Anyone see today's event? I thought it was amazing.
Spencer thread
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JIDF is on suicide watch today.
I thought it was amazing the made leftist look like retards
Post clips. Need video material to spread.
link2full speech?
they really are mad at spencer today
Nobody gives a fuck about your faggot idol,sage.
Videos? Did the punching bag redeem himself?
its not live just rewind it
It was a good speech. Suffered a big near the beginning, but later he properly BTFO the audience.
Yes we do.
hahah good screen shot
This is great, he response the christ cucks was great.
"you dont know anything about freeze peach!"
WE CAN USE HECKLERS VETO TO STOP YOUR FREE SPEECH. amazing. left shitlib interpretation of the consitution...which they widely disregard...?!?!
epic screenshot
I like how he BTFO that stupid bitch bringing up WW2
Has he always have that gay lisp? Did he start taking propecia or something?
lol someone mentions jews and mike takes the mike "alright look here's the thing"
Anyone else confused on why they kept mentioning this band in the questions asked?
i don't notice a gay lisp have no idea what you guys talk about in that regards.
Who else noticed this merchant before the speech started?
He is speaking right now, hes totally getting gassed live. ITS ANUDDAH SHOAH OMG HITLER WAS THE BAD GUY INVALIDATE YOURSELF GOY.
its not live but hes a fucking retard who wont deny israel lol
any drama?
I was out until just now and can't find anything.
I was really hoping for another car of peace.
not literally live, rather "in person".
Still pretty good, the jew-jutsu was obnoxious and the kike is asking leading gotcha questions, dickie deflected well.
Hello shills pushing controlled opposition
hello moarpheus you decided to shill another thread? HAHAHA
YFW you said you agree with most things on the left and that you used to be a "hardcore leftist" and that libertarians and conservatives aren't allowed at the table, just you and the leftists and then call yourself alt-"right"
Mike Enoch the Jew
An honest analysis of the alt right would reveal that their ethos is closer to white Marxism and that you will find very little distinction between an ethnocentric Marxism and national socialism.
Marx was wrong about everything from an economic perspective, absolutely everything. But culturally? How many countries do his ideas get to sweep until we realize he was probably right.
We know they work, why not use them for the WHITE underclass subjugated by the jew and shitskin elite.
The idea that socialism doesn't work is simply not true. Economically central planning is a destabilizing force and will cause destructive entropy EVENTUALLY.
But setting up a country that fundamentally is paternalistic and ambivalent to its own people is a moral imperative i doubt anyone here would disagree with. Its the "white country for white people" ethos. The left would agree with you which is why when cuckey left people get woken up they are more zealous and genocidal than you could possibly imagine.
Eventually the turbo normies will fall in line. Inside every retarded leftist is a white soul itching at the walls waiting to be free. Shitlib is the default position, and the beautiful thing? there is no reverse, there is no massive exodus of people getting "woke" and becoming dildo shitlibs.
Fuck off.
He is fundamentally wrong with his theory that culture is shaped around
race, but he triggers the niggers so I like him.
he hates Jesus because he's a fag
>his theory that culture is shaped around
BULLSHIT race = culture you god damn faggot
This was the pizza merchant that asked a nonsensical question using his Talmudic Reasoning.
He wants to bake pizza and take it to pizza hut to sell.
>it hurt
>worshiping a jewish rabbi
Care to elaborate?
I have all evidence to the contrary. Culture is a phenotype. Its not a coincidence that places filled with beaners turns into mexico. Take a look at detroit, it looks more like africa, the crime looks like africa, the culture looks like africa, is it then any coincidence that the people are 90 percent niggers?
Dont be a retard huemonkey, you know that culture is tied to racial genetics. White people make white societies, asians make asian societies, and niggers make nigger societies.
You live in brazil, so you get to see what a disgusting mix of all the subhuman browns gets to make. Meanwhile southern brazil which is still majority white is the nice part where everyone wants to live. What a massive fucking coincidence.
Just go look up stuff-white-people-like. Why is it whites always like shit that is insufferably white? The shitlibs especially, yoga, pilaties? all this white yuppie culture shit is stuff that they are intrinsically drawn too. Despite being cultural relativists, the ones left to their own devices become INSUFFERABLY white, to put it simply - they become.
Niggers "become" too. The critcism that niggers are bad because of their "culture" cannot for the life of them possibly make the connection that their culture is tied to their race.
