Is this the greatest photograph of 2017?
TFW niggers
i nominate this one
Care to gave more details on this picture, Sir?
1 nazi went out into a crowd of thousands of screaming antifa and got punched. He didnt run. He didnt flee. He simply stood there smiling.
so fake and staged look at how many sneakers are flying around.
talk about hive mind
Wonder why niggers hate on Nazis?
Hitler and Germany were more supportive of the Black Americans in the 30s than even Americans themselves.
And wouldn't they have common cause do to the Majority of Ship owner who transported slave were own by Sephardic Jews.
this photo is still hilarious
Absolutly based, the motherfucker.
But overall that guys got sick chops.
Ever heard of Sonic the Hedgehog and how much niggers love shoes?
What if I bring a pizza to pizza hut?
>tfw no one knows what the fuck he was talking about.
Nice plant.
Enoch is a better leader than Spencer is
>muh race war
>muh revolution
>those blazer
You sharts do remember your Hugo Boss heritage right? Why the fuck do you dress like a bag of potatoes, lol
Damagecontrol/10. Have a sympathy (you) sweetie
He's definitely better rhetorically, but i think Richard presents better. Enoch needs to go keto for a few months
They gave him 60 years.
What did kek mean by this?
No. But this might be.
He was very brave to be in that situation without fleeing. You got to gave him that much.
pretty good but too low resolution
That guy wanted to get punched I guess?
This. It is a really GREAT photo, something the creator should be proud of artistically, but there are like 6 dudes fully upside down. This crash was at like 15-30 MPH, possibly lower.
There are tons of disinteresed people in the background and people doing strange things in the forground to provide more "chaos"
>hiding under truck
>flinging water on the path the car drove past?
>blackhat/blueshirt guy totally uninterested in 6 niggers flying through the air, and the sounds of bodies being mangled
>tramp stamp dude doing a handstand on the hood of the car
Other just really weird shit
>two stop signs 10 feet from each other
>Shoes everywhere
>debris all appears in the same plane
>sizes of people different distances from camera is unnatural
>compare size of that bigass truck with the charger, even though charger is at least past the nose of the truck.
>truck mirror inexplicably broken off
>how far away is that phone over the tail light? How big is it?
>green can and orange can flying over middle of charger, Green can is further away and several times bigger. Compare both in size and distance to niggers foot.
Anyone know how to do fancy computer stuff and PROVE it is fake?
the police are pretty sca--
It's not fake, idiot. Watch the video.
>literal mob of antifa
>nazi walks through unscathed
Aren't you supposed to kill him, for le revolution or something?
I've seen videos, but not this one. Vid or it didn't happen.
Not saying there was no event, just that this is artwork more than reality.
Is he using his drive while in the rough?
and have those optics? what are you stupi--
>literally one drop of blood on his chin
Less brutal than kindergarten fights.
Oh no a drip of blood... well, if I was him I suppose I would be concerened I might have caught AIDS or something from those faggots.
what in the fuck is that thing on the left wearing? lmao his dads suit?
What’s the context? Source?
this is true
t.first fight was in kindergarten
son of a bitch
SUCKER PUNCHED!.... and you're still standing... and even smiling...
a nazi walked the streets
now that's some next level christfag paranoia.
Romulans are Aryan asshole. There were Romans ... and Romulans.
that was clearly last year
why is he bleeding?
Mad respect guys. I'm the kind of person who starts calling niggers "black people" as soon as he lands in a foreign country. Can't imagine what it must be like to live next to them, let alone do what the guy in the photo did.
This guy is an obvious plant. Nobody fucking dresses like this.
Anyone else in the mood for some doxing?
I liked the eclipse ones better.
lol, look at the guy's face behind him, I think their heads collided after the sucker punch
>muh worker's union of lazy niggers, trannies and beta males
/leftypol/ are literally Carl the Cuck types...they have to pretend to be "above violence" because they'd get their shit pushed in within 3 seconds of a fight
Not sure what you're seeing here but he is still standing. Means you're faggot punches are nothing.
a real Sup Forumslack would man up and marry one of these fine white girls for the good of the race. do i have any volunteers or am I going to have to force your benis in there?
I don't think you could force someones benis in there. That fupa is like a pussy shield.
hello again shill
Enoch has that perfect "FaceApp" smile in that image
>the floor is raising a child
Lots of skins dress like that you keyboard faggot
I had hamsters who got more bloodied than that when they fought.
How do you say nigger in russian?
is there a video for this?
"How do you do fellow white supremacists and neo-nazis? :)"
>newfags cant tell whats a shop or not
you redditors ruined this site
You’re a big guy
There's like 3 pairs of shoes on the ground and 0 people without shoes. Never noticed that before
Have you ever seen how many pairs of shoes niggers own. They probably carry extras so they can change them every 15 mins or so.
niggers: not even once
>shoulder pads for mowing down niggers and libshits
no wonder Sup Forums hates him so much this place is filled with halfbreed mudshits
Antifa weakling "punched" him. All teeth still there and smiling, KEK
>He blinded the Sun
*Record Scratch*
What's going on here? Is there a video of this?
the original without the shooped pads might unironically be the craziest shit I've seen this year. certainly something I thought I'd never see in this country
Interesting. FOX was saying he went to try to attend the event but was chased and run off by protesters
Something about this reminds me of this picture:
Also, they didn't have the supposed clip of him running ready when they were reporting live.
>username era
He got arrested for trespassing when the protesters shoved him into the police line.
And he was still walking around, right?
That's not the original photo, cuck.
Half of those women are supposed to be topless and angry.