What is Sup Forums stance in smartphones and children?
What is the optimal age for a kid to own a smartphone?
What is Sup Forums stance in smartphones and children?
What is the optimal age for a kid to own a smartphone?
14 at the earliest I think. And they're only going to get a shitty trackphone.
Maybe they can get a smartphone when they're a junior in highschool.
This shit is for lazy parents really, and they should not have any business being a parent if this is the case.
Shitty phone until they have a job.
Good idea
But that would cause your kids to get bullied in school
Even better reason for them not to have one then! Teaches them to fight for themselves; a vital life skill.
>according to top addiction experts, "giving your child a smartphone is like giving them a gram of cocaine."
>mexican flag
makes sense
smartphones are like nannies; how the fuck my child would remain entertained when i fucking the neightborg slut?
It's like connecting the Jew straight to a kid's brain when they are most vulnerable. No.
16 at earliest after I know for sure that they know what the kikes are up to.
C'mon man the kikes begin brainwashing our youth the second the begin their education in preschool.
My fourth grader just got in trouble for a fake moustache and a roman salute at school. He's doing just fine.
>a toddler getting in problem for a roman salute
Teach him to hide the power level
In the 14-16 range. I'm all for giving them a call/text-only phone when they're younger, so you can keep track of them
>boomers this afraid of technology because of how shit their parenting skills are
Kek, I love watching them squirm
>What is Sup Forums stance in smartphones and children?
Silicon Valley executives, the people who make these devices, do not allow their own children to use them.
I'm serious. Look it up. That should tell you all that you need to know. People who let their kids zone out to a tablet or phone are legitimately bad people and bad parents.
>Kids having smart phones?
HELL NO. It’s ruining society and they develop NO social skills.
I think the right age would be 14-15 when I got my first smart phone.
I have a stupid consonant-heavy Germanic last name and I grew up in Boston around a bunch of dagos and micks and portagees. As a kid- everyone always called me a nazi. Totally embraced it. May have gotten in trouble before I learned to hide my power level.
We're working on it.
>(((top experts)))
Then you son buffs up and become a Chad
I got my kid a tracfone in 7th grade.
That what he had until he got a job at 14 & saved up and bought himself an Iphone.
I've agreed to pay for his service (we got a decent deal).
The orginal reason we got the phone was because he was going to a different middle school than a lot of friends, and this enabled them to keep in touch.
>bullied for not having a smartphone
Jesus Christ
When they can fucking pay for it.
i dont have a smartphone
i dont have children
I don't want my children to be retards, so at least 16 yo. I will teach them to use the internet safely, but that's it for screens.
Correct, don't do it you shitty parents.
And make sure you teach your kid to do every last fucking chore you can think of and earn every dollar they receive so they don't become entitled socialist pieces of shit.
>Give a tablet
Yeah, I've heard something about bill gates doing so