>northerners like blacks as a concept but hate them as individuals
>southerners hate blacks as a concept but like them as individuals
how true is this?
Northerners like blacks as a concept but hate them as individuals
Not very
Slightly true.
hate blacks as a whole and most of them as individuals
t. yankee
I can at least confirm as a northerner that blacks are WAY fucking friendlier down south than they are up north. In fact people in general just are. I dreaded having to talk to store associates in New York and Boston, always looked forward to talking to ones in Georgia and SC.
t. former help desk associate for a nationwide retail chain
Not at all really. Southerners fucking hate black people
>liberal meme stating a black man is confused for supporting law and states rights
>liberals assuming he's confused because he's black
>liberals are so racist they think all blacks should feel the same as all other blacks
Holy shit fuck liberals
Blacks down south usually know to act white at work and such. Especially rural region's.
You know how you dummies are always crying about race traitors? Why do you think other races don't have them?
It's a legit question. I often feel white in northern liberal cities virtue signal a lot but won't have anything to do with blacks while southerners talk a lot of shit but don't mind working with them that much.
Why are northern blacks so insufferable? Leniency?
lived both north and south and yes it is actually true
don't go to pol for your information
This fuck niggers, although most shitlibs around here that live around them will constantly make excuses for their shitty behavior i dont know if they secretly hate them but they cuck hard to niggers
In the South, blacks can get close as long as they don't get uppity
In the North, blacks can get uppity as long as they don't get close
yup and bigger gibs so they think that just because they blew half their SSI on a fresh pair of jordans their hot shit
That's a good way of putting it.
Because the US is a majority white country so all the problems are put onto the backs of middle class white men.
Silly nigger.
Northerners more pretend to like them as individuals
I'm a middle class white man and my life is great. Just get a job and stop crying about black people, it works.
Are southern cities as segregated as northern ones?
Yankees are full of shit when it comes to race. They live in segregated communities yet bemoan how "racist" their cities are. Some of the SJW types move into the nigger neighborhoods and either quickly learn why people are racists or make excuse after excuse as to why they are robbed, harassed, and beaten.
Southerners actually have to live with and interact with black people on a daily basis, so while they learn to be racist due to the sheer number of niggers, at least for me I have noticed a lot better black individuals here. So yes I hate niggers as a group but I will always evaluate an individual in order to determine if he fits into that category.
I live in Wisconsin and trust me, a pink haired piercing liberal college girl still doesn't like blacks. They don't openly express but when you get private with one of these lib gals they seem to be more than mildly racist towards Blacks
I've always heard the south has black people. They know how to act and are polite and not idiots and criminals. Then you have nigs who are the stereotype.
Not so much, no
that flag is part of the regional identity of the south. i didn't understand it until people started attacking the redskins. when I see a redskins logo, I don't think of the "plight of oppressed indigenous people" and get offended, i think of football. i do get offended when I see a cowboys bumper sticker on a car with VA plates.
They buy in easier into nignog culture.I know at least a few black friends that voted Trump or would have if they would have voted.
Do you think blacks would segregate as much if state and city officials stopped walking on eggs around them and treated them as any other citizen?
niggers are like a mold, you don't treat it as individual cells, you scrub it off as a whole.
Of course. It's mostly self-segregation
bigger wealth gap. i'm from MS and my brother moved to baltimore. dude hates blacks and even he feels sorry for the ones up there. he said there's no middle ground you either don't own a car or you drive an audi or lexus. in the south, there's tons of poor blacks but there's also tons of poor whites so the racism is more overt but probably milder because whites have to share the space. MS if fucking %70 black in some RURAL areas. you can't just be a dick head to %70 of the population. it's too much work and it's too hot to fight about shit anyways.
pretty accurate OP
Ditto for city vs rural as well.
To touch on this, northerners/city folk dont care how hard niggers chimp out as long as it's not next door, Southerner's don't care if a nigger lives next door as long as they don't chimp out. So that gives you your Chicago's up north, while down here, even though we have more niggers, they're usually more domesticated.
my point was the same is true for blacks. why fight? there are no white enclaves to hate, it's just your goofy redneck neighbor. no point in pissing him of so no one is really insufferable. that all changes in places like memphis and atlanta because, again, the wealth gap between whites and blacks is huge in metros.
It really is that bad? We don't have such wealth disparities here.
afaik black communities want to stay black, and are quite vocal about whites moving in and "gentrifying" aka raising the property value. I do think more and more blacks are realizing that the Dems coddle them and talk down to them and never have their best interests at heart, they just want votes.
I live on the Left Coast and I hate them as a people and most of them as individuals. Then again, blacks rarely see themsevles as individuals and think individualism is racist, so I'm probably doing them as favor by judging them collectively.
Remember that whole protesting over Boston public schools busing integration back in the early 1980s. I remember one of the docs had a black guy say something along the lines of "the people protesting us were not Southern neo-Confederates but northern whites who probably voted democrat". Also never forget Samantha Bee's hypocrisy on charter schools; she doesn't want her kids around black people
It just goes to show how yankees don't understand southern culture.
Southerners (Conservatives) hate minorities but have a live n let live attitude (Dont start no shit wont be no shit) liberal cities act like they love minorities but only while they can stay in their gated communities or have their "dress code" enforced establishments. I'm a minority and only experience actual racism while in extremely liberal cities
Blacks from down south, Africa or the Caribbean are just fine. The coastal/northern pavement ape is subhuman.
This is true, but it's because there are more nogs in the South than there are in the North. We virtue signal a lot up here, but it's an outward projection to hide subconscious feelings of superiority to both niggers and Dixies
>like memphis
there doesn't seem to be that way to me having lived there, not that there wasnt crime or hate, but i mean the better parts of town tended to still be pretty shitty unless you lived all the way out to the edges of the city for an hour commute to litterally anywhere. even then its still pretty shitty.