Holy fuck, who here unironically a Spencerpede after tonight? Shit went down tonight, Redemption Arc Complete

Holy fuck, who here unironically a Spencerpede after tonight? Shit went down tonight, Redemption Arc Complete
n the span of a single speech Spencey BTFO of the following:
> Israel
> Bolsheviks
> College kids
> Disruptors
> The "you're a nazi" narrative
> The "the nazi argument was settled 70 years ago" non argument
> Anti-whites
> A screeching kike in the audience
> Multiple screeching roasties
> The Jewish media
> Autistic Talmudism
> Niggers
> Moarpheus
> The World

Other urls found in this thread:


the stream

This is the most forced meme of all time. You people are the reason bombing Israel seems like a better option every day.



wait spencer got btfo by those things or btfo'd those things your're not very clear

Kys leftypol

>implying Sup Forums doesn't hate Jews.

Moot strikes again.

The former.

The shills browse Sup Forums so they can appeal to you faggots since apparently we've memed ourselves as if we actually had an impact on the election. This whole thing with Spencer is b8.

I wasn't sure about Spencer, but that speech won me over.
I unironically want him to fuck my ass.

>muh white so smart
>muh white people build city
>muh european ancestors
>muh stale talking points

Spencer has a role to play. Milo has a role to play. Molyneaux has a role to play. Shapiro has a role to play.

We all have a role to play toward the same general direction. The idea that we all have to agree on every single thing is bullshit. That's how the socialists fuck themselves over and make themselves ineffective is because they demand ideological purity on every single issue from every single person.

Alt right has to be a big tent or it won't have enough people, and numbers are all that matter.

Spencer hurts his own movement by being the "leader" yet at the same time being mediocre.

>wanting jews
>not knowing the best jews are dead jews

He's only the leader of a small faction. The alt-right is much larger than that.

kek'd at the ashes

>Shapiro has a role to play

Hell yeah MAGApede, I love Jews!

No, he called out the jew and btfo the audience.

keep trying to build him up FBI

stand and fight against those oogie boogie niggers

are you retarded? are you sure you arent the /leftypol/ here?

Gave some credit to the guy, Spencer is doing what every single redpilled white in europe and usa should be doing

Your trying too hard

His voice is so fucking gay and flimsy

Then you must be his voice. And spread his message.


TFW the alt-right are just more moderate mormons.

Spencer was on fire today! Big win for us.

"MUH PIZZA" fucking kek

Pizza man actually won the argument your IQ is just too low to comprehend his superior skills. Plebeian

I want to watch the whole event but the stream only goes back 2 hours.

lol, your nose is showing, shylock

>Shapiro has a role to play.

Yes. He will make a fantastic lampshade one day.

I love how he ignores, in defining an Ethno state in the US, the millions of blacks within the United states.
I also love how people didn't 'identify' as white people even back in the immigration acts of 1870 - They identified as Germans, Irish/Scots, etc.

Hell, even the Early U.S was made up hugely of different European groups that all identified differently - It was a multi-cultural nation from the outburst.

I have still not actually heard anyone give a good argument as to why whites should not have an ethnostate.

If you don't want to live in one, fine. But why would you *stop* others from making one if they want to?

>people didn't 'identify' as white people even back in the immigration acts of 1870


pretty sure hes fbi but I support him, this shit is funny as fuck youtube.com/watch?v=7n1Gnpmss2I

If he finally tells his members they can wear masks, ill join

>all those likes
Spencer is a CIA nigger but at least it seems like people are becoming more right wing
>wearing masks
The moral highground is all we have. The lefties think with emotion, so if we're on the moral highground they may turn over to the other side

>The moral highground is all we have

Honestly I don't care, after antifa's gay little chants, all I want to say is ''fuck you faggots''

Chanting fuck you faggots is fine I guess, but I don't want violence to come out
No more brother wars

Seriously though, what the actual FUCK is wrong with his head?

kek what a clusterfuck

And now all of those people risk extinction.

The Spencer head edits are a quality meme.

I would agree with no violence, but lets be real, if we get attacked first and fight back, the media will say we were the instigator

>no more brother wars
Well fuck that made me sad

I'm starting to like spencer solely because of all the shilling against him here.

he does have kind of an annoying voice though.

they play the role of shills the best thing we can do is not give them any support

also sage this fukin spook

>given how ugly you guys are why do you believe white people are supreme?
the absolute state of libs right now

With the amount of time put into them and shilling against him, you can really tell he has some no life autistic enemies out there.

Stay safe Spencey babe, we love you.
