How do we take the games back from cultural marxists? We cannot let them to bluepill the normies...
How do we take the games back from cultural marxists? We cannot let them to bluepill the normies
Deport the kikes.
I think we should seek the short term plan first...
all them games are crap
yes but its what normies play... the thing before it wasnt a big deal if the black guy was a main guy of game because it fitted the story now they are pushing all of this history rewriting and anti white shit on purpose and normies will buy into it...
Only virgin nerds care that much about video games. Grow the fuck up
Siege is okay. And it's not THAT unrealistic. The women in that game die if they brush up against a corner too hard.
Cleansing the staff is the only way
Nobody cares about women and black people being in a game, they care about some forced political message being pushed onto them for no reason.
The message is usually stupid too, it's always something like "racism is bad!" or "women are people!" Really basic shit that only an absolute tool would think was a worthwhile message.
How the fuck was Watch Dogs racist? It was shitty, but it wasn't racist.
>why i haven't bought an ubisoft game since 2012: the post
It was racist because it had a white protagonist.
It showed a white man suffering, which generates empathy in the viewer.
Stop giving them money. Same for Netflix. Pirate and mock everything.
what else does ubisoft has other than gimmicks? the produce garbage that no one should pay money for but have convinced an entire industry to shill for them. and they've got franchises with solid premises that are hot shit.
they've perfected the art of the impulse sale by providing dazzling confetti and carnival barkers that extol the virtues of w/e garbage their trying to sell this month. but the games themselves are trash. and eventually the truth leaks out. but dumb shit fags keep giving them money every time.
video game culture is cancer because it is made up of hyper consumers that simply do not care what they're paying for outside of whining on forums. they still buy the garbage and then go on the devs ad-riddled forums to complain, giving these faggots even more money.
Its funny, Cause WD2 was a steaming pile of crap and For Honor completely tanked.
Didnt most those games bomb?
Have you tried not buying them?
this is why i give all my money to japan
Stop buying games.
Gaming is beyond saving at this point. Time to find a new hobby.
Ubisoft is on its way out as far as relevancy
every single one of those games bombed btw, they are leaking money
Just don't buy them. If you must play games there are a gazillion to choose from.
I play PUBG and the other day I accidentally got onto a chink server. You can choose your character's race and they were ALL white characters. None of the chinks wanted to play chinks.
My oz mates often choose nigger for giggles and we do slave/master LARPing in the lobby. Ironic as we hate what they did with Niggerfield 1.
Being oz though there are no real niggers to be offended which is a shame desu.
If a game forces nigger then play like one.
>changing anything about the default character model
moral relativism enables degeneracy
by letting your wallet do the talking
>yes but its what normies play...
>and normies will buy into it...
This also wakes up a lot of normies, because a lot of normies are just faking it because they happen to have been born attractive, so normiehood is bestowed on them.
People are inherently disobedient, you can push them along to a certain point, but push too far and too fast and they start pushing back.
>commercial failure
>assassins creed
>the two last games are commercials failures
>for honor
>50% commercial success
>rainbow six siege
>99% of white characters, really good multiplayer without childrens
>far cry 3,5.2.0 will be a commercial failure
Maybe stop being 14 and playing their gay little games? Hit the jew where it hurts: in its wallet.
>a lot of normies are just faking it because they happen to have been born attractive
This is an interesting one. When you are unattractive, you are discriminated against your whole life. This makes it a lot more difficult to care if niggers or women are discriminated against, because nobody gives a shit that you are discriminated against. This is exactly why most attractive people are into this whole "anti-discrimination" nonsense. It lets them feel even better about themselves, while attacking ugly white guys even more so than usual.
Don't buy SJW trash and they'll go out of business.
>black vikings
On one hand I'm mad, on the other hand this explains the VIKANGZ' lack of military achievements and general uselessness.
Nah man, the Ubisoft Romania games where you play as natsoc uboot captains are dank af.
But they stopped making them in favor of Assassin Kangz and Watch Niggers
>they care about some forced political message being pushed onto them for no reason.
and notice how japan never does that with their games
Everything Ubisoft makes is trash.
Neck yourself if you gave them any money in the past few years.
>black vikings in For Honor
did they really do this?
You give normies too little credit, let it continue i say!
Throw too much shit on people's faces and they will eventually smell it.
Make your own games faggot
Im not buying them, im only playing csgo.
"Diversified the R^ siege roster"
The majority of the roster is white/Asian. Only 3 characters are even black.
are they referring to the female Navy SEAL?
You could stop playing videogames like a fucking child.
All those games are flop except for R6 which is close to being a flop.
I can count the number of decent AAA games in the last 5 years on one hand.
Gaming is dying because companies forget about the game part.
Ubisoft is actually in a financial mire and got bought up by Vivendi-Universal. You, uh, shoudln't use Ubisoft as an example of anything positive. They shit the bed really bad and pissed EVERYONE OFF.
Who cares. She is a blonde, blue eyed goddess.
Of the 3 nigger characters. Only 1 is any good (Cav). Capitao and Castle are shit.
