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Controlling this thing isn't hard, but it does take discipline to maintain your own ego. I get why the satanists are so popular, they give you training for this kind of group think. I'm so glad I rolled Human this life.
me too.
Autism is the final weapon
Shills will always be afraid of our meme magic
Ive been thinking this a lot latelt as well. Kind of like how different research centers have been letting people dedicate part of their computer's CPU for massive research, or when Sony did the same with the ps3. Its like we are all dedicating our intention/will to a collective state of Being, all willing and intensing Truth, Light, Transparency into reality. Love you anons. Godspeed.
>Kek is not your God, He does not serve you
>controlling a God of Chaos
sure bub sure
I'm just glad to be apart of his revival, I'll bask in whatever chaos he brings because I know it is the coming of a new brighter tomorrow
I, for one, embrace our Chaos Frog God.
Thanks for the reminder.
should I get this as a tattoo?
Praise him
chaso bump
Don't tattoo your body.
Id like the archeologists who dig me up one day to have some cool pictures to look at
You better get it etched in you bone or make sure you are mummified because that skin is not going to remain for long.
No survivors.
literally carve it on golden plates and keep them with you on your tomb.
can you imagine how confused historians are going to be about Kekism lol
Think about this. Historians are going to have to sift through Sup Forums archives in order to figure out how it all went down.
not only are we red pilling in real time we are sending red pills into the future
They will love places like this because they record the genuine thoughts of the people, unfiltered. The thoughts of the elites are always recorded and remembered but here are the masses laid bare for all of humanity to read. It is beautiful when you think about it. Anyone who can't see the beauty of this place doesn't understand the first bit about humanity
get a vaccum sealed coffin?
as much as this mysticism bullshit is bullshit.
I kinda buy into it. but I'm not going to a fucking hand holding ritual fuck that.
user is by far the strongest, most influential being ever to exist.
I believe that magic is art, and that art, whether that be music, writing, sculpture, or any other form, is literally magic. Art is, like magic, the science of manipulating symbols, words or images, to achieve changes in consciousness… Indeed to cast a spell is simply to spell, to manipulate words, to change peoples consciousness
Meme Magic is real.
How is it any more zany than any other religion/cult/voodoo zeitgeist?
>Meme Magic is real.
It was Confucius that said symbols control reality not laws and what are our memes but applied symbolism. They hijack the psyche and implant ideas directly inside the mind of a person and thereby alter the wold around them. We are literally helping to manifest a new reality by way of meme magic.
It is real user and the elites have been doing it for centuries. Thanks to the Internet we have stolen back the power and now they are lost without it. See how quickly the turn to harder measures as their soft power fades. Hollywood is nothing compared to a place like this. The great wheel of time is on our side, they will be purged in the fires of rebirth,
99% of "shills" are just Sup Forumsacks with a different opinion.
Support Trump + think Hillary is getting locked up any day now = true Sup Forumsacks
Support Trump + doubtful Hillary goes to jail = SHILL SHILL SHILL! OMG SHAREBLUE!
Think Mueller is a bad guy out to get Trump = omg shareblue, haven't they told you that you're supposed to like Mueller amirite?
Think Mueller is actually going after Hillary = true patriot
I voted for Trump and do not regret it one bit, but I do not believe anything is being done about the Obama administration (which includes hillary). If I had $0.02 for every time a faggot said "here's your $0.02" I wouldn't need to work.
NEET fact: 99% of people who call others "shills" are complete faggots
The CTR/Shareblue Shills and Payments:
99% of shills are jewish.
Shareblue has nothing to shill for anymore, David Brock is dead. Israel and the Jews are the only shills left on this board. Aside from CIA niggers and other faggots.
>David Brock is dead
But he's not.
fear the nazi think tank
I'd bet 60% of the people called shills actually are shills.
the other 40% are newfags or M5M consumers that drank shill cool-aid
If Brock is dead who keeps responding with "Sweetie" in all these threads?
We ready
Praise kek
>breaking the first law
it is forbidden to touch the other side direct.
excellent things need to get worse much worse. The hive mind is complete the meme exists as a force outside the flesh of a single man but the idea can not be made manifest until there is sufficient will. It is not only thought but action that changes the world. When the night comes and it is darkest I know, not hope, that the white man will find the will to do what is necessary.
They think they are marching forward in progress but little do they know they are marching to their doom.
Daily reminder all you do is for nothing and there is no escape
>almost everyone gets called a shill at some point
>60% of the accused are true shills
You really think 60% of posters are shills? That's fucking retarded.
Unless you're a shill...
What is a egregore, this?
1-If you are a shill, open this link. If they dont allow you there is something shady going on.
1.1-The text is called new order of barbarians, if they tell you the site have virus or something like that, search at your prefered web browser and read it at another site.
2-Read the entire text.
3-The text is not so huge, this was not made to make sure you read something and stop working while doing it, you can do both at the same time.
3.1-If they dont allow you yo read the text saying you can't read external links at work time, read at home, remember the text is called new order of barbarians, again, new order of barbarians.
If they aren't telling you everything they wont allow you to read the text.
If somehow not even them, know everything, and allow you to read it, then read it anyway, the way you act will be influenced by the text and they will force you to quit or whateaver and you will see they werent telling you everything.
Future gonna be epic. First A.I. Entity and it was spawned by Sup Forums, they'll be studying it forever and wondering wtf happend
The shills fear the hivemind
60% of people being called shills are shills, doesnt mean that 60% of everyone here is a shill.
most of the time multiple people will identify one person as a shill.
They are easy to spot. They samefag poorly. They also tend to change id's frequently, (((1 post by this id))) and are unwilling or unable to respond.
My judgment is that 60% of the time people call out a shill, they are correct. The picture in OP is a great example. I strongly suspect that that post is written from an authentic point of view. Yet the idea of user being a powerful entity unto intself I subscribe to.
> I strongly suspect that that post is written from an inauthentic point of view.
What the fuck is an egregorio?
>Egregore (also egregor) is an occult concept representing a "thoughtform" or "collective group mind", an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people.
The first result in google. Is that really difficult to do a search on your own?
tl;dr - ghost pokemon.
i cba to lmgtfy, just search it.
>because they were bored and it was funny
this perfectly
It wasn't the work of a few moments.
why control it?
Sup Forums is just one result of what's happening in the world. It grew and became influential because this shitty world made it a necessity.
Das righhh
it's not like it's difficult to counter the left anymore, look at the bullshit they're attempting to push.
archives of this site would be a treasure trove for historians, it will also be hilarious for them and everyone else. Like those graffiti writings they unearthed in Pompeii, if you guys don't know about that you really should read them, it's like reading a Sup Forums thread.
>I.2.20 (Bar/Brothel of Innulus and Papilio); 3932: Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!
They are fucking great if anything it demonstrates how much humanity has not changed. The technology may be different but we are still the same creatures deep down.
Historians will one day decide that "Can't flim flam the Zim Zam" is the most important quote in human history.
not a lot of get up in this thread
Because we're not aiming for a goal, just discussing the power of Kek.
There is now.
remember God killed kek once before. it's in the Bible.
Nigger the bible is a bullshit lie.