>stop saying I have low iq
>stop calling me a nigger
>stop disrespecting my continent
and finally
>stop associating me with an ape
Stop saying I have low iq
Fuck off you low IQ nigger, go back to your shithole mudhut continent with all the other dirty stinking apes.
OK sure, low IQ, nigger monkey from Bongobongoland.
Stop having a low IQ, being a nigger, living on a shit tier continent and acting like an ape then
if i give you a banana will you fuck off?
Actually, keep living on a shit tier continent.
thread theme
a triggered nigger
I get you, I am sorry you undergo negativity just because of the way you where born.
Wouldn't you guys feel better all in a nation of your own away from 'whitey's oppression' though?
Immigration like this isn't natural and is destroying communities around the world, everyone should stick to their own areas.
Shut the fuck up you stupid baboon
Make me, nigger.
FPBP & /thread
captcha: street victor - KEK
I always wonder if people respond to these posts ironically, or if there are really retards out there that think, "I'm absolutely sure this was posted by a real nigger, and I'm going to show him what for."
Stop proving all the things you listed correct
Somebody call the zoo, they lost one.
I'm black
Different ip cause I'm on a train
Stop being dumb
Stop being a nigger
Stop producing shit content like this
Stop looking like an ape
That's the compromise I'll need to stop.
>low iq
Black IQ is lower on average in the US than white IQ. Racist IQ is the same on average as black IQ.
Cool rainforests in the middle.
Homo Sapiens is a species of ape.
why are their eyes so red?
Ooooga boooga bix nood
dick pic or gtfo
>my continent
No nigger, you have non.
> Niggapotomous
Gooney goo goo
>stop saying I have low iq
You have a low IQ, when this stops being true, we will stop saying if.
>stop calling me a nigger
Stop acting like niggers
>stop disrespecting my continent
What?? North America?
Otherwise fuck off back to 'your continent '
>stop associating me with an ape
Stop acting like apes.
Yeah, sorry aids hole, this is all pretty much "balls in your court"
This is the most pathetic bait I've seen in a long time.
Love the stereotype...the more racist they become, the more their white translucent women want brown/black forbidden fruit.
You're a nigger.
You have a low iq.
Your continent deserves respect for being plentiful in resources. Though it's people are the lowest of the low in regards to abilities to utilize said resources.
Oh by the way, you are most definitely an ape.
You beat me to it. Comparing them to Apes is wholly unfair.
Also he needs to go back to Apefrica
god this fucking eyes. disgusting and nigger nigger nigger low iq ape nigger nigger
africa confirmed for /comfy/
Sorry OP. But you know, cold hard facts, really are cold damn hard facts...
Black people are the most alpha race! Far more chad then the cuck beta whites!
/thread OP btfo
>File: ChildGunDeaths4_1.png (15 KB, 570x668)
Hey can you please give source?
Shut the fuck up you retarded nigger. If you love aids-infested Africa so much then go back you literal baboon.
>Hey, can you please give source?
Yes, yes I actually can....
If your really actually give a shit at all...
Protip: The great real link to crimes before it gets sensationalized is at the lower right...
You can figure out the data just like we do...
What the sad fact really is behind Negro crime is that the poverty pimps exploit black and gang crime simply for their own personal financial gain....
This guy gets it:
You will not find videos like this in searching youtube sine they censor it just like the NAZIs did...
I forget to link the meme...
But be very very aware of poverty pimps and gun grabbing pimps that just exploit all this shit only for the own person financial gain... They don't really give a shit beyond how much money the can make off it...
>Comparing them to Apes is wholly unfair.
To the poor apes.
Muh Shoe!
Nigger. Next question.
Say please please.
No nigger, go back to africa you low IQ ape.
>go back to africa
Blacks going back to Africa is the only viable solution to the black problem in America.
Yes, to be honest. IF american negros went back to africa, they would end up either runing that shithole of a continent or being eaten alive by canibals. The american negro is smarter than the african negro, and if they were to return to africa, they would bring many skills that the niggers have aquired here. It is a win win.
>Blacks going back to Africa is the only viable solution to the black problem in America.
Even with minimal education. Blacks going back to Africa could at lest show their sisters how to properly milk a steer...
Nigs gonna nig.
Fuck you nigger.