The crabs in a bucket phenomena is simply part of them, their tribal bush people and at every turn they act like it. Total fucking animals.
You are welcome to try and argue against me but the idea that race and culture are fundamentally interlinked is Occam's razor, it singularly describes nearly everything with little to no contradiction.
No-one has ever been able to transfer a culture from one people to another as of yet, it's literally impossible, so it's not wrong to considering it fundamentally linked with race, although it's more accurate to link it with ethnicity.
I was there in protest and I gave a killer interview for the MSM. Fuck you degenerate lowlife scum.
stop posting that racist frog comrade.
I care
i honestly never listened to anything this guy has ever said but im watching it now for the sheer entertainment and riot factor and i have to say he comes off a bit homosexual
he's not racists
he was stolen by capitalists reactionaries from a poor artist
uncle ron likes what he sees
I thought it was FABULOUS! Love it love it love it! Dicky's lisp is soooo cute XD
>An honest analysis of the alt right would reveal that their ethos is closer to white Marxism
Exactly. Spencer is a nigger tier pundit.
Dickie is being strategic in his "atheism". The problem with Christianity is that it can be fundamentally interpreted any way you so choose. You can simply extrapolate text in a vacuum and use it for any ends. The worst thing is when your spiritual enemies turn your own religion against you as doctrine...
You know, like when jews used post modernism to turn Jesus into a tranny loving muslim foot washing faggot. As a southerner I accept Jesus as my savior, but you need to understand that the synagogue of Satan has turned our own faith against us as a biological, spiritual, and cultural weapon.
If Christians lived up to their own values, the real ones...the ones you inherit not only from THE father but from YOUR fathers, we would have a different disposition than we currently have.
The problem with most so called Christians is they dont live up to their own values.
Turning the other cheek doesnt mean bending over and speading em' for every mudslime invader and racial enemy that would use your faith to destroy your faith.
Turning the other cheek means forgiving your brother and blood for petty squabbles. Its letting that which doesnt not matter truely slide. Its an acknowledgement that you and your kin and people will always have more in common than they could ever have apart. Left or right, protestant or catholic, its about seeing other white men as your brother, to make two of one soul.
He that is in you is greater than he that is in the world.
It doesn't say anything about SURRENDERING to the enemies of god. Its about recognizing the line in the sand, about people who would forgive you for your minor differences. If everything is different, there is nothing to forgive, they are your enemy. And while one should not seek conflict, what otherwise would tell you to be utterly averse?
The crusades was a RESPONSE to HUNDREDS of years of Islamic invasion.
God doesnt want limp dicked faggots and dyke blue haired women. God wants MEN and WOMEN.
Listen, Sargon. The definition of right wing is various ideologies around traditionalism and reactionary thought. Not economics or "BIG GUBMIN". It's really guys like you who are lost in an ideological abyss, where shekels falling is the most important think.
FUCKING CANDLES BRUH, when i am not using my candles i put them like that, you're going to need something more solid
Hi sargon
I find his talk about an ethnostate surreal. Could you imagine the english, looking at their situation and proposing that only a sliver of england must be preserved for the english, and the rest of the world can the rest of england? Well, that's what spencer is proposing for north america and its' white population.
>I thought it was amazing.
Sargon is a leftist, like spencer. I'm clearly right wing which I why I dislike the bum driller.
Economics are irrelevant compared to racial issues. Smart white people can make any economy work.
Why do economics need to be compared to racial issues? You can just not be a leftist.
Nah, that would require some traditionalist and reactionary thought, which you don't have, ergo, you're not right wing. You're a faggot.
>Sargon is a leftist
And look at you, making the same arguments as a leftist. You must be...leftist!
Fuck you and your three letter plant
Horseshoe theory is correct when its taken to its logical conclusion; which is to say, they can only end up rationalizing the destruction of the other as a means of resolving discourse.
For a proper understanding of horseshoe theory one must understand that going to the extreme ends is indicating a divorce from "conventional" left-right dichotomy.
Sargon is a faggot because he is trying to placate some kind of "big brain centrist" bullshit.
"hurr durr the violence is on both sides"
Its not right now, but its going to be. The horseshoe should rather be regarded as a pressure valve for civil war. Right now the far left is ALL THE WAY at the bottom, they are actively engaged at end stage leftism which is communist/anarchist violence and insurrection.
