I mean it is more than obvious. Poland is once again gearing up for war and there is only one enemy they will attack.
There is just one way to answer this aggression.
I mean it is more than obvious. Poland is once again gearing up for war and there is only one enemy they will attack.
There is just one way to answer this aggression.
Other urls found in this thread:
We have more
Pooland is not a threat. We could have the most powerful military in Europe within 5 years if we want to!
You're both in NATO fucknuts
you are cucks, you cant do shit
2.5% is pretty reasonable.
Maybe poland wants a small revenge? =3
Perhaps you should ask your ethnically polish president Merkel why she keeps giving poland so much gibs?
>We could have the most powerful military in Europe within 5 years if we want to!
Eh..your resources are there (except oil lol) but I'm not so sure how quickly you'd be able to transfer military tech from civilian tech
>We could have the most powerful military in Europe within 5 years if we want to!
Oy zwei! De ja vu?
Poland just backed out of the IMF grants. It was like 9.2 billion a year or something like that.
>why she keeps giving poland so much gibs?
She doesn't. Germs don't want to gib ze PAY UP NAO!
nigger why would they want to attack Germany when
1. They are both in NATO
2. Russia is acting aggressive towards eastern Europe
Okay, jetzt hört mal zu. Wenn Polen endlich hier einmarschiert und eine Katholische Theokratie ausruft und anfängt Muslime zu deportieren werdet ihr ihnen die Scheiß Stiefel küssen.
Außerdem will ich wieder zurück nach Schlesien.
>1. They are both in NATO
NATO gives a shit about Poland attacking its neighbors.
>2. Russia is acting aggressive towards eastern Europe
Russia? Russia? Are you fucking serious? Russia has nukes, thousands of nukes, there is no way in hell to defend against Russia. Poland could just burn every single Polish person themselves if they dare to attack Russia.
Just let it happen Germany. Your country is a worthless mess.
First of all, you have a imperialistic tendency that's empirically verified.
We suspect that slav genes in Poland would turn them agressive for no good reason but we no empirical proves of that, besides traditional pole ugliness.
Why do you think they're going for you kraut?
Honestly I am French and lived in both countries, you guys don't stand a chance against polacks, they are all buffed to the max and pratice MMA for fun or belong to a hooligan firm. These guys are brutal and you germans have been already too domesticated to do anything.
Und kriegt weiterhin nix geschissen
Pay the reparations and no one gets hurt, Hans
Poland and the visigrad group will become this centuries European power center
The eu is dead kraut
Klappe zu, Bayernlümmel.
Yaaaaaas Poland slayyyy!
Also hello my family is from Poland they all live in Chicago now and when Poland becomes a superpower I will help you annex it and Pittsburg so that the polish empire can truly unite
>Attacking the Islamic Peoples Republic of Germamistan and inheriting all its socialists and brown hordes.
>Not anschlussing their Slavic brethren the the south and ending the farce that is Ukraine.
Start shit with Poland again Germany and we'll be having words again
You misspelled "exterminating"
>Why do you think they're going for you kraut?
There is no one else around, dude. Look on a map. They cannot attack Russia. It makes no sense to attack White Russia, as there is nothing to win. And Czechia and Slovakia are Polish allies. And then there is Ukraine, Poland already let in 3 million Ukrainians to work as slave labor.
Poland has threatened us repeatedly. They say they want 1.5 trillion for reparations. And now they increase military spending. What else is this supposed to mean?
I would volunteer for Poland just to fuck you communist krauts over. Unfortunately your women are no longer worth fugging, so other loot will have to suffice.
>Y-you are cucks! You can't d-do anything
Choke down those tears P*le, the Germans are gonna finish what Hitler started in 1939
Even if Poland starts a war with you krauts you sorta deserve it after all you haven't paid them their 6 trillion yet
Nice try.
>Sl*vic subhumans need to resort to threats of rape and murder to challenge the proud German
Why did I expect anything less?
how delusional are you? poland would never attack germany
they'd get '39ed faster than they can say cyka blyat
If we invade your country do we get to rape your women like my grandfather did?
With what army you fucking cuck
There is literally no reason for poles to take clay from Czechia or Slovakia.
Stop larping you faggots.
Make sure to defend communication towers near border.
>Muh 10 gorillion dead P*les!
The Polish "genocide" never happened but I wish it did.
>they can say cyka blyat
You know Poles are not Russians right? And "'39ed" would only work here if Russia joined on your side, like before
>war in Europe between NATO allies and members of the EU
stupid thread
Proud german
>The Polish "genocide" never happened
Just kys.
>they'd get '39ed faster than they can say cyka blyat
well not really but attacking Germany would be a suicide anyway
don't force muslims down their throats and you'll be fine, other than muslims taking over your own country.
Oh yeah because that war went so great for you.
Remember Breslau? Aka glorious POLISH city of Wroclaw? And many other examples.
Each war with krauts gave some goodies for west slavs. Maybe next time we will get East Germany back.
