in a store with broken windows covered in blood and vomit.

Maybe if society didn't have to also incur the costs for when those degenerates inevitably fuck something up. Eliminate any form of social program for drug users, everything from healthcare to welfare, and it would probably work out as they would have to either die or sort themselves out.


i’m assuming west coast since you act so vehemently against the programs that keep your end of the country upholded. Niggers are never thankful

>What if we just let people do drugs and be responsible for what they put in their bodies?
Fine with me, provided that anyone who commits a felony while under the influence gets the death penalty.

>t. utopian freshman leftard

>What if we just let people do drugs and be responsible for what they put in their bodies?
have you ever met a responsible drug addict?

The more restrictions and prohibitions there are, the poorer the people will be.

The negative externalities are already illegal you boot licking cock sucking authoritarian fuck stain.

Go on..


Your body is not your choice. It belongs to government.

Chink, do you never learn after the eternal anglo rape your homeland a new one with it?


Has to be coupled with less welfare, otherwise they just become a drain on the system via rehab costs. The answer is to allow people to do with themselves as they please, but offer no safety nets if they act retarded.... which isn't such a bad way to go considering we have enough people already...Those that are left will be the responsible ones...

So wjy do you let people own cars and guns if they cause large accidents or kill other people?

We already pay enough for the people who put food in their bodies without restriction.

If people can't handle being responsible with oreos they won't have a chance against opiates.

The rate is nowhere near similar.

The nation collapses and we all get invaded and raped. See; opium wars.

Whatever the fuck this was meant to be, It does not look human. It needs to be prevented from laying eggs.

we should ban tobacco and alcohol too if health costs are being taken into consideration
breaking the law is breaking the law, I used drugs for a few years and never stole lied cheated or became violent with anyone

If they'd stay the hell at home and keep their stupid to themselves- and as the user said earlier, pay their own way.

None of those things can happen because habitual drug users aren't usually responsible. Their lives are pretty sloppy and messed up.

We make laws for the most responsible in society? That doesn't make sense.

suicide is illegal

if people want to make government responsible for their healthcare then government should ban tobacco and alcohol
look at canada a pack a chew is like $20

drugs being illegal means only people who disregard the rule of law will use drugs. this means law enforcement can easily arrest those people for using drugs instead of waiting for them to commit real crimes

Banning it would be too difficult.

Just ban people who use them from any form of government assistance relevant to their health.

that explanation makes sense, but it shows that the US government is corrupt and making laws to enslave the population

>we should let people become unhealthy
>we should let people become a burden on the state
>Why don't you want to pay for my rehab and healthcare, user?

Drugs can be legalized when we stop subsidizing unhealthy people, and cut all social programs.

I wish healthcare was a free market, that would make prices more reasonable. I don't think anything should be banned. The federal government has too much power and it keeps growing with ever new law the put through.

Tanya giving lectures on degeneracy? I'd watch that spinoff.
Youjo Senki season 2 when? I need more crazy nazi lolis in my life.

I have to get insurance to schedule doctors and psychologist appointments to get a prescription to take to a pharmacy to get a patented pill
or I can get that same pill for a fraction of the price and risk going to jail
or I can grow a plant like cannabis but I risk going to jail
It's a a scheme

>I don't think anything should be banned.

Even murder?

I agree

>he doesnt watch tanya
modern salaryman in japan worships the shekel
doesnt believe in god
god sends back to ww1 germany
slowly becomes unkiked by the spirit of the German people
lets see your gutter slut waifu

no substance should be banned
if you violate the NAP that's a crime, not victimless nonviolent personal choice issues
we have law for real crime, we have a private prison industry for fake crime nonviolent offenders it's sick

>hey gais let's negotiate, you get something you want (gun rights/free speech) and we get something we want (use hard drugs and fuck dogs)
>*sits down at negotiation table*
>wtf why are you walking away I thought we we're negotiating?

Now nobody gets anything they want because you're such an unwilling, stubborn faggot... happy with yourself?

Lmao only gay faggots watch anime who tf would even have a waifu lol.