The right is still in the purgatory zone in the middle headed towards the bottom. You think the average normie doesn't see MAGA hat wearing civic cuck Americans getting beaten in the street by literal communists? the "anti fa is trying to achieve violence through peace" "black lives riot" tier bullshit.
The right wing which IS traditionalist and reactionary is VERY slow to boil. Which in the middle of the horseshoe still holds true. But continue to push and suddenly all that principled shit goes out the door and the right wing will do exactly what they have promised to do for a veryyyyyyy long time. Inside every good god fearing christian white male is a man who just wants to murder left faggots and niggers with impunity.
Thats what the bottom of the horseshoe is, absolute indistinguishable violence, the winner will be vilified as he writes history portraying himself as the poor trodden upon victim underdog who struck back against tyranny. Im not saying the left is correct, by all measure's their in the "wrong" by their OWN FUCKING DEFINITON, which is why they simply move the goalpost. I wont attempt to rationalize that discourse since its merely going "democrats aredarealraycis" winnin is all dats real
cry more kike
>Nah, that would require some traditionalist and reactionary thought, which you don't have
Rationalizing a violent end, or tendency, is no way to define ideology at all. We literally beat, tarred and feathered our loyalists neighbors during and before the revolution. The loyalists also beat and killed their revolutionary neighbors. It doesn't make them the same thing. That's my grip with the Sarcuck "muh radical centrism" shtick.
This is objectively true. Before the invasion of shitskins the pure-white socialist countries with 100+ iq's were fucking awesome places to live and grow up in. They were consistently rated the greatest places to live on earth.
The only problem is these isolated homogeneous societies are not tempered to strength by adversity...which is why they are so susceptible to "diversity".
Its more like a disease or a cancer infesting a host with no natural defenses. There is a reason why eastern Europe is going to be preserved while the entirety of the west is going to be destroyed... unless whites chimp out.
This is why you are an idiot. Left and right mean nothing when its whites rationalizing discourse against other whites.
Now, leftards using subterfuge to destroy the white country is a serious problem... but it wasn't whites that did it, well...(((fellow whites))).
In the end, truly white countries BECOME. Whites find a way to make it work if all the whites are invested in the society. So long as high iq hard working agreeable whites are all working towards their own society the differences between a 2 percent tax or a 2.3 percent tax becomes irrelevant. Which is what "left vs right" in america originally was.
In eastern Europe the voting left vs right just mandates whether prayer is voluntary or not, otherwise their almost indistinguishable.
You surely haven't brought it into an argument here. At any rate, these niggas you love to hate do have this, at their core, making them right wingers, whether you like that or not. Nothing to do with muh gubmin size, nothing to do with markets.
it was an entertaining piece of political theater
I'm pretty sure Spencer planned it that way as he didn't really seem to have a prepared speech and just took on the audience
>This is (You) why you are an idiot.
No, it's why you're an idiot. Identitarianism is nigger tier philosophy based entirely on muh feels. White liberals are 100 times worse than a black traditionalist and your nigger tier system does nothing to account for that, in fact it supports the leeches on society just because they're white. Removing safety nets is the absolute key to a prosperous society, but spencer wants the exact opposite.
someone redpill me on tan suits
spencer is such a fucking shill. anyone going to his events is as retarded as he is.
I am not calling them "the same thing" in a literal ideological sense. The "far" part is what makes the distinction. At the "far" stage any attempt at reconciliation is simply impossible. The only solution then is segregation or extermination.
This is known as balkanization. The bottom of the horseshoe elaborates on this idea perfectly. It demonstrates on one hand, the FUNDAMENTAL difference, whatever it may be, between two groups that have drawn a distinction between one another. This is the gap at the bottom. BUT, it also shows how they are almost exactly alike in the way that BOTH of their ideologies have come to the conclusion that no amount of reconciliation could ever bridge that gap and that their conclusions are fundamentally identical regardless of how they got there.
They are the same. but different. The WAY they got down there is DIFFERENT. BUT, they are there regardless, its hitlers "final solution" or mao's "cultural revolution".
Proximity plus diversity = conflict. That is what horseshoe explains.
Sargon's faggotry is trying to pretend like he is literally and figuratively "above it" by fence sitting in the middle of the horseshoe.
LOOK HOW MUCH BETTER THAN YOU I AM BIG BRAIN RADICAL CENTRIST KEK NIGGA. hahah wow you picked a side? wow, that might actually take conviction and ass hurts from sitting on this fence so much.
