Daily reminder that everytime you check that google captcha, google keeps a record of all the off hand comments you make on this site, including any racist or politically extreme ideals. How does it feel knowing even on Sup Forums you have no anonymity? These people could use what you've said on here to ruin your life should you become a nuisance to them.
Daily reminder that everytime you check that google captcha...
Other urls found in this thread:
>he just realized he has no privacy on the internet
wow and yesterday I learned the sky was blue
Good. My great-grand father had his leg rot off in a trench. Our fight is far easier and is far more enjoyable. If I get some lead in the head from some kike so be it. They need to be exposed.
This desu
I don't care. Niggers can fucking hang and tongue my anus.
I hate niggers, fuck Jews.
Dear Google Deep State gibs me job plox!
Will shitpoast anything for monies. Not fair to only pay Russian shills. I don't grudge them a ruble but it would be nice to share.
Obama is king nigger
~~`-Always fight uphill and into the sun-`~~
1-If you are a shill, open this link. If they dont allow you there is something shady going on.
1.1-The text is called new order of barbarians, if they tell you the site have virus or something like that, search at your prefered web browser and read it at another site.
2-Read the entire text.
3-The text is not so huge, this was not made to make sure you read something and stop working while doing it, you can do both at the same time.
3.1-If they dont allow you yo read the text saying you can't read external links at work time, read at home, remember the text is called new order of barbarians, again, new order of barbarians.
If they aren't telling you everything they wont allow you to read the text.
If somehow not even them, know everything, and allow you to read it, then read it anyway, the way you act will be influenced by the text and they will force you to quit or whateaver and you will see they werent telling you everything.
I have no control over what Russian hackers post from my IP when I'm not looking. Nigger.
>the regime relies on increasingly explicit threats and thought control to remain in power
Let's be real, we are all fucked by this world either way, that's the only reason we go to Sup Forums
theres this scene in a guy ritchie flick where ray liotta is a crime boss, standing in his underwear, sweating and crying, begging jason statham "FEAR ME!! FEAR MEEEEE!!!" like an impotent retard and i feel that it characterizes your post pretty accurately
This. Also regularly (couple times per day) delete all google-related cookies from your cache.
With the SJW takeover of google, going forward most of the "empowered" engineers won't even be able to analyze ever changing cookies per IP - you will literally coast under their poor programming skills.
i don't have any social life or value as a person anyway so it's ok
me too me too
google gimme job mate
will work for shekels
This is not news...nsa, cia, fbi, russia, isreal, arabs, EU all have your information from the second you point and click...NO BIG DEAL
have an update
but i hardly know her
You think I give a fuck nigger? XD
no they dont my dad owns google
i have posted pics here
i do a small business
i have no criminal record and im older than fuck
when i get a knock at the door i stand to the side where the molding is thicker if i didnt get you on the walkway cam
>These people could use what you've said on here to ruin your life
Fuck ZOG and it's front companies like google
>shill thread detected
reason: fearmongering
who cares
buy a pass then
This is obviously false.
You are an as retarded shill/fag/democrat as the fuckers that replies to "Hi FBI" to threads that doesn't even contain anything remotely illegal.
This must be a sharia blue tactic to cause a chilling effect.
Fuck you, shitbag. You are helping chipping away democracy and civil liberties for petty coins.
>oy vey goys, stop posting your problematic antisemitic goyisms
I said Shlomo is a friend of mine
Rot the nation out from inside
Gave us interracial porn
A generation faps alone
You can learn about butt sex
Down in second grade sex ed
Teacher's gonna show you how
A little in and out
Don't Jew me like that
Don't Jew me like that
Please don't molest me baby
Don't Jew me like that
Don't Jew me like that
Don't Jew me like that
Please don't molest me baby
Don't Jew me like that
Listen goyim can't you see?
They're not like you and me
Ugly sweaty parasites
Selling us white genocide
They'll tell your girl she needs job
Better off than being a mom
Shlomo's gonna tell you lies
Til you become jew-wise
Don't Jew me like that
Don't Jew me like that
How bout some pogroms baby?
Don't, don't, don't, don't
Don't Jew me like that
Don't Jew me like that
How bout expulsion baby?
Don't Jew me like that
'Cause there is no place to hide
From this invasion, No one says no to Shlomo
I got this plan involving some gas chambers
But it's never been tried before...
Are you in financial straits?
Have a nice nation state?
Maybe they can help you out,
Dial your privilege down!
Then you can have (((equality)))!
End white supremacy
Shlomo's gonna tell you lies
You best become Jew-wise
Don't Jew me like that
Don't Jew me like that
What about white privilege baby?
Don't, don't, don't, don't
Don't Jew me like that
Don't Jew me like that
I'm just a bad goy baby
Don't Jew me like that
i almost feel sorry fot the pig dogs at google forced too read the utter tripe i post and the dreck you fuckers post , imagine they did try and put the boot to our collective necks, at that point the gloves come off
No one has ever been truly anonymous on this board you stupid cunt, you always have an address tied to your posts. Google is irrelevant. You can try to get around it via other methods, but there's always a way to find the source. Always. Also, niggers tongue my anus, and you should get your supervisor to transfer you to another board because you're really bad at this.
If Google does this, people will know it's them, and Google employees will find themselves hunted like animals in the streets by people with nothing to lose. And it's a good thing.
Then I hope google employees like dying because I don't think that would go over well with destroying the lives of millions of people :)
Fuck tha po leece
Who cares? Fuck niggers
>what is satire
Google is run almost entirely by brown supremacist mudslimes and poos. Fuck them.