Of course, but what does that have to do with the fact that irrespective of their legality these actions increase their likelihood?

>I have to get insurance to schedule doctors and psychologist appointments
This is false, you can always pay in cash.
>to get a prescription to take to a pharmacy to get a patented pill
correct, pharmacies won't give you prescription meds without a prescription, that's why they're called prescription meds

Living in the Western world has it's drawbacks, one drawback is a convoluted healthcare system that is bogged down by emotionally-charged socialist policies(we should help sick/poor people) that drive up cost, as well as MILES of other regulation, which is expensive to follow

so in order to cover the cost of taking care of poor/sick people and super cost-prohibitive regulation, prices get passed down to us, and you need "insurance" to get good prices or pay out the fucking ass in cash

welcome to society user

What's more important is that we should be embracing a culture of non degenerates who are too proud of who they are to abuse their bodies.
But we live in sad sad times.

>being this much of a newfag.

>posts of Sup Forums
>doesnt like anime
>still feels the need to tell everyone he doesnt like anime
im not a big weeb but its part of the board culture faggot and it always will be
pic related every Sup Forums banner notice something?

we already did that just look at the 80s

Tanya just wanted an easy life. Being x is just a massive self absorbed faggot.

And what culture is that considering every available culture is pretty much degenerate, once you get out of theorycrafting and down to their bolts and nuts.

There was an edgy time in my teen years where I was depressed listening to sublime and hating life, where I actually wanted to try oxys and heroin.. I had no idea where to buy it and thank God bc now that I'm an adult I am so thankful I didn't fuck myself over with that shit.
If it was sold at the local store I would have bought it.

Probably Spring or Summer of 2018. Can't remember when Overlord S2 is on.

Well, many men currently have no purpose in life, are told their masculinity is toxic and are shunned out of society. We live in a society that rewards the most oppressed and the least successful, it's backwards. Sure there will always be degenerates but they should not be embraced.

>What if we just let people do drugs and be responsible for what they put in their bodies?

Then the War On Some Drugs won't be profitable! The cartels would collapse, Mexico might be stable enough to amount to something and want competitive wages for its workers so the Auto Company Jew would lose money. Emigration to CONUS would drop because stability permits people to stay comfily where they grew up. That would cut illegal labor, pissing off the Big Agra Jew immensely. Mom and Pop Shekelstein might make a few million dollars less. The horror! The reduction in crime would leave those who profit from the Alphabet Agencies with fewer sales.

Also freedom is bad which is why the Founders outlawed hemp....except they didn't and the bible thumpers and the booze lobby and Harry Anslinger making a career out of it did.

Remember to believe what your government tells you, despite that government frequently shitting on your Second Amendment.

it will be a remption arc brought on by tanya admiration of the german people
in ep 5 when shes training her first batallion she gives that patriotic speech, cut scene to her asking why she did that and shit, spoiler alert it was because shes gained admiration for their devotion to their war/country after she dumped the arty strike/avalanche on them.

Smokers save money because they die earlier faggot.

I may not be a Sup Forums veteran who's been here since moot came up with the idea for the website while on the shitter but I know that anime is still gay lol.
>Sup Forums culture
In the same way that fucking goats is part of islamic culture, faggot. Also if I avoid anime faggotry boards like Sup Forums and this here funplace I will not come across waifaggotry in my travels. Conclusion: Anime is gay.

No thanks. I don't need degenerates using up my insurance money payments, use up time that my doctor should put to me, use up police time and legal time. Your choices are fucking up everyone else.

That assumes people are responsible, which they aren't.

only if we also triple the punishment for their actions when in they are in an intoxicated state; if a druggie decides to do some bullshit while drugged up he gets the bullet otherwise he can go and do whatever he wants.

most weebs and right wingers hold common values, theres no reason to make them an enemy until more pressing matters are conquered
make the whole world your enemy and the traction we have going will slip back into skin head era white identity

>cars are a vital means if transportation
>drugs are vital for .....???

They die long expensive deaths. Healthy people just croak after benefiting society. Sick people leech valuable resources that should go to people who did not make themselves sick.

