Skyking - Possible Nork test Edition

Possible LARP for a Nork missile test
Time to listen, just in case
[Loc J032kf]

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Rolling for a happening tonight

kim is a pussy

go to sleep

Cobra Ball and Constant Phoenix up around Japan.

Tonight's the night and tomorrow's the day

Fucking checked



Atleast 2 E6 up

Norks are obviously being hit hard by sanctions, have subsequently turned down the bravado "somewhat".

Thanks for the info.

list of SKYKING 'Go' Words (Band Names are common)
>The Cars
>The Birds
>Pink Floyd
>Foo Fighters
>Led Zeppelin
>The Doors

Rivet Joint in Racetrak

Uniform 5 is calling for unrestricted climb from S.Korea ATC. Any info?

Wew lad
what freq?

S. Korea ATC.

I heard clearwater last night. what does that mean.

No idea

I reckon NK will stop with the tests, and they'll just start producing weapons now; their HS-12 and 14 IRBM and ICBM work, and their small thermonuclear warhead works.

If they don't provoke, then they don't risk the chance of the world (US) having enough and going in.

This is what I'd do if I was Little Kim, then focus on social politics to make the people happy.

Then, when they've got 100-200 ICBMs with nuke warheads, they can be assured safety.

Kill Bill is one too

They've used it the past month, and also last year at least.

2 Pac is another

List any you can recall

Going through my log for others:

>Van Halen
>Deep Purple
>Pearl Jam

And one Skybird call had "Brother"

thanks man
Looks like Bands and Movies are their Go words ahahah

Doubtful, NK has been saber rattling for decades. It’s their behavior to get what they want with food, money, oil and other aide. NK likely escalates if they stop getting what they want.

In my opinion, NK didnt do SHIT during Oct 10th-18th as expected by CIA to remain surprising (they also moved around TEL's randomly to do this too). It is finally great sunny weather in NK and will be for the coming week. They need to do a test soon, likely the KN-08 to support their claim they won't negotiate with USA until they can prove they can hit the East Coast.

Putin warned a few hours ago not to back Kim into a corner. WW3 is on its way mate

Slow night today?

I just don't think Trump is the same as the former presidents; either he's doing the madman strategy to get talks, or he really means it that he'll go in if there's no denuclearization.

NK does seem rattled by Trump.


P8 earlier

P8 off Florida Coast

anyone has the skyking bingo?

I deleted it by mistake

A black asking for free things, no surprise there.


Its fucking nothing.

Oh shit,,, is that the time?.. fuck its like 1am.

I feel sleepy, anyone else? im tired. im going to bed and have a nice long sleep.

Good night sweetie.

why are you sleep posting in a fucking SKYKANG thread?

Quick rundown, is this serious? Is it happening?
Tell me it's habbening.

>Possible LARP for a Nork missile test
> →

Wanted to see links... literal nothing.

Now, I'm gassed out and need sleep. I'll check RT news tomorrow to see if USA have "Fire & Fury"'d there way into nuclear war with NK, China and Russia.

Night night yankphaggot.

Holy shit, I live on the west coast of the US up near San Francisco and I JUST heard loud as fuck US jets just going fast somewhere, there were 4 of them.

Going East?

That's what you want to look for.

I'd expect more and more bombers heading out to Guam and such. F-22s would also head there with tankers.

I live near DC and I just saw Mattis and the Joint Chiefs of Staff flying over my house like superman.

They looked angry.


I mean West

Jap defense

Not seeing it on ADS-B Exchange.


Putin is right in that regard. Kim Jong Un must be given a way out. If he has no way out he also has no reason not to completely blow his load and launch every nuke and gas shell he has. Gotta leave some way for him to save his own neck, like abdication and exile. No real worries about him coming back into power afterwards; as soon as the North Koreans realize how much he's fucked them over they'll want to lynch him not reinstall him.

Yeah, they looked like they were headed to SF/ocean area. ALL 4 of them were ALL black US jets.

What class are all black US jets called??

The birds fly? November Uniform.

SKYKING Go-Word "The Bird" (?)