America isn’t faggy Europe, we can still say racist shit online. Kys faggot
I don't give a shit. I have nothing to lose.
Does it fucking matter at this point....
Who cares my twitter and facebook posts on my real name are only slightly less intense.
Fuck the googlestapo thought stassi
I don't give a fuck.
Well if that's the case.
Dear Google: fuck with with me and I'm buying a Samsung next year instead of going w/ another Google phone. Want my money? Fuck off.
Captcha is linked to your Jewtube/Jewmail accounts.
Ruin my life of shitposting and playing vidya?
lmao @ wagies
Also is this a new tactic from leftypol or something?
These threads have been spammed for days now.
My dad works for Google, everyone itt is currently being back traced.
CAPTCHA is really submitting the post to jewgle?
I'm a NEET. Unless the CIA niggers will personally come and take away my tendies, I couldn't care less what they know about me.
I've seen this exact thread before.
>Hur dur how does it feel to Kno der no anonnumity
Of course there isn't you absolute shit. I've been bitching about the government and big ass private companies collecting data forever now!
>could ruin your life
Like they are with white genocide?
>being afraid of being called racist
You kikes cried wolf way to much. A lot of white people are starting to not give a fuck anymore. So, are you afraid to know that you literally are creating your own worse enemy?
I'm bretty open about my racism thought
Probably wouldn't ever say nigger in real life but everything else is fine
Like I give a shit. Fuck jewggle, they were already out to get me anyway.
t. White, heterosexual man
>crying FBI fag
i live in anonymous proxy
come get me
Yea? Hey google, FUCK THE KIKES
Kill all niggers god bless Hitler allahu akbar
As a white American I'm truly devastated that I might not ever know the joys of lynching a nigger... :(
good thing I have enough money and I couldn't give zero fucks. go a head and push me a bit more.
It's not for them. I could care less what they think. It's for other white people. I love my people and will sacrifice anything to tell them the truth.
All the brown people want you whites dead and take everything you've built.
If ISPs and google start doxing people for speaking their minds and ruins the rest of their life they won't live very long. What else do they have to loose at that point? We are already getting to the point where just being white is a problem when getting a job or help from the legal system. If you fuck them over fully you only increase the ranks of what I already know to be true. Whites cannot be free in this country and it's only a matter of time until they shift the demographics and kill you off anyway.
So no. In light of the harsh reality I already experience I don't give a single fuck what the brown google faggots think of my shitposting.
Fuck niggers, jews, trannies and poos
See, the left doesnt understand how massive a mistake a full leak would be. If they gave all of us up, sure, 30-60% would pretend it was all a joke. But 100% of us would suddenly have nothing to lose. We couldnt get jobs. Couldn't find families. What happens when you take 10k+ people open to the idea of race realism, and take away everything but thier lives, and give them a long list of people just like them?
You create fanatics willing to die for their cause.
So let them do it. Lets see what happens when we all have nothing to lose.
>not buying a Sup Forums pass.
What are you, poor?
lol, you posted this in a Sup Forums thread.
Google can lick my fucking balls so hard we go back in time.
Captcha: Broome Rd. Classic.
i got a captcha that had my last name on a street sign once. bought a pass that day
All posts are forwarded to your local Stasi goons. They really don't have a sense of humour! Every community in the West is embedded with agents of the system.
i guess i am trouble if they make saying nigger and faggot a bad thing in society
Israel and jews rock (hey Google)
Pretty comfy, try me you fucking kikes
>ruin my life
>assuming I give a fuck
>My great-grand father had his leg rot off in a trench. Our fight is far easier and is far more enjoyable. If I get some lead in the head from some kike so be it. They need to be exposed
gas the kikes race war now
That whole Sup Forums getting spammed by cp that's why jewt implemented captcha thing is a falseflag, everyone knew that right? (hey kikes at Jewgle)
>Google employees will find themselves hunted like animals in the streets
fund it
Who cares, the world is fucking shit anyway.
So do Google give you kudos points for not having racist views?
Seems like google could just favour posters who don't post racist shit and ignore all the fascists.
>mfw Google employed moot. How degenerate are Alphabet? Maybe moot will come back and tell us?
We don't go to jail for bashing the juden though.
A GF's dad was in the Battle of the Bulge; he and a buddy snuck past NAZI positions to make contact with their HQ and then returned to their trenches miles distant, at a time when NAZIs were executing GIs by the dozen. On their return trip the buddy got shot. GF's dad returned to the trench line, delivered his message and then went back-out alone to retrieve his buddy, he was dragging buddy back to his unit when he too was shot but both were rescued. GF's dad spent 3 days and nights in the bottom of a trench, it was so cold his wound froze which saved his life. I discovered this after he died when I read the citation on his Bronze Star we found in the basement
Fuck you, you soulless ginger kike half bred nigger
You are doing God's work.
How can it ruin my life? Everyone knows what I stand for, fucking sage. Also, if you hide your power level in the current year you are a cuck.
>this dipshit is proud of corporate interest watching over him
Really, what's the point of being a good citizen for this government, anymore?
It's because it's anonymous, at least to each other, and everywhere else is full of cucks.
They ruin my life. I comp 50 of theirs. Check mate.
i love jews and globalism
>not using legacy captcha
Oh, no.... the world will finally notice my true beliefs.
The nazi flags hanging outside my house and Trump stickers didn't already give me away......
1st amendment