The thing sargoy doesnt realize is horseshoe theory PULLS APART. It HAS to DRAW people to one side or the other, its the "gravity" aspect of the horseshow, you have no choice you fence sitting faggot. Pick a side.
Sargon refuses to pick a side, and in doing so hes actually cucking for the left. Hes leaning heavily left and he is preventing the "far right" side from rising up. he is running interference for the far left. He is allowing the left to win, while denying the right that same privilege. Its a way to wage lefty war through deception. The left NEVER EVER denounces their radical elements.
>he hasn't taken the tanpill
you'll never make it
Nice, anti-white! In reality, this is how groups of people have operated since.. well since forever, and you have no answer to that at all, besides some other form of consumerism we've been doing since the 60's and thinking safety nets was the actual problem (to a degree of animosity over who benefits from it, it does, but not much more). Really, this idea that identity shouldn't be in politics is about as old as you are. All politics are based on identity and world view informed from that identity. 1400 white british children in Rotherham weren't turned out by Paki's because of social safety nets.
>tfw born too north for tan suits, cowboy boots, hats, and bolo ties
Kek is here. Spencer is a great public speaker. I don't think he's going to fulfill his vision though. We should implement Fascism for FIRST, then people will naturally segregate and we'll get what we want. Trying to implement an ethnostate here NOW with all these marxist around will fail. Have to crush the left first. CRUSH THE LEFT FIRST.
I need proofs that's not Spencer's mom ?
Excellent rundown
This is the only way you low iq identitarians can argue, by strawmanning and setting up false equivalencies. It's because you're marxists at heart.
Accusing me of being anti-white because I know that social safety nets are a cancer, is equivalent of calling me transphobe because I don't think mentally ill men who put on dresses should be able to rape children in the woman's bathroom.
this is the last time i feel like replying to you, because you are clearly baiting. I will address your troll thus.
>Identitarianism is nigger tier philosophy based entirely on muh feels
Race is real, there is plenty of evidence and Occam's razor demands it to be so. There is no arguments to be made for it being based on feels, especially when every other group ON EARTH is allowed to advocate for their own interests and yet you deny this to white people. Your argument is simply ANTI-WHITE.
> White liberals are 100 times worse than a black traditionalist
>Removing safety nets is the absolute key to a prosperous society
Blacks are the reason why those massive safety nets exist. They are the majority of the welfare recipients, they majority of crime which drains the public purse to redress not to mention the "nigger tax" society pays. A good deal of white liberals are paying taxes and working hard. The problem with white liberals is they dont preach what they practice, they defer to niggers and cuck for them at every turn. They facilitate the creation of a larger state apparatus to then care for those nogs which they run interference for.
You need to get your head on straight, is race real or not, are blacks good for a society or not? are whites leeches or does replacing them with beaners and shipping the rest of their jobs overseas have something to do with that?
You are willfully ignoring other arguments that go against your basic bitch-bertarian shit tier ideology that treats everyone as a radical individual economic unit.
Its why any libertarian with any principal becomes alt right. You have arguments to be made, but if you ignore contradictory facts that disagree with aspects of your worldview that you use to construct your narrative you will quickly be found toothless and impotent.
You want a libertarian society? kick out all the shitskins and muds, your "based black guy in a trump hat" shit is old and boring, you are old and boring.
Cry me a shekel river for mocking you. This is the way you Libertarians/AnCaps argue. I point out that you don't have an answer for a real phenomena, because it doesn't revolve around economics or social safety nets. The anti-white bit is mockery, you really need to learn to tell the difference. Even greats like Homme have admitted that this way of seeing the world has been failing. Why, just before you argued like Sargon, a liberal. Is it because you're a liberal at heart?!?! Probably not.
t. Gregor Strasser
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
White Genocide is real - In their own words
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
You can execute pedos without an ethnostate.
That's Richard Spencer's Russian wife? Isn't she part Middle Eastern?
You can avoid multicultural and multiracial conflict in all of its forms with one. I'd rather they not be there to do this in the first place.
It's not usually a good idea to openly admit you're gay around these parts
fuck off nazi
>It's like when I bring a pizza from home to pizza hut.
top kek
Nothing like a kike in traditional garb talking bout hitler and pizza in the same breath. The fact he was a journalist is just a cherry on top.