What do you think of him Sup Forums? I know he hasn't been too relevant as of late, but is he /ourguy/?
>Actually wants to Unite the Right.
>Isn't a divisive tool used by (((them))) like Richard Spencer
>Sympathetic to Nationalism
Augustus Invictus
Other urls found in this thread:
>worships Zeus and drinks goat blood.
>based Pagan
whats ur point
he's another CIA nigger
But it's more presentable than the last one, they are trying fascism with a human face.
>That can't be the plan cause it's terrible
He's a fucking idiot that LARPs as the slave owner from Django Unchained. He's embarrassing as fuck and should stay the fuck away from the cameras.
If he glows in the dark, just run 'em over. Thats what you fucking do
His Unite the Right speech was boardline kino
Is this that guy that kept saying Y'ALLLLL at the Spencer talk today?
Is he the guy who was saying ya'll ya'll ya'll at todays event in Florida?
the infamous fake southern accent wasn't an act for the sake of it
he's an occultist, he's channeling turn-of-the-century reconstruction era southerners or something, poorly
Spencer and the TRS guys are mushmouth, but its good that they're out there testing the waters and making public aesthetic failures so the right wing can learn from their mistakes
He's a race-mixer, and a crypto-jew. Fuck off with this shit.
He’s the most autistic person I’ve ever seen run for office.
kek the beginning was pretty great when he was talking about "them hanging our boys" with that accent
cringey roleplaying occult kike
BUMP so people can laugh at this edgy D&D
"muh magickkkkk!" betamale.
When the shills come out and play this hard you know hes good.
He’s a weirdo and not likeable
(((Richard Spencer))))
He is sexy
>member of OTO
>not a cia nigger
pick one
>he's an occultist, he's channeling turn-of-the-century reconstruction era southerners or something, poorly
Yeah, this is totally the most parsimonious explanation for someone who talks funny.
how many turds do you think Augustus has eaten for the sake of "enlightenment"??
He's openly polyamorous.
He rejects Christian morality.
He's openly a drug user.
He changed his name to something that the common man can't take super seriously.
He fakes his accent.
He knows even less about libertarianism than Aleppo Man.
I mean he's obviously super redpilled and he's in the top 1% as far as far-right proselytism goes.
As an ancap, I'm happy to have paleoconservatives, fascists, and pagans bolstering libertarian numbers, or even take over the party. There are too many lolbertarians and Jeffrey Cuckerites in the party right now.
But everyone should object to polyamory. Polygamy is one thing, but polyamory is degenerate.
My other qualm is that he ought to make an effort to understand the ancap/libertarian position before becoming their nominee. He debated Walter Block and he basically defeated himself and obviously hadn't read the libertarian canon. In contrast, when Spencer spoke at Hoppe's Property And Freedom Society a couple years ago, he obviously knew what he was talking about.
The real win here is that he's a bellwether for the coming wave of redpilled politicians. That said, I'd vote for him. I'd love for him go on Molyneux.
>He's openly polyamorous.
>He rejects Christian morality.
>He's openly a drug user.
>He changed his name to something that the common man can't take super seriously.
>He fakes his accent.
>He knows even less about libertarianism than Aleppo Man.
>That said, I'd vote for him.
you are teh cancer
Schizoid who thinks he's the next coming of Caesar and wants to rule with an iron fist. Laughed out of politics because his speeches suck ass
You're him faggot.
He is probably the only one who is NOT a cia nigger, its why most never see him.
>what are reserves