If I was a white nationalist I would advocate against white people falling into Jewish vices. The smartest white nationalist promote other races become junkies.

Hitler would've probably gassed all the weeaboys anyways lmao. Because they're gay. Hitler didn't like gay people lol.

Conclusion: Anime? More like GAYnime xd.

Yeah cause that worked so well with genitals did it?

>What if we just let people do drugs and be responsible for what they put in their bodies
>be responsible

Because they won't be.

>The smartest white nationalist promote other races become junkies.

Why on earth do you think Switzerland been doing by (((legalizing))) weed by removing all weed content from weed sold there just for propaganda purposes to fool other countries that it's okay to legalize actual weed without issues.

Mountain jews up to their usual tricks.

Reminder that anime is good and cute and that all of Sup Forums is a weeb neighborhood.

Ban faganie

It would be far simpler to just ban faggots like you. Normalfags are to Sup Forums as "migrants" are to first world countires, Sup Forums is a weeb nation and your kind doesn't belong here.

Reminder anyone can come here and shit on weebery and you are impotent to stop it.

this is an anime board

my masturbation rate used to be 2% hentai 98% 3d women

now its like 30% hentai and 70% 3d

help me before its too late please

We need to overthrow the weeabian government and establish capitalism in this shithole. I say we ban anime from this dimension alltogether. To get rid of anime, we must get rid of the source. We need to nuke japan. Again. And again. And again. Or just use one big atomic bomb and do it all at once IDK.

You have to go back.

You have to go fuck. Yourself.

A more mainstream drug culture may be better for health than people think. People will seek drugs for reasons. They'll feel the impacts keenly, and will seek more information about what they're feeling. There is good information out there already! The public will naturally tend to harm minimize when the barriers to the free flow of information are removed.
This may also reduce the pharmaceutical industry's churning trend towards weaker drugs, and perhaps even provide openings for both new pharmaceutical researches and new entrants into pharmaceutical research.

Do you have an account on exhentai. If not you should make one. It will help get you to 100% hentai

No u

All boards are anime boards my friend.

not the most pressing issue and argument for anarchy, but it works

what is anime was the Japs only offensive means at striking revenge straight into the hearts and minds of americans

It's funny you autistic pathetic weebs think MLP is autistic and cancerous so you faggots made a rule even that you can't post pictures outside the mlp board. But your own cancerous shit is allowed to span across the whole fucking site.

Really? Personal responsibility versus Degeneracy?!

Degeneracy is worse because of things like robbery, assault, rape, etc...

If it were that easy, I'd be 100% for it. In reality, people want the "freedom" to do drugs and be a degenerate then, after they've ruined their lives and run themselves into the ground with addiction, they turn around and try to reach in the pockets of normal, sane, non-degenerate, non-drug users to fund their "recovery" like we're supposed to feel sorry for them or some shit. Fuck them. If they want that "freedom", then they can have it with the caveat that they won't get $1 of taxpayer/government money to "fix" the shitshow their lives become as a result. Let them die, starve, live on the street. Gas them, do whatever, but don't enable them.

I can't tell if the Ukrainian and leaf are baiting or just retarded.

It's destruction of government property.

fucking being x REEE

I spit the truth and not afraid to. I posted pony images twice and took the bans to expose your hypocrisy. Fuck you autistic weeb, no different than an autistic pony fag. ALL AUTISM, FUCK YOU

>training wheels
this is probably the best thing possible.

Maybe you should find a different website to discuss your politics if you don't like the culture here.

We gave women the choice to put birth control in their bodies.
Then they urinated estrogens into the water supply.

Actions have consequences, you irredeemable cunt discharge.

>Liking gaynime
>Calling someone retarded

"You got the 'tism"
- Doctor Larry Lee Thomas, PhD.



I dont care for politics

No hypocrisy, you're just a gigantic cockmongler. The site was literally made for goons to discuss anime and was initally just a translation of futaba code which is itself a japanese site, the site wasn't however made for horsefuckers. There is no contradiction because one is fuffilment of the original intent and the other is not.

You and me both, pardner *tips cowboy hat*