He fucking did it. He motherfucking did it. 10/19/2017 Remember that date. That is when we broke into the main stream.
Other urls found in this thread:
JIDF on suicide watch.
>it hurt
No.. no Goy..
Go back to sleep..
if spencer gets assassinated then ill know he is the real deal otherwise hes just another peddler
cia spook
closet fag
redneck tennessee yall! accent
nothing to see here
>We're growing stronger
>broke into the mainstream
>began larping irl
>announced faggotry to the world
when will all the spencer supporters finally admit to being closeted homosexuals?
its ok if you guys only want to fuck each other
I'd say nobody will care
what did he do?
how about a quick rundown?
any videos?
>when will all the spencer supporters finally admit to being closeted homosexuals?
I think they've admitted it among themselves. This pic is evidence.
Redemption Arc Complete
n the span of a single speech Spencey BTFO of the following:
> Israel
> Bolsheviks
> College kids
> Disruptors
> The "you're a nazi" narrative
> The "the nazi argument was settled 70 years ago" non argument
> Anti-whites
> A screeching kike in the audience
> Multiple screeching roasties
> The Jewish media
> Autistic Talmudism
> Niggers
> Moarpheus
> The World
>we must secure a future
>cia spook
>closet fag
>redneck tennessee yall! accent
>nothing to see here
Why does he look like Elvis?
someone got a quick bogdown?
doday is the day op was controlled
I've always thought Spencer was alright, at least not bad enough to actively counter-signal.
There's little utility in punching right after all.
But all these positive Spencer threads smell shilly to me.
Just a reminder that actively promoting nazism is a direct call to violence and anyone who
might fall victim to nazi genocide is justified in taking any measures necessary to defend
themselves against that direct threat of violence to them.
Fash status:
(X) bashed
( ) not bashed
>we wuz nazis n shieeeet
>this is the power of the Aryaniggers mustard race
How embarrassing?
Where can I find the full speech?
I missed it all. What happened? Anything good?
He sounds like a nasely little bitch though
1st amendment says otherwise. Have fun getting arrested and sued.
He was fantastic desu
faggy cia faggot say faggy things until anyone asks anything he can't think of a smartass reply to
then kike boyfriend who is obviously their one not white friend takes over mike when he gets flustered
more left/right white/black cia/soros narrative
all in all
just another
in the fall
what happened? I was working 8 days straight. what did I miss? video?
The constitution doesn't apply to nazis.
That all you got, antifaggot?
>implying leftist trash abides by any rules it doesn't agree with
Leftists are children who constantly justify their shitty actions and ideals by constantly reframing everything as them being inherently "good" while everything they disagree with as "evil".
It's why they're needing to be crushed over and over again until we've stamped their retardation out completely.
fuck off shill
He told a joke he was talking in Talmudic autistic reasoning. Fucking keked.
>INB4 Richard Spencer turns out to be a gay Jew
why are these shops of him so funny
And this is why Communist should be charged with sedition.
This is not a joke.
I hope some Alt-Right prosecutor decides to start applying sedition laws as they already exist.
Just enforce laws that already exist.
Oh the ironing
D-Day went well (dickie day).
Stormed the beaches of the mainstream and not have ourselves a beachhead.
something is wrong with his head/face
>the sucker puncher ran away while surrounded by a crowd of friendlies
>an entire crowd
suck a dick like your hero does, stormfaggot
It's pretty interesting how there's a few people who call him a faggot spook every single time he's brought up.
KEK That face is so memeable.
all this is is little baby college students doing sports like cheer protests.
>That is when we broke into the main stream
He did what? How did he break into mainstream? That lisping faggot ended his speech short because of all the booing. He's a Soros plant that makes the right look like a bunch of tiki torch carrying retards.
The right was gaining allot of momentum before Trump was even on the scene because Obama was such a colossal faggot. The left along with Soros knew Dems were going down in 2016. What else could they do besides plant some fake young guy to go around and make the right look like literal Nazis. Enter Dick Spencer. Honestly it's a pretty good plan and anyone who thinks this is not true is naive.
>so cucked that he cant even draw a real swastika
we find anything funny. where are you again?
