Why are UK universities so cucked?
What went wrong?
Because you lost faith in God, country, and culture.
What does the laptop say? I can't read it.
> What does the laptop say? I can't read it.
Just lecture notes.
I'm a student studying politics and almost everyone I meet is simply brainwashed by MSM. They get their news from Twitter and the BBC front page, left wing lecturers further brain wash them, and the degenerate student culture allows us to get too drunk and high to notice.
Look for the good people, I studied for a whole year without meeting a solid friend on the course who wasn't cucked, then just last week I was assigned to do group work with a guy and we spent a good time talking about the problems of Islam.
Remember to never reveal your power level.
she forgot about all the anti-semitism and transphobia
Even worse here in the U.S. Even questioning fucking welfare is now "wacist". Thankfully I, studying theology so its mostly white guys. Hoping to move to Greenland or Orkney or something as soon as I can (I have training in welding, so I can get a job there). JUst need to get away from all these heathens, racemixers, and normie cucks.
O my god i like can't even did you just assume a woman's gender you fucking sis-het-white male capitalist catholic imperialist ableist ageist sizephobic xenophobic islamophobic phobicphobic anti-semite feelsphobe?
Those are actual reasons.
You think the pro-Trumpers have any Nobel laureates on their side?
>studying politics
literally brainlet degree
Hi /YLS/
you know what its all true, education is sort of a joke if you take it at face value and if you ever want to make any meaningful contribution you have to go above and beyond and eluciate universal truths to BREAK THE DAMN MOULD OF THESE ZOMBIES YOU FAT UNGREATFUL SLOTHFUL COWS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
its like education really, they expect people to give minimal effort at times, i hate it, and this is what you get, no real value of education, you could talk about this anywhere, and you get the most mundane things explained really nicely so stupid people have to think extra hard to even begin to formulate the simplest arguments
You know what - I see the real test in University. It's transcending all that and realizing it, then lifting everyone else up and honestly the only way we can begin to make a change is with our own voices and effort to love all knowledge and wisdom to share with everyone in hopes of the betterment for all our minds and conditions !
>everyone is a nazi genocidal racist
>therefore let's bring in even more immigrants to suffer at the hands of the racist nazi population
the absolute state of leftist logic
I wish I chose theology or something like that so I could at least get through classes without having to listen to the bullshit. I take an American politics class and last week some fat bitch (Who last year had a Hillary sticker on her MacBook, wonder where that went kek) and some other faggot tried to claim that Hollywood movies have a right wing bias. It's genuinely astounding. They also think Fox is fake news that just spreads hate, Trump is mocked countless times for just being "stupid orange man". I worry about the future here
Hi Seb.
>stupid, ignorant racist
i literally have no idea who i was referring to, i didnt even need to put a gendered pronoun in that sentence, maybe i should fucking kill myself for my bigotry
What fucking course are you studying? Go do STEM or a trade if you prefer to not suffer this bullshit.
I know that now. It's my only option really, I'm have no practical skills, don't enjoy STEM enough to bother studying for it. Thank God for graduate schemes
Not even close
What about a history degree so I can teach high school kids
I saw your post on /YLS/ come on now.
British youth are unique in that they haven't turned right in any sense. Compare that with the rest of Europe where there is a sizeable minority that have.
In 40 years I bet we have a permanent social democrat government and abandon the monarchy by referendum. Scotland will probably break free as well
is this the presentation version of "oh, sweetie"?
don't tell me british colleges are this stupid
Which is it? I have memories of it being Hilary 100% I have memories of checking google and it being Hilary NOT Hillary. But now it's changed and it's now Hillary
Is this evidence that the timeline has been altered. Jesus which timeline am I even living in anymore...
whats that
Yeah on the whole I'd agree. Even terrorist attacks here don't redpill the youth here, they just apply the latest flag filter to their profile and "carry on as normal". The problem is that it's simply not "cool" to be right wing here, especially in a student environment, where Corbyn is "daddy" and declaring support for any right wing policy is practically social suicide
>people are stupid, ignorant racists
sounds about right desu
What uni