Are gaytheists and fagans the new "WE WUZ"? Blacks said WE WUZ KANZ and now gaytheists say WE WUZ TREERATZ AND SHEEIIITTT
Are gaytheists and fagans the new "WE WUZ"...
Atheism sucks. Don't listen to them.
Just going to make this same pasta thread everyday now, aren't you
this is what Christcucks actually believe
If you don't accept evolution then you're a fool. No ifs, no buts.
It's not something you can have a subjective opinion on, like abortion or weed or whatever. You either accept the truth of evolution or you're wrong.
wow how hard to believe
much easier to believe in talking snakes and people rising from the dead and walking on water and other crazy shit
But we weren't
You're the fool
Psalm 14:1
The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.
If you don't accept the Bible then you're a fool. No ifs, no buts.
It's not something you can have a subjective opinion on, like abortion or weed or whatever. You either accept the truth of God or you're wrong.
Oh hey, a book that has a vested interest in you believing what it says calls you a fool for not believing in it. Guess that means I'm wrong, then
Skydaddy fags actually believe that
>there was nothing and then skydaddy appeared out of nowhere and then created everything including gays but he hates gays
>religious texts written by bronze age sand-dwellers have the same authority as scientific research
So stupid only a yank could say it
You sound gay, you must have be created by satan.
Maybe you're a closeted fag so everyone sounds gay to you
And yet you take the books of evolution to heart, when "science" tells you to believe in it.
Didn't know this image existed
So you think that because the Bible makes certain correct observations, that also means that everything else it says is correct?
The global flood in Noah's Ark, for example, goes completely against the fossil record.
You do know that we have bones of evolutionary ancestors, right?
>Man was the last thing created
We are hitting stupidity levels previously thought impossible!
That's not why I veleieve it and I did befire I even knew it predicted science(also it did with germs but I don't think that's on the list).
Yeah I don't agree with everything the person pit in their but most is right
Rewording what people say so that it sounds sillier than it actually is just shows that you haven't got a proper argument. I can only conclude that you're just a retard who can't understand basic biology
>earth is round
that was discovered by the ancient Greeks
>lightning and thunder are related
this is like basic reasoning, a child could figure that out
>the oceans have paths & most seaworthy ship design ration is 30:5:3
any civilization dependent on sea travel figured this out
>human beings were the last living things created
humans were not created, and we are not the last. just because we're a recent species doesn't mean we're the last one every created
bait better next time
If youre too stupid to actually look into the scientific evidence behind evolution you're fucking retarded. The sheer amount of evidence for it on our planet both living and non living is pretty fucking obvious, it also literally effects nothing in your personal lifetime so being upset about it makes you look even more retarded.
Besides that us what you said. Also I posted your (((proof))) in the OP pic
just as you want to be counted as white to be important and significant, these people want to be considered God's creations made in his image.
Not if you don't know how lightinin and thinder wuite work and hiw the speed if sound and light is. Often times I hear thunder but don't always see lightning.
And Israel wasn't
Kill white Europeans in the name of your pseudo-satanism.
Remember the Iceage movie?
The rat that run around for its nut?
It was us.
Or you can think we are all inbred from one couple.
the paradoxical nature of endosymbiosis proves greater evolution theory wrong
This thread is a fucking repost slide thread, report it and move on
>If you don't accept evolution then you're a fool.
Wow... It's almost like... You're telling someone to follow your own belief system...
>Christcucks cant into science the thread
Hospitals need to reject Christians, as they don't believe in anything other than their Kike that got Piked.
>kid is sick? Need antibiotics?
>nope, go to Church moron
>t. Runt who would have succumbed to natural selection if it weren't for antibiotics
MRSA is God's answer to those who thought they could pervert the laws of nature.
After new atheism split during the anti-theist / atheist+ civil war, things just haven't been the same.
And no, it says "hypothetical". Though, you do post here, I wouldn't be surprised if your grandparents where cave dwelling apes.
lol yeah must be nice that for some random chance you were born on American soil and happened to be brained washed but your shit tier family.
