>American Culture
This is the White Race you're so desperate to save?
>American Culture
This is the White Race you're so desperate to save?
America was great once, it can be great again.
Niggers and spics would be holding beers and 10 babies in the picture if not - so sure - I'll take the money spending consumerist chubby tech-savy white family ANY day over that shit.
A bonus, they didn't steal their gadgets!!!!
I don't understand why starbucks is "white"
I see so many fucking beaners there.
i've been saying this for years.
>Gainfully employed
>Unlikely to stage a home invasion
What's the problem here?
No, those are obviously leftist faggots. They get the rope.
So what, if it was a black family the kids would be SoundCloud rappers and the mom would have a weave that's more expensive than their rent and the dad wouldn't even be there.
And the Macs would've been stolen.
They are the nuclear white family and none of them have colored hair or it's being openly gay.
Don't try, righties are convinced Apple is a communist front.
they all have an apple product and go to starbucks and 3 of them are fat, the white race needs to stop being such consumerists
Fuck white people. Black culture is so much better.
Beautiful clean cut white family with smiles.
Unlike them coons
Yes, they are worth saving. They are not a drain on society and contribute more than the next 1000 niggers combined.
Mindless consumerism, like the picture above shows, is the ultimate form of White culture. Shitskins would never understand.
They look like a pretty happy, functional family.
They're the sheep, and the sheepdogs among us work to keep them safe from the wolves.
well this crackas are just ultimate consumers. Beside that everything looks fine. I don't understand why niggers are ashamed of such lifestyle, as they are consumers also, only diferent type of product. Why takeing drugs is cool and drinking fattening starbucks is not?
They're not ashamed, they're jealous that they can't afford it, and that is a direct result of Democrat policies to remove police enforcement from black areas, have the vacuum filled with gangs, keeping them reliant on welfare, and dumbing-down the school system.
That being said, it's not *extremely* difficult to move up in class, provided you make reasonably good decisions. But the black family in this country, for a number of reasons, has been torn to shreds.
I unironically would like to see more instances of OP's pic with black families.
I wish I had a family like this..
No, this is.
That's a right fine family right there that is.
>tfw this picture alone is 10x better than your childhood
>muh screenz
I fucking hate the future.