Why are Western European politicians attempting to replace their hosts populations, but not Eastern European politicians? Theories?
Why are Western European politicians attempting to replace their hosts populations...
White guilt forced into them by the remnants of communism in the media
the power of Europe lies in the west, it's logical that the jews focus more on that area.
they also have a heavier burden of white guilt (almost all had former colonies and the Germanic countries are also carrying the burden of being "evil nazis")
It is obvious.
Communism was already implemented there so they are well past the brainwashing\demoralization phase while the rest of us are right in the middle of it.
Why is the >56% country pretending that Europe is in any way in as bad shape as their shitridden hellhole?
Some European countries are, that might have something to do with it.
Not a single European country has anyway near the amount of shitskins you are burdened with. Not even half the amount.
Of course you can find shitty areas, but you got entire cities under siege (Detroit and Chicago for instance).
You so far beyond fucked and still have the gall to criticize Europe. Fuck off.
Because for 50 years we fought for our independence while free western countries were jerking off to neo marxists.
Have you even looked at the numbers in France faggot?
Die in a fucking fire you sack of shit!
>50% americuck
Why should anyone give a shit about country demographics? You don’t live in countries you live in cities and states. The goal is to reduce the central government and then honestly why gives a shit if California is niggeropolis? Not my tax burden, not my problem. We just need liberty to win hearts and minds and begin de-centralizing, starting with crypto. Technology renders central government and central banking obsolete. I can live in New Hampshire and never see a nigger for as long as I live, and the next step is to sever the federal ties to these liberals and their shitskin pets. Once that is done who cares if the US is 65% spics?
Stop trying to win the national argument it’s pointless. It’ll never happen. Stop arguin about some broad view of society that we will use a central authority to enforce. That will never result in good things.
Commies imported all sorts of shitskins in eastern europe. Why we would want that again?
>durr i can live in soud afriga in white village an never see nigger dis mean south africa is wite durr
Subversion in the West from The East,
The East's Iron Curtain inadvertently was a shield against decadence as much as they said it was.
Western Politicians were indoctrinated in the 70s and 80s. Eastern Politicians were busy throwing down """"liberal""""" intellectuals instead of buying into their drivel.
I think you offer the best strategy homie, thumbs up. Decentralization is the key here.
We're being Bezmenov'd
To be fair, I am 56% European. I'm the real European here. I am the captain now, of Europe.
i'm from ct and was in new york for two days so many jews one actually called me a goy, and one took my kindness as a way to get money, she had a hook nose even though she was blonde
>56% European
Wow that must be some kind of record for an amerimutt. 20% jew and 24% nigger are the other ones right?
I will blacken your continent while you stand and watch incontinent.
Because we already had communism bud. There's no politician out here who would actually suggest we import millions of shitskins. Even the most cucked ones are down with a fence. They try to push the (((refugee))) shit a bit but literally nobody is buying it. Can't wait for that kike Soros to die and the US to fall so I can finally have my based fascist country.
>projecting his cuckold fetish
What a surprise
With the unstopped mass migration and the birth rates Arabic Muslims will be majorities in the age range of 0 - 30 in most western European countries. It's great that they will still be only 20% or so in Germany at that point but how this is setup is that in less than a hundred years Germany will be gone as in Germany is the land of the German.
Because it's the natural course of capitalism to require more and more cheap labour. Eastern Europe delayed it with communism, which was strongly against immigration.
Your wife is getting raped as we speak.
He donated 18 billion to The open society foundation the other day. Europe will become multicultural.
Do you have blonde sister? I bang her hard.
Right and left switched hemispheres.
>Europe will become multicultural.
fuck off nigger, you know nothing about Europe