Arabs/Semites are the true master race

>Literally created the first civilization
>Invented some of the most important historical objects such as the weel, writing systems, sails,.. >Also developed and improved complex things such as algebra, astronomy, medicine, art, literature, poetry, culture,...

But the most important reason;

>Arabs got never enslaved by non-Arabs
>Instead they enslaved everybody else such as blacks, Persians but also whites.

You can't tame or enslave a lion. Arabs are the true master race.

Algeria tho. We didn't genocide the locals, our mistake.

What have you done lately?

Trying to re-annex West-Europe into our Caliphate by multiplying our population over here.

>Arabs got never enslaved by non-Arabs
Not only did he enslave Arabs, he massacred an entire Islamic civilization and destroyed the Islamic "golden age"

>Massacred an entire Islamic civilization
>10th century AD

Implying that the Islamic empire wouldn't grow to a much larger extend (which it did), his whole legacy would have been wiped out by turk roaches anyway just a couple of hundreds of years later.

>Also post proof of his enslavement of Arabs.

>Islamic "golden age"
Never existed. Just a modern myth invented by kikes and atheists.

You mean making a mixed race shithole that will destroy both European and Arab cultures and be an easy pray for a future China

Arabs didn't invent any of the things you just listed. This is particularly poor bait.


We don't mix race. We make numerous of babies with our own race and take welfare/child support on it. Meanwhile the white natives are destroying their own race by acting like a bunch of infertile cucks.

I forgot to mention, we even import our brides from our home countries topkek.

the salt is strong in this one.

Palestinians/Semites would never associate themselves with Indo-Aryan subhumans who they probably would enslave when they have te chance.

Producing babies, something an animal can do.

And something whites can't.

But then they adapted Islam and it had become a retrograde force for on culture and scientific developement.


Did you see the arrow that said;
>Also developed and improved complex things such as algebra, astronomy, medicine, art, literature, poetry, culture,...

Those are actually from the Islamic golden age...

It’s more like a comparison between lions and rats

>They literally created the first civilization

Don't be too hard on yourself. Calling yourself a rat is a bit extreme no?

That’s what you did and even were proud of that

Sumerians aren't Semitic retard

How are you so sure of that? Scientists still don't know the true origins of the Sumerian people. The Sumerians were closest related to Akkadians in language and culture and guess what? They were Semitic people.

>We was
Will anti-semitism finally put an end to the moor menace?