(Pic related) megawhore said like 2 weeks ago Steven Paddock wasn't real and focus on his bro Eric. I'm a twitterfag and this Deep State Intel account posted this pic today. Dude's saying this shows Eric IS Steven Paddock. Wtf?!
Uh G-Guys? Was Mega r-r-right the whole time?
Other urls found in this thread:
Anyone got all the caps on it? I'm still at work and can't be on here long enough to find them all
That looks more like Steven than Eric to me. Plus, it's from 7 years ago, add a little more aging and a cleaner shave and it's a match.
Does not look like Eric desu
>What are brothers?
You fucking face blind autismos, I swear...
Yuge if true.
I thought hes name was (((Stephen Ham)))
>be op
>be dumbass
>believe shit-tier twitter larper
>you have to go back
this happening was comped right from the beginning, it lead to the (((hollywood))) pedo scandal involving rape of women and minors we got the same story right now in sweden lots of famous "sjw holier than thou accept genocide" "elite" media-celeb cucks are getting BTFO right now, bin this vegas shit m8 its over we "lost" this one (not really)
Eric work at Teradata for 30 years
This is bullshit,the same guy tried to pretend he was being swatted today and used pics from the Boston bombing
I believe it, but I'm just tryin to see when the whore said it. I read all her shit like syfy. If it's right, I might bust it right here in my nicest pair of work khakis.
This same disinfo shill tried to tweet swat was walking down his street looking for him using pictures from the Boston bombing incident. He is 100% and state sponsored disinfo to mislead and further muddy our investigations. He has since deleted those tweets.
Didn't archive, but this is totally a non bot reply for attention right?
Not for attention, I don't follow the dude I saw it retweeted on the newsfeed. Other people say steve is eric but i know megawhore said it first like right after it happened so i was lookin for caps.
People replying with this too. Legit?
I wasn't referring to your post, but my pic related. I just wanted it known the source for your image is a known shill.
Link to deleted tweet and screencap I found.
According to the official narrative Stephen was 64. He didn't look to be in his seventies to me, but who knows with how much purposeful disinfo is out right now.
Context of this?
It's unbelievable how awful so many of you are at matching faces. Obviously different people.
I'm gonna comp this thread on the off chance this is true
Earlier today a Twitter account known for pushing the "hurrr duurrr no one died. It was all Craigslist actors and ketchup," narrative, tweeted photos from the Boston bombing I'll order to gain attention. Larped as if the deep state that was so respectful of human life they would go through the troubles of putting on an elaborate act to pull off Las Vegas, would suddenly decide that a larping twitter shitposter needed to die. Posted pictures of when Boston swat teams were sweeping streets searching for the terrorists in full combat gear going door to door as if they only knew roughly where the tweets were coming from. He was immediately called out and deleted all these tweets minutes after posting them.
Holy shit, looks legit. Unless it's possible that their are two people with the same name, but what are the odds of that??? Lizard people on suicide watch.
Here's the earlier thread on him.
Wild! Thanks, user.
Thanks Mossadbro.
So the megawhore was right 2 weeks ago before this dude tweeted this or no?
Who has the caps? For the fucking love of god.
yeah, brothers tend to look alike
Just a shitposting kike with a phone and too much time on my hands. You're welcome.
The deepstvte twitter account which is the source of your image is a confirmed phony account. As for meganon I can't tell you since we know nothing about her and she rarely uses tripcodes. So we have know idea when she's a larp or if she's an entire larp. I'm sorry for the lack of caps.
Excuse me Israeliposter, but can you tell me why Jews stare at goys? It's children more than adults, but they're always mesmerized when they walk past. Is this a fear of goys because of stories they hear or what? I've always wondered about it and thought you might be able to shed some light on it for me. They're super orthodox btw.
I have no idea since I'm actually a Russian with an Israeli proxy.
What is going on in this pic? I know it's at the shooting though...
Ok thanks. Megawhore just kept saying we need to look at the brother (she said the Dad too a few times). I'll have to wait til I get home to post the caps I have though. Anyone else think we should be looking into eric more since Campos Ellen was obvious bust? We know Paddock isn't Paddock and the only one they put out in person was eric and he's probably gonna get sushi comped in the desert soon too
Just remember to trust no one user. Especially those who speak in absolutes. We have no way of verifying who meganon is besides a couple photos of her feet.
I agree, the pic on Stephens passport is Eric...pic looks more like Rush Limbaugh then Steve
I saw it too and I honestly dunno wut goin on
This is not a close up but real
Not real...some dipshit shopped it..
Wait what? You mean being surrounded by dead bodies and gore wouldn't make you totally up for a bj from some random dude you found at the concert?
a literal different guy who bears a resemblance to another guy because they're fucking brothers.
>wtf how retarded are most of you
Hey, I recognize that gay blowjob
wtf is this psyop
Look at the pic again. Blacks at a country concert? Thst photo is faker than the Holohoax!
I believe Mega said this as well.
All meme flags are shills
Remember the "larper" who said AMA without claiming he was anyone? I asked him to tell me all he knew about Steven. He said something like.. I got a bomb for you on that one. Eric is Steven.. That was way back.
What you said literally means nothing/
LOL. Cliff Note Version...
Eric is Steven. Steven does not exist.
Not that I buy it, but there are at least two theories on that now.
Who cares about Steven this was a Mossad orchestrated operation.
Somebody photo shopped a pic and put these dudes fucking in it a couple of times. I thought it was pretty funny. I should have stole the hole pic but just snipped the "good" part.