
This is your Master for tonight

About as dead as the friends that abandoned him.

How can a skeleton be moe
Why is Ainz-sama so moe

Is there some sort of preview of what volt 11 will be about?
Like a product description?

If there is it wasn't linked/pasted here at least and I can't be arsed to find it on web runestore so you can have the cover instead.

Ainz-sama visits the dwarf kingdom to find more about runes, which are a remnant of either Yggdrasil or his old world.

>dat art
Praise So-bin
Ainz is back to his regular Divine Gear and ditched the alt red robe.

I hear there will be a FanFic release around the same time thats about dwars, what a coincidence right?

at last


why doesnt ainz sama just cast a temporary transformation spell to become fleshy for an hour so he can fug his wife?

Surely must be the work of Ainz-sama. Truly amazing.

because it just wouldn't be the same

the same as what? we already know from the mini series theres an item that can restore his NEET feels.

certainly there is a spell that can change your race. why cant he find a way so he becomes human or whatever temproarily,and can knocks up albedo a few times before the spell ends. we
unless he can just summon a skeleton cawk, or use some sort of magic strapon.

>Even suggesting filthy humo cock should be anywhere near Albedo, let alone in her
Poor choice, shouldn't even be considered.

the same as using his actual dick

it would just be like using a meat strap-on

thats the point, he ain't got no actual dick. he could give her the skelleton boners but ainz woudnt feel it. he might achieve mental orgasm if he used that item from the mini series. but, albedo needs her masters sperm to penetrate her virulent eggs for LOTS of babies.

> might achieve mental orgasm

Don't think 'might" could be used here. His auto suppression triggers too strong.

sempai did you even watch pure pure pleadies? its all about an item that removes his auto-suppression and unfeeling undead demenor.

>tfw just explaining you're brilliant keikaku to you're friend's children.
>needed some visuals to better explain it.
>browse my magic mirror in front of the kids to show them these nigger's filthy swamp.
>"ohh look kids these is where the niggers chieftain lives"
>zoom closer to their fucking huts.
>suddenly this slut is being humped by a litteral nigger.
>brush it off politely because muh children.
>after a few days of kiekaku, finally met this slut upfront.
>her first few words are about agreeing to being humped by a spooky skelly.
Why is crusch such a slut.

Is Pure Pure Pleaiades even canon?

why woudnt it be? who cares?

who is best maid? and why is it nabe

I detected something.

fit me fgt


Nice. Gonna discuss MMOs with him.

September 16th right? That's when overlord comes back to tv?

Sep 30th user.

any date on chapter 19?