That skyking dude sounded sounded very stressed

Rolling for happening tonight

I may need to fix the squelch on my SDR. It cut off after The Birds.

probably the byrds (a band) given the history

You are correct sir

lots of anti-sub over seattle

I don't know what's up with that. I thought the band themed go-words were related to Exercise Formidable Shield, but it's over now as far as I know.

Agreed, I know Pearl Jam, Tupac and (I think) Creed got mentioned in one night? Or rocket man is watching Birdemic.

They've been using the Band names for years

theres a big naval base out there...prolly doing a training op with subs.

lurk moar
EAM swarms have started off with a SKYKING over the last few nights

or there's that 1% chance its the fucking NORKS

this is normal....those 2 are 2 of 4 that we have, other 2 are down for repair

Just looked up what the US all black jets I saw and I think they are F-22s Raptors...

Can someone confirm what I saw a couple of mins ago?? The US jets were headed to San Francisco/ocean are FAST. I remember seeing them late 4pm to around 5:10pm PST.


*area FAST

F-22s are not black. They're more like a dark grey and as far as I know they cannot be painted different colors due to their stealth materials. Also, there would be nothing in range. Assuming what you saw was correct (which honestly it's probably not), the only reason they would be heading out to sea would be to ferry to Hawaii - 19th fighter squadron operates F22s.


Led Zepplin Time 1, 3 Disregard?

He said disregard though. He fucked up the authentication.

Ok, I wonder what the all black US jets I saw..


Led Zeppelin,Kilo Foxtrot. Weird.

>lead zeppelin

I was wondering what was going on, I must have heard that message three times before he got it right.

Authentication Mike. disregard.

B-1s would be possible; they're fast and look pretty funky.


Kind of, they had more of the F-22 Raptors look to them.

If it helps, I saw 4 of them in formation, going FAST to San Fransisco/to the ocean area.

Nork Midget subs have penetrated into Florida waters from the sea

most of us wont ever know exactly what they some could do is a educated guess. could be code words for anything from a refueling flight to a f22 to a u2

They'd need a mothership to drop them off to get that far.

I don't think they allow Nork tankers and merchant ships to the US.

Some of the F-35s are painted really dark.



That's what I saw, 4 of them...

Thanks my dudes

Where are you located?

>f it helps, I saw 4 of them in formation, going FAST to San Fransisco/to the ocean area.

It's basically a full day of flying for them to go anywhere besides Hawaii. Crossing to Japan would take 3 in-flight refuelings. Possible sure, that's how stuff crosses the Pacific. Just sucks to be the guy in a cockpit for 20 hours wearing a diaper.

A city near Oakland, California


Probably an exercise
possibly going up to intercept a foreign flight nearing our airspace


Matt Stonie Confirmed.

Who is he??

Can we just get a nuclear war going already? I need some major happenings in my life so I can become the man I've always to be.

And by major happenings I mean total nuclear war across the world woth absolute carnage and mayhem.

>so I can become the man I've always to be

It won't go how you think it will in your mind, user.

They'd probably need all the combat capable F-35s they can get for a NK fight.

Lots of deep strike missions will be needed.

Maybe they were headed for Alaska.

Oh yeah, no doubt. Trouble is that moving them all over there beforehand is basically signalling to North Korea that a preemptive strike is eminent. I could see an additional wing being sent to Japan though. Most of the air power is going to have to be sent over in the first few days of the actual war though. Thank fuck the US has a bazillion tanker aircraft.

if the US uses ALL CONVENTIONAL weapons (aka non-nuclear you fucking idiots) how quick could they steam roll NK?

aka complete NK surrender no more threats

Yeah, see They'd need heaps and heaps of craft that can do deep strike missions on missiles, missile bases, C&C, SAM sites, staging areas, and whatnot (along with chemical weapon facilities and nukes ones, but B-2s will probably be tasked with them).

F-22s will escort the bombers and F-35s.

Tactical fighters (16s, 18s, and 15s) will be along the DMZ, as well as B-52s and B-1s early on.