Seriously wtf is wrong with dudes head.
well by this logic if you hate nazis you must be secretly gassing jews in your free time
No he didn't. Don't provoke people to watch it, they'll come away disappointed. If you do watch it, fast-forward past the crowd chants.
Those photoshopped pics of Spencer always give me a chuckle
somebody do one with an antifa unable to tell men and women apart
he seemed incoherent and he has an annoying whiny voice I swear he acts and sounds like a textbook FAGGOT
I have never heard him speak before and after listening for a half hour I have no idea what the fuck he "stands for"
They are. They're shills on the side of the angels, but they'll raise expectations. There was no speech, and only a few bits of alt-right ideas in the Q+A. Mike retreated into paranoia per usual, Eli clanked one answer. All heavy stuff was dodged. I don't know why he chooses to do that.
Enoch and Eli's answers might please the 20-yo contingent of the alt-right, but we need more serious material, to attract alt-right-curious normies. Of course, maybe antifa itself, and our world's circumstances will do that work for us, but it's a shame that people's speeches can't help that along. I really doubt any of those today, did.
Did you mean the Q+A perhaps?
Lol 15 of you fags showed up and got shouted down
Anybody have a link to his speech?
Aware me my twitters shoah'd pleaseeeee
"Alt-right" is fucking cancer, just a bunch of autists and e-celebs who think the huwhyte race can be saved with Internet debates and frog memes
just antifa shouting, chanting, squelching Richard's attempt at speaking. Nothing new or informative in the Q&A. Mike Enoch responded to a reasonable question with charges of it being an attack (fuckhead! he's one-note; leave him chained in the dungeon until you need that). Richard answered with his usual waffly vagueness. Eli gave an answer that would please alt-righters but not sell us to anyone else.
Wuz shitshow.
It was more like a press conference q&a unless I missed something
>That is when we broke into the main stream.
Really? he was heckled for an hour and got bad questions.
regardless, anybody have a link?
Guy has some balls, I respect him. Unfortunately all the aut-righters will claim he's a fed plant to give them "bad pee arr" or some shit.
Watch his interview with roaming millenial. He's pretty clear about wanting an ethnostate, though I'm not sure he has a plan to get one.
Absolutely fucking true.
More like Pizzagate Is-rael!!!! Amiright!?!? Get it!? Hey... Do you guys get it?
Egg head jew spencer running whites into retarded nigger fighting tactics
It's amazing. Spencer destroyed the protestors.
the kvetching today has been glorious
> Everything in the world is aligned with my fantasies and goes according to the plan I have in my mind. After the fact.
Lol cuz they're penises XD
I was driving around the beautiful state of Alaska today. Can I get QRD?
Stop eating little children you goblin.
those protestors really are only hurting their own cause
This is objectively false.
yes. being mealy-mouthed must be deliberate. But mostly this time, he was stopped from giving his speech. Actually he could have given it over the chanting and the recording would have picked it up fine, but, he probably couldn't hear himself think.
>support fading
>handlers tell MSM to give him more attention
>17 people show up to rally
You finished white people
We're just getting started. The white birthrate is already back up into the majority, probably thanks to Trump. Sorry brown guy.
> bad questions
I know, right? The two best came from white kids. I wonder if he contemplated pointing that out ;)
This was spencer's biggest audience yet, online where it matters.
Is it me or does richard spencer and the whites in the room, (of course im not meaning all whites) have these lispy "trebley" gay voices?
It's too bad there weren't more alt-righters there - I guess Florida is too far gone to non-white.
that haircut is not a good way to represent
jews create this little trap where if white people defend themselves its nazi. at a certain point soon i think it won't be enough, because the anti white plan is so bare to see.
nice 88s you fucking faggot heil hitler
>Wants to use physical violence against those who go against the state
What did you mean by this?
you know these pics of him are photoshopped to make his head awkward, right?
It's because aut-righters are cowards. I honestly have more respect for Antifa than you guys at this point. Anyone with balls like the swastika guy is a "fed plant" to "make the movement look bad".
People don't want to get doxxed, of course there won't be tons of people showing up. Every university campus is shitlib central, just like every city is. Always going to be hard to find people willing to risk ruining their career prospects.