Can girls be NEETs?
Can girls be NEETs?
No, it is physically impossible for a girl to not have a job. They also die instantly if they attempt to leave school.
Women are by nature normalfags, it is impossible for them to not seek company, attention, relationships, not conform to society's norms, etc.
And how does that prove they can't be NEETs?
How do you become a NEET, do tell me.
NEET just mean "Not in Education, Employment, or Training", technically a housewife is a NEET.
Woman pretending to "be a NEET" is simply trying to court male NEETs (courting is their not-so subconscious, full-time job and purpose in life). Don't fall for their tricks.
Quit your job or school and spend all day doing nothing productive like spending all day drinking in bars for example.
The politically correct term for female NEETs is housewives.
What if they're single?
Pretending housewife
Those are called sluts.
What does anyone need that many monitors for? Even 3 is a bit excessive in most cases.
Crazy Cat Lady.
I thought that was the female form of wizard and they had all crazy druidic powers
She wants to get rid of her backlog.
She's playing starcraft
You are mentally retarded. Visit /r9k/ to understand the magnitude of the falsehood you wrote
I'd argue being a housewife is very much a job, but at the same time, does not mean you are "employed".
>calling someone mentally retarded while redirecting him to /r9k/
But there is nothing wrong in his post, that's how you become a neet.
>trying to court male neets
>any year
That setup looks so comfy.
Well guess what, this isn't /r9k/, crossboarder. Here on Sup Forums we use the proper meaning of the word.
>Visit /r9k/ to understand the magnitude of the falsehood you wrote
>frogposter board
>being right in anything ever
>politically correct
But user, that word has become verboten since the feminist movement. If anything, it's revolutionary to desire to do that. It's like saying you can't have it all, or that children are more important than career.
Welcome to our brave new world.