Will you be supporting Bernie Sanders in 2020?
Will you be supporting Bernie Sanders in 2020?
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he'll be dead by 2020.
>support a socalist
Yeah, no.
Depends if it's being used to pay for his next vacation home or the lawyers defending his wife for fraud.
i thought you where getting rid of trump nov 4
you dont even trust in your own victory, thats why you lose, on top of being a useless loser faggot
only if he takes 75% of my paycheck to help put more dun nuffins in college
>stealing ron paul's rEVOLution slogan bullshit
Fucking commies steal everything
why are you trying to rip off ron paul's meme you retarded commie faggot. gtfo.
I see the Berniebros have redistributed Ron Paul's Revolution logo to themselves. So, no.
As a person who voted, gave money and donated time to Bernie, FUCK NO.
We're a year and a half past the primary, and he hasn't stood up against the primary rigging once. Not even to save himself, but to support his followers.
Watching what happened to Bernie in real time over 8 months, and then getting Wikileaks emails proving he agreed to all of it a year previously, was the best red pill I've ever received. Further, he's been an absolute DNC boot licker ever since, jumping on whatever talking points they want him to talk about.
If Tulsi runs, I'm voting for her. If she doesn't, I'm voting for Trump.
this wtf
Sad part bernie agrees with that. But on thought far too low to only give half.
God damn I hate kikes so much.
Gibs me moar shekels goys
I'm excited how he will top "Free college and free healthcare". Possibly free everything? If he does run again it will just be for a payday; he stood no chance last time and now his fans with an IQ over 90 know he was complicit was the DNC rigging of the primaries last go round.
fuck no. If America raises taxes anymore it will be the death of corporate America (which is not a good thing) Jobs will leave this country faster than you can imagine, our taxes will go up, but GDP will go down and our deficit will increase.
No, I'll be too busy supporting his supporters with my tax dollars.
No. I enjoy owning things and having stuff.
Hopefully him and Bannon make a natsoc ticket in 2020 to form one giant populist movement against the establishment.
u n i v e r s a l p r e s c h o o l
1-If you are a shill, open this link. If they dont allow you there is something shady going on.
1.1-The text is called new order of barbarians, if they tell you the site have virus or something like that, search at your prefered web browser and read it at another site.
2-Read the entire text.
3-The text is not so huge, this was not made to make sure you read something and stop working while doing it, you can do both at the same time.
3.1-If they dont allow you yo read the text saying you can't read external links at work time, read at home, remember the text is called new order of barbarians, again, new order of barbarians.
If they aren't telling you everything they wont allow you to read the text.
If somehow not even them, know everything, and allow you to read it, then read it anyway, the way you act will be influenced by the text and they will force you to quit or whateaver and you will see they werent telling you everything.
Why do they think this is clever? It’s like “Eracism” bumper stickers sounds like digital racism
You bet man! College is my birth right!
>Wikileaks emails proving he agreed to all of it a year previously,
the fuck are talking about? He agreed to support hillary if he lost. He was not in with the rigging.
You'd have to be literally retarded to let yourself get bamboozled twice by this con artist Jew.
Who the fuck made that graphic and tried to co-opt the Ron Paul Revolution logo? Typical fucking socialist, can't create anything of their own.
Not your property you capitalist whore
Bernie will be shilling basic income next time. He isn’t a serious candidate. He was a useful idiot who sold out to become a paid stooge. They used him as a token challenger to push the Overton window to the left, so the rest of the party can shift towards socialism and appear reasonable.
Fucking hell, can't we get a Ron Paul 2.0 in 2020? On the Republican ticket so he can actually win?
What a fucking dream come true that would be but of course it can never happen.
Will he be alive in 2020?
Cruz destroyed him.
Ofc not
No. The fucking social justice commies have gotten even more insane. Sanctuary cities, goat fucker loving, nothing is sacred empty barrels.
Time for helicopter rides.
So the great hope for the democrats in 2020 is... a smaller, frailer, decrepit version of Michael Dukakis...
If it comes down to him and Clinton in the primaries like it was in 2016, I will vote for him then
You do know love backwards is Evil?
You are aware dead people can't run for PotUS, aren't you?
I hate to be the one to break this too you, but
Why do you think the FBI suddenly started investigating his wife after Hillary lost? That was the leverage. The same FBI that was fixing Hillary's investigations we're being the enforcers to their opponents.
>when you actually believe the powers that be will let Bernie get the nomination
grow up, kid
They might let him now, now that he's shown to be a spineless shill for (((them))) when the chips are down.
>le Bernie is Chavez meme
If you support this psychotic crazy old fucker, you were the dumbest son of a bitch in history. You can’t possibly believe his bullshit can you? He’s an absolute fraud, and absolutely nothing he says makes any mathematical sense whatsoever. You people are fucking retarded
that still doesn't have anything to do with the rigging
He gets my vote next time. Fuck drumpf.
>le Bernie is communist meme
Berniecrats and Clintoncrats need to get the fuck out of my party
bernouts are mostly gay men and cat ladies
>our capitalism works-
>everyone can make it*
*(as long as you live in 'socialist' countries)
Once a cuck always a cuck
Doesn't this just show that healthcare costs are rising regardless of who is paying for it?
>A politician agreeing to terms to benefit another politician isn't rigging
>Asks you to donate anyways
I know you're burnt, dude. Me too. In Bernie's own words: Stay angry. Best thing you can do to honor him is too make sure a spineless quitter doesn't get anywhere close to a progressive populist movement again.
2012 was our last chance. We didn't listen.
>To provide quality, virtually free childcare, to provide free higher education, to provide virtually free health care, it costs money. Nothing is free. Taxes are high. You're right.
>But I would suggest that the average American would rather pay $3,000 more in taxes and see a $5,000 premium to a private insurance company disappear. They will be better off.
Sanders had a question from a Danish citizen, who said that Bernie wants to spend like a scandinavian but not tax like one
i dont even know anyone who pays a $5000 premium, but id rather pay more taxes to the government than give more profits to these insurance companies.
he basically agreed to a NAP which she didn't follow anyway, how is that his fault?
Ron Paul should sue your ass off.
Get a tapeworm too while you're at it.
non chekd the quads
feels bad
It's like you conveniently have forgotten every rigged primary and caucus. Every rigged news article. How they blocked him completely from access to database voter info. From these fucks directly cheating in caucus votes to getting AP news to run California for Clinton a full day before they started voting.
I don't know why I'm bothering. If you haven't stood up for yourself by now, you never will.
no, I will be directly opposing him.
But questioning magical capitalism that's never been tried but still made everything great today is literally communism and kills 100 billion people!
you aren't American. fuck off.