Isnt such a claim completely ridiculous?
Why do Americans think of themselves as white?
Other urls found in this thread:
let me tell you about which parts of the world are white
looks h'white to me
Greece stopped being white over a thousand years ago. While your ancestors were busy sucking boy cocks and your women were spreading the legs for Turkish men.
Maybe because Latinos are whites?
Greece is at least fully European, unless we pass the RAISE act, America is going to become another Latin American shithole.
pay denbts
take your delusional sharter rant somewhere else
>pay bebts
We took all the white people out of Europe.
Ignore him, he's likely a mongrel who's upset at the fact he'll never be fully European.
>inferiority complex
>honestly thinks he's white
Checks out. Pay denbts you failed third worlder malaka.
And now we are 56% white and will continue to shrink because of the 1965 immigration act.
>Muh White Hispanics
Doesn't exist try again
Weak b8,surprised sharts in marts fall for it.
>implying im baiting
I bet you have brown eyes
>AAAAAAAHHHH my wh*Te ass is on fire
>implying thats bad
i bet youre wh*te
here come your fellow ''''''Greeks''''''
pay denbts
Is that the gibs march?
>someone calling Americans non white , oh it must be bait
do you want to know how I know you are an American?
yes , I think so ,'''Greeks''' demanding to stay in the Eu so they dont loose their gibs
>we created democracy muhfugga
>now gibs me dat cumskin protestant
Greece is whiter than you are... you have a white degenerated minority which forgets that the majority of people are Hispanic, niggers, Asians and kikes (which you wrongly see as whites) ... US is a shit whole and people do not even know how to use toilets...
I love these new 56% memes, the faces are priceless yet so true. I see spics and niggers that look exactly like that and even some so called "Whites"
actually there is a large ammount of pure blooded Greeks in Greece.But there are many mongrels also.Pure bloods never behave like this though
As you are wearing a suicide vest... I am concerned that you are burning... heard they are flammable
We need to send the mongrels to Turkey, Greece should be for purebreeds along with other European countries.
When you're more white than a shitskin greek
Although that isn't saying much
The white people in the US are at least white unlike Greece (English, German, Italian, French, and Irish)
Im not gonna defend the abundance of spics, nigs, and gooks in the US tho
this Indian is based as fuck
Stop being a cuck
Those people aren't American
Amerishits are pathetic, nothing more than a bunch of fat weak betas who suck circumcised dick 24/7
Says the spic who doesn't know the definition of European. Go back to Latin America nigger lover.
>tfw you are an American and see a Greek claiming to be white
we have our problems too here not in the scale of Greece and italy but something similar.
>Polish American here
I am white, probably whiter than most greecefags.
Daily reminder that if you're not American you're literally irrelevant
not a white nation anymore, burgers love the negro, they even have one for president. Also they love to fight for the jews, ww2 was a war they win for the jews and they're proud of it. Pathetic retards.
I don't even know what white is, but at least Greeks are Europeans a thing that Americans are not.
No we just need to implement eugenics laws on the purebreeds(so it is mandatory to have many children) so they breed more children and in 2 generations the mongrels are bred out of existence
I'd suck some boy cocks. Just about that time in the cycle of empires so where are my boy cocks?
Patriotards unite
Literal meme and youre a fucking retard for believing it
I named my blonde haired, blue eyed son after a real Greek king. Him and myself are whiter than any single "greek" in your country.
What are you yammering about, retard?
You probably won't even fuck a polish chick anyways, probably some spic or asian whore. That's what most Amerimongrels do anyways. Pennsylvania and the Midwest should declare Independence from this zionist hellhole.
nice thread
thx for the faces
whatever you say piotr
The least decadent element in american society is literally immigrant poos and chineese, even the negros are more ''based'' than conservative boomers & their offspring.
Just cause your mom fucked a nigger doesnt mean we're all mongrels
>rewording of "is x white?"
Please give me the name of this meme...its the new racist frog
Speak for yourself Tony
Thanks for showing me your family Jose, the border is that way
A burgers that think America is white has to be mentally challenge, there's no fucking way a white country is electing a NEGRO for president, you have to be a 100% a retard, just to much of a retard to have a NEGRO, a ugly looking NEGRO for president.
No, I don't like spics or asians. Good stereotype cause my brother's dating a fat fuking spic.
The RAISE act is literally the only thing that will ever make America more white. Without it, expect those mongrel memes to become a reality. In fact they already are since I've seen people who look just like these memes. The boomers sold us out and gave us years of open borders and puppet politicians who have been actively making this country less European. Spics and Niggers are literal devils who act like filthy animals. Same can be said with Asians and Arabs as well. There was a time where America was over 90% European, now it's Le 56%. We are literally more cucked then any European country. I hope more mongrel memes are made to show the world how cucked America truly is.
Link is the RAISE act bill itself.
Move out of whatever Southwestern hellhole you are at and come live here in the Midwest/Pennsylvania areas. We'll need more Europeans.
ooooo more divide and conquer threads.
>not realizing that most of the midwest is white paradise
You talk like niggers do on social media, so nice try there Mr. Daniels
I love seeing these threads all the time. It reminds me how fucking jealous the world is of our power and greatness. You will never be American, stop crying like little faggots yuropoors.
The rest of the world was watching how a NEGRO, a fucking negros was the face of your country for years. What a joke, calling yourself a white nation.
>being this delusional
Imagine waking up every day just thinking about America constantly, but not actually living in it
I already live in Chicagoland.
hi pedro
what? how dumb are you?
Jews make these threads
greeks. kek the smelliest of smelliest "white" people.
Why would you live there? Illnois is literally our California. Go to one of the states surrounding it, they're far more European.
whats makes you think I wan to live in sharter land ?
>Of these three original groupings, only two are existent in any large numbers today: the Nordics and the Alpines. The original Mediterraneans of ancient history are not to be confused with those people loosely termed "Mediterranean" today - the present day inhabitants of the Mediterranean region are largely mixtures of several races, with the original White Mediterranean component for the greatest part having long since been submerged amongst invasions first of the Nordic and Alpine White sub- groupings, and then under Nonwhite Arabic, Turkish and other Middle Eastern and North African racial groupings
i miss seeing those quarter soda vending machines at wal mart. cost of living really has gone up. the brand was sams club, right?
When a third world shitskin (mostly like turk roach mix) calls anyone non-white. HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
>when you are an Amerishart and see a Greek on Sup Forums
white purity spiraling and pro-WN public figure X is controlled opp, their two favorites
>Eye color is of very great importance in race determination, because all blue, gray, or green eyes in the world to-day came originally from the same source, namely, the Nordic race of northern Europe. This light colored eye has appeared nowhere else on earth, and is a specialization of this subspecies of man only, and is consequently one of extreme value in the classification of European races. Dark colored eyes are all but universal among wild mammals, and entirely so among the primates, man's nearest relatives. It is, therefore, an absolute certainty that all the original races of man had dark eyes.
How does it feel being inferior to even Turkey? I would feel uncomfortable living there knowing the inevitable capitulation you will endure. Although I'm sure your conquerors won't mind you since you look exactly the same.