Texas is not cu-
Texas is not cu-
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oh vey
The primary reason I believe in the holocaust is that jews just never seem to know when the smart move is to ease up a bit.
Agree, if it wern't you'd think they wouldn't want draw attention to that right?
>Boycotting Israel
It's like boycotting Lesotho. If they didn't announce it, nobody would be any the wiser.
It might be why they are so eager to talk about what happened during the war but not the 10 years before it started. Can't let people see that the Nazis went after the Jews for a reason.
To join the US senate you must sign papers saying that you are pro-Israel
Le 56% face strikes again
NY is making it illegal to boycott israel
>op consists of a screencap with no link and half a sentence
This state has problems.
fucking triggered
I said Shlomo is a friend of mine
Rot the nation out from inside
Gave us interracial porn
A generation faps alone
You can learn about butt sex
Down in second grade sex ed
Teacher's gonna show you how
A little in and out
Don't Jew me like that
Don't Jew me like that
Please don't molest me baby
Don't Jew me like that
Don't Jew me like that
Don't Jew me like that
Please don't molest me baby
Don't Jew me like that
Listen goyim can't you see?
They're not like you and me
Ugly sweaty parasites
Selling us white genocide
They'll tell your girl she needs job
Better off than being a mom
Shlomo's gonna tell you lies
Til you become jew-wise
Don't Jew me like that
Don't Jew me like that
How bout some pogroms baby?
Don't, don't, don't, don't
Don't Jew me like that
Don't Jew me like that
How bout expulsion baby?
Don't Jew me like that
'Cause there is no place to hide
From this invasion, No one says no to Shlomo
I got this plan involving some gas chambers
But it's never been tried before...
Are you in financial straits?
Have a nice nation state?
Maybe they can help you out,
Dial your privilege down!
Then you can have (((equality)))!
End white supremacy
Shlomo's gonna tell you lies
You best become Jew-wise
Don't Jew me like that
Don't Jew me like that
What about white privilege baby?
Don't, don't, don't, don't
Don't Jew me like that
Don't Jew me like that
I'm just a bad goy baby
Don't Jew me like that
it's almost like there is a pattern but i just can't see it
This reeks of (((desperation)))
I wonder who is behind this
not what?
Not cute?
The fuck?
You realize it's not just Texas, right?
>no source
>everyone assumes it's true
Is this the cuckifornia circle jerk thread?
>Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed on Tuesday -- Israel's day of independence -- a robust anti-boycott Israel bill into law. The bill bans state entities from engaging in business with organizations and companies that support BDS.
>The new legislation is a shot into the arm of the anti-BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) movement in the US.
>“As Israel’s No. 1 trading partner in the United States, Texas is proud to reaffirm its support for the people of Israel and we will continue to build on our historic partnership... Anti-Israel policies are anti-Texas policies, and we will not tolerate such actions against an important ally," stated the governor at the signing ceremony.
>"The measure Gov. Abbott signed today became law with bilateral support because Texas stands with its business partners and for free trade. In her 69 years, Israel has become a thriving, burgeoning state by enjoying and sharing the fruits of individual freedom and a pioneering spirit for innovation and entrepreneurism," Charles Kaufman, who chairs B’nai B’rith’s International Center for Human Rights and Public Policy, told The Jerusalem Post. Kaufman, who resides in Austin, testified on behalf of the anti-BDS bill.
Nice try TIDF/JIDF
Boycotting Israel has already been illegal in all 50 states and abroad for 40 years.
So why was this bill signed in May if it was already illegal? Unless what you just said was inaccurate shlomo.
>Thinking that just because it isn't written, it isn't illegal
Silly goy, you can't even run for any public office if you step out of line. We enforce the rules, doesn't matter if they're on paper or not