I'm surprised game developers arent trying to make their games purposely offensive for the free advertising
We dont, we stop buying their garbage and theyll die
The people these games are trying to appeal to dont even play vidya
This. CS has been the most redpilled game series for 20 years.
Temple OS
>All those games are flop except for R6 which is close to being a flop.
It has a growing player base 2 years after release and is always in top 15 games played on steam.
Siege is doing well 2 years after release. BF1 and COD just have dwindling player bases from week 1 onwards.
>Those run on sentences
Terrible. KYS
just dont buy them
you misspelled "gas"
The most streamed videogame on Twitch right now is PUBG. There is zero marxism or forced diversity in that game.
Want to take games back from cultural marxists? Stop buying bad video games then faggot.
>It's what normies play
Nobody played watch dogs or the sequel. Why you lie?
Just don't bother with mainstream/AAA titles and it's fine.
Stop playing games.
ubisoft is due for a stock collapse
WD2 was a fucking disaster
>still playing the gaming Jew
why are they all ugly?
>eastern euros playing CS
Checks out
you let them self destruct
the free market will literally fix it. There are no video game subsidies (yet)
Their games are falling to shit. Rainbow was decent at start but then they broke the game. Op Health was supposed to fix all the problems, but in stead it made them worse while not fixing real problems like their servers. Far Cry and assassins creed looks like blatant pandering to me, an as far as i'm concerned, probably not worth getting. As Said, they're due for a crash, something that will remind that pandering to a minority of your market while shitting on the majority is a retarded decision, and anyone who intentionally deserves all the shit they get. What's worse, it's not just Ubi, all the games now are getting shittier with more "diversity" to follow suit. Al least if you want a diverse cast, make there be a good back story instead of shawquandatm with a fucking retarded afro managing to find a couple spics, nogs and strong independent womentm in the middle of Tokyo.
What angers me most is how these people successfully hijacked one of the last refuge of society. We play games to escape reality not to get force fed shit like politics or whatever flavor of the month topic that was at hand.
I used to be apolitical but kike and leftist influence turned me right wing.Normies and the internet killed videogames.A gaming crash NEEDS to happen in order to even bother attempting a fix
stop commenting
The eternal white woman strikes again.
One would think, however the cash generated by video games is immense, and their cultural reach is rather long.
Eat shit, Gavin.
>t. 12 year old
Go to bed.
>Reasons I didn't play watch dogs 2 the post
>doesn't understand Far Cry 5 premise
Bet it was a woman that wrote this.
I only play racing games, indies and Japanese games.
create your own games?
stop giving them money for one
Take that buttplug out of your asshole faggot gavin.
yes you could play as vikangz and sheeeit but it was just selecting a skin tone for your character. iirc you couldnt change the skin tones of the knight or samurai characters.
Oh no people have freedom of expression, we have to stop this communism!
I literally do not care about any of that except the black vikings. They would blow a gasket if I inserted white Zulus into a game. History is of limits.
Completely avoid western games, honestly. And these days even Jap games that have too much to do with western studios (Zenimax, Sony).
The sad thing is you can't even debunk their nonsense or even talk about it on Sup Forums. EVERYTHING gets deleted. I don't know why 90% the mods on Sup Forums are suddenly NeoGAF tier liberals. No idea what happened to this site.
I own all those games. In watch dogs 2 you can play as a nigger and take out millenials in a full scale school shooting with assault weapons. Im serious. Drive to the uni and watch em drop
Also reminder for you snowflakes that ""Cultural Marxism"" is superior to nationalism.
Stop playing these games. Look at what happened to LawBreakers after the gender neutral bathroom fiasco. All it takes is just putting down the controller. Kill the games industry by getting white men out of gaming entirely. Let the fucking Morlocks play games. We should be working out, enjoying nature, and focusing on real life.
When white men stop being little babies who just want their entertainment programs, we win. Let them have gaming. I worked in the industry for 8 years. I just got out. I will never go back. They'll just keep hiring these fat cunts, and they'll keep leaning on white and asian males to carry them to success. Where I worked, it was 80% white males, 15% asians, and 2% women in the dev teams. Almost the entire rest of the crew was women who latch on to companies like ticks and suck them dry. It was unbearable so I quit. Now I'm working in boring ass data management software, and I'm so much happier.
>I own all those games.
>I support an enormous and deeply disturbing gaslighting campaign and Marxist propaganda with my money
Why are you even on Sup Forums? You are human garbage.
Only play Crusader Kings 2. Expel the Jewry.
>artwork that is masterfully created and is a pinnacle of art even to this day
>A bunch of dead commies
I actually pirate them. And the others I bought with cd keys from g2a so no money to the devs.
>still paying for games
I just redpill the underage masses on LoL and on my stream about various issues. The really like my Shaggy impression of
Streaming video games are fucking degenerate regardless of your political alignment. Get a fucking life
how did the gaming industry get so cucked? was it infiltrated from the outside, or did the people we grew up with just become cucks later in life?
Video games are degenerate.
I just work overnight at a dead end job in my 30s. This is, unfortunately, the best way can contribute.
Don't buy them