You are a nigger I know people that personally survived the polish genocide
>Americans are Slavs
I hope to god Germany blitzkriegs Poland again
>Germany wants to invade Poland again
WW3 incoming
What will we change Berlin’s name too?
>proud German
>"us Prussians ... are the Poles equal brothers or their servants"
Top kek!
There are lots of Slavs in America brother
Lol while Wladyslaw is dying in western Ukraine, Jamal will be pumping his sweetheart full of his creamy African seed.
lol, ukraine is are a bunch of formless savages, you will never make a country out of that
thats why they are always so vulnerable to soros shilling
the weak should fear the strong
You deserve death for betraying the White race and the Fatherland.
Berlin is literally a slavic word.
1, I am not a slav,
2, the only proud German is an old grandma sitting in prison for denying the 6gorillion
To Berlin (it's Slavic name).
>The name Berlin has its roots in the language of West Slavic inhabitants of the area of today's Berlin, and may be related to the Old Polabian stem berl-/birl- ("swamp").[26] The Elbe and Saale rivers constituting the former eastern border of the Frankish Realm, most of the villages east of these rivers are of Slavic origin (Germania Slavica). Typical place name endings of these villages are -ow, -itz, -itzsch, and -in. There are many boroughs of Slavic origin in the city: Berlin-Karow, Berlin-Malchow, Berlin-Pankow, Berlin-Spandau (earlier: Spandow), Berlin-Gatow, Berlin-Kladow, Berlin-Steglitz, Berlin-Lankwitz, Berlin-Britz, Berlin-Buckow, Berlin-Rudow, Berlin-Alt-Treptow, Berlin-Schmöckwitz, Berlin-Marzahn, Berlin-Buch, and Berlin-Köpenick. Since the Ber- at the beginning sounds like the German word Bär (bear), a bear appears in the coat of arms of the city. It is therefore a canting arm.
I don't remember ever being at war with Pakistan?
honestly the only way to save yourselves at this point is to let yourself be invaded by a nation like poland
>Lol while Wladyslaw is dying in western Ukraine,
You wut?
>Germany has more men than Poland
>IMF money is a scam to trap countries using unrealistic future growth gains
I don't care about that I just want germany to be wiped off the map they france, sweden, britain and many others are an embarrassment whites and europeans should be seen as a different race europeans having cuck genes in them
Is anyone seriously thinking that we want to invade g*rms?
Because they are gay, they don't like fucking women.
>We have more
>Pooland is not a threat. We could have the most powerful military in Europe within 5 years if we want to!
I don't think 50 divisions of Muslims with Leopard 2a7s is a good idea m8
u wot m8
I know but the first thing that comes to mind when you think about Americans isn't exactly them being Slavs
In 5 years 40% of pop will not be even german.
The Pole, realising due to his own nature his country can never be on the same cultural or economic level as the West, lashes out in obsessive attacks against those he claims to hate yet really longs to be. Just like the psychotic Pole in this thread, fantasizing over building a border wall between him and Western Europe, yet in reality the Pole wants nothing more than to be seen as Western European
either way they become your problem. better to just let the Krauts stew in their own filth, said as a Murican descended from Krauts, It pains me to see what the motherland has become, but if you invade the shit heap it is now your shit heap. Who wants to own a shitheap? Who wants to build anything on a reclaimed shit heap? Better to annex lands with related populations that haven't yet been totally ruined, like northern Ukraine, not like theres any real difference between south eastern poland and northwestern Ukraine anyway. You're slavic cousins united in your hatred of russia.
ah yes speaking of Leopards 2a7s. Germany please sell.
Did you watch the video
>P*lish education
I can introduce you to a phone book worth of -skis m8
Pollocks in Chicago used to proudly claim that there were more pols in Chicago than in Warsaw
Stop projecting you own insecurities on other Poles.
>sell tanks to poland
>get invaded
Iol poor Herr Mohamed Al Berlini
wait you seriously expect Ukrainian resistance in case Poles and Russians gang up on them?
Do you really want to play sloppy seconds to a mudslime?
the last thing Poland would do is invading another NATO member
by now Germany is a meme state
no u
We have more
Poland is not a threat. We could have the most powerful military in Europe within 500 years if we want to!
Why the fuck would we want to attack Germany? If your country fell even lower all the refugees would try to come to us.
Nah, we're fine. We'll keep a strong border though, have fun with Ahmeds.
Pakistan have the nuclear bomb
You don't
Believing P*lish propaganda
P*les are not white they are not even human, it is a disgrace to Europe, no the world that their miserable country still exists.
Because you can't win a war on welfare checks.
Yea but protecting it from fundamentalists is completely different story
>tfw no pistovicova qt3.14 gf
Why live?
War between EU/NATO countries is nothing but childish LARP.
I think there are more white than you
Pay back is a bitch, huh Hans?
>implying refugees would ever step low enough to come to pooland
Ahahaha, not happening. Even when germany is only smoldering ashes. They would rather go to greece or some shit.
What? When I said his women, I was talking about the mudslimes.
don't like living next to war mongering neighbors? tough shit