No free will no god
That’s a good ovservation, have a (you).
>because I'm not a retard that believes i evolietion means I don't understand science
Any seafaring society would understand that currents exist. 1854 is a laughable "date of discovery". Those dates are all bullshit.
READ A BOOK. It's not jew shilling, you're just dumb
Well how would Israel really know it then? They're barely on the sea and weren't fir a long ass time
evolution is evidence
evolutionism is theory
The bible didn't forbade the use of medicine, heck it even had laws about how to quarantine those with leprosy. The only exception to this is blood transfusion.
Nigga, you have the absolute worse fucking grammar and spelling I have ever seen
waxaad u egtahay jilbaha hoose ee bootigayga
Makes more sense than the 6000 years BS with the Adam & Eve mongrel story
I wish my ancestors were possums, but this is close enough I guess.
not really
Kike texts are not proofs at all, just fiction made by sand niggers, never forget that
>I was just pretending to be retarded :^)
Daily reminder that atheism is a dying religion created by (((them))) to disrupt and erode Christian values and morals. Every commie states uphold atheism as the gold value.
Luckly they weren't kikes then. Kikes are the jews who hate Christ.
Well, did not come to Earth like spawning to it. Life forms change, just look at our ancestors from the Palesolitic and Neolitic age. Evolution is God's will
A sand nigger is a sand nigger whatever is mental illness is either judaism, Zoroastrianism, islam, Roman Pantheon or whatever
dooga nooga
Nice pic. Saved.
Waa maxay fuck aad sameysay oo aad nasiib u leedahay oo igu saabsan, aniga miyaa qashin yar? Waan ogaan doonaa inaan ka qalinjabiyay dabaqadayda ciidankayga, waxaanan ku biiray qadar sir ah oo qarsoodi ah oo ku saabsan Al-Quaeda, waxaanan leeyahay in ka badan 300 oo la xaqiijiyay. Waxaan ku tababartay dagaalka gorilla iyo waxaan ahay ninkii ugu da 'weynaa ee ciidanka Mareykanka oo dhan. Ma ihi aniga aniga laakiin waa bartilmaameed kale. Oo waxaan idinku soo dejin doonaa cadhadaada la gubay, iyo tan iyo ka ab ka ab. Waxaad u maleyneysaa in aad ka bixi karto adoo sheegaya in qaniinyo ii ah internetka? Mar kale feker, fucker. Sida aan ku hadlo waxaan la xiriirayaa shabakaddayda qarsoodiga ah ee basaasiinta Mareykanka iyo IP-gaaga hadda waa la raadinayay si aad u wanaagsan u diyaargarow duufaan, maggot. Duufaankii wax ka tirtira wax yar oo yar oo aad nolosha ugu yeertay. Adigu waad nasiibeysaa, ilmo. Waxaan noqon karaa meel kasta, waqti kasta, oo waxaan ku dili karaa in ka badan toddoba boqol oo hab ee, iyo in ay la kaliya gacmahayga gacmo. Ma ahan oo keliya in aan si weyn u tababaranahay dagaal aan hubaysnayn, laakiin waxaan heystaa gundhiga oo dhan ee Maraykanka Marin Corps, waxaanan u isticmaali doonaa si buuxda si aad u tirtirto dameeraha aadka u culus ee wajiga qaaradda, aad yar tahay. Haddii aad ogaan laheyd sida xun ee ciqaabta xun ee "fekerka yar" faalloonkeedu wuxuu ahaa inuu kugu soo dejiyo, waxaa laga yaabaa inaad haysatid carrabkaaga fervent. Laakiin ma aadan awoodin, adigu ma aadan sameynin, oo hadda waxaad bixineysaa qiimaha, waxaad tahay qof caan ah. Oo waxaan kaa dhigi doonaa inaad cadaawayaashaada ula gudubtid dal yagu u eg. Adigu waad nasiibeysaa, ilmo yar.
nigga what