Get ready for a million US citizens to flood Florida and Texas from Puerto Rico
Get ready for a million US citizens to flood Florida and Texas from Puerto Rico
Democrats will never lose another election if they can flip Florida and Texas
They're not really immigrants if they're citizens
I would welcome them to my state. We're too white anyway.
Puerto Ricans are by law natural-born citizens of the United States and may move freely between the island and the mainland. They're citizens you dumbass. LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL. fucking idiot
>Get ready for a million US citizens to flood Florida and Texas from Puerto Rico
And you guys DENIED Texas becoming a democratic shithole in 2020? Top kek, they're your problem now, faggots.
Puerto Ricans are American citizens you uneducated rural retard
I hate spics so much. More than muslims and niggers. Spics are the reason there is little hope left for humanity. If the only current issues were Jewish institutional control and a relatively minor immigration problem in Europe I would be confident in our future. Spics will sink America and with it the European man.
Nothing's too white because white people are next to Asians as the most civilized race.
Yeah not really a problem, the only reason Puerto Rico isn't a state already is because they would have to change all the flags and that is a hassle.
How are these po' ass spics affording to move to the mainland? Do they even have jobs waiting for them or are they going to continue leeching off welfare?
Once ice takes care of the illegal Mexicans. the Puerto Ricans will fill that space. Texas will still be red
spics are worthless slaves by nature
>I hate spics more than niggers
Explain your reasoning for this.
>You know what this neighborhood needs? Low IQ spics and higher crime rates.
resettle them in commiefornia
they love refugees!
Someone got cucked by a Spic huh
Don't forget all the white Muslims and feminists. And faggots. And trannies. And of course the niggers after Harvey.
>We're too white anyway.
Race doesn't exist, you bigot.
The average weight of the country goes down just a tiny bit.
what do we get out of our deal with PR? Anything?
we should drop them ASAP, they have no right to citizenship since they bring nothing to the table.
Our memes will win them over.
>hurrr they’re citizens
No shit rural retards I said that in the OP. They can’t vote for president living in PR, and now they will.
Niggers suck but they aren't breeding like crazy, at least not the ones in America. We can handle taking back a few overrun nigger cities, but the spics won't stop pumping out their little gremlin babies until we are overwhelmed. I am so sick of seeing them every day in Texas. They are hideous. My beautiful state is a rotting corpse and the rest of the country will follow if they are not stopped.
Bad idea. In fact the influx of refugees and the whole of San Fagsisco has redpilled white Californians. You'd be surprised just how tired you get after putting up with it for a certain amount of time.
You do realize your country is fat as fuck too right?
Moving to Florida doesn't make it legal for Puerto Ricans to vote.
With the stupid ass laws being passed in CA, expect a lot of red to move to Texas. I know plenty of people doing it
Sounds like we'll be shooting more spics in Texas
Ricans are fat, lazy shits just like the rest of us.
First dismantle Dallas, then Austin.
I know someone who recently went to the San Antonio area and he told me he didn't see a single white person
>They are hideous
>Implying your average white Texan isn't your typical Amerilard downs syndrome looking trash
They aren't immigrants though, every one of them is a US citizen and are more then welcome to move here , it's better if they move here, they'd actually have to pay taxes for once in their life
>voting for the same party that allowed your island to go bankrupt whilst having a terrible infrastructure
cool. then they can finally start paying taxes.
They aren't immigrants. They are part of the common wealth....
Sooooo, I'm ok with this.
He also said it was like latin america and he didn't feel at home
San Francisco thinks up these stupid ass laws and then the rest of the state, Republican, Liberal, or Otherwise, has to pay the price afterwards. SF needs to be punished. Hell it is being punished with the fires, but unfortunately so is the conservative wine country side of Cali.
Except for daddy.
You clearly don't know what it's like to live with them.
I hope they go to your state and move in next store
You're probaly some jew living in a rich ass neighborhood they would never be able to afford
A little bit of smoke, nothing else
Good idea, has there ever been a case where a country dropped its territory or colony when the colony still wanted to be owned?
Brainlet detected
So you want cr i me and cockroaches? It's what these spics brought to NYC.
niggericans aren't immigrants you stupid shit. they're US citizens. brown equals immigrant to every liberal and you call us the racists. at least we're honest with ourselves.
who cares in niggericans come. DACA illegals won't be voting this time around and Trump has been cracking down on voter fraud. so in reality it's just a wash
Just because they're citizens, doesn't automatically mean they'd be able to assimilate here in the states.
As far as I'm concerned, Puerto Ricans are no different from Cubans, Mexicans, Guatamalans, or El Salvadorians. They still form their little gangs and live in their little propped up ghetto communities while popping out 4 babies by age 17.
>Puerto Rico
But that's not right.
>US citizens
Sage because you don’t understand those words are different.
Checked from Illinois, where soon we get the Spics on Ice show, and not the deportation kind. The kind where uninsured beaners who never drove in snow before will get shitfaced drunk and drive 20 mph over the speed limit during a snowstorm and then wreck into nice families killing all white occupants of the car then flee the scene.
But they fucking suck in every season and there are literally millions of them here.
Hopefully Kim cleanses it with atomic fire
Race is a social construct, racist bigot.
>oh great.
More entitled shitskins.
>million US citizens to flood Florida and Texas from Puerto Rico
They are just going to come to NY with all the other Puerto ricans already here
ok then, Hawaii.
My asshole grampa and his asshole family is going to be housed here. And I gotta take it while these fucks eat up our food and criticize us and whine about puerto rico.
PR is great but those faggots are lazy niggers.
please god no
they make nogs look like geniuses, ask any new yorker
inb4 reddit spacing
They wouldnt be fucking immigrants if that happened, they are citizens.
Chicago is all full. They can go to California and live with all the other spics.
what are you gonna do about the nigger problem in chicago?
They are legal US citizens. While on the island they cannot vote for president but as soon as they move to a state they can. Easy as that. What would be funny is if a ton of them moved here and then whites bought up all the land in PR and transformed it into a Caribbean paradise and the natives can't afford to move back.
>be racist Trump supporter
>laugh quietly seeing Trump's botched hurricane response
>think "those beaners had it coming"
>laugh loudly when Trump gives himself "10 out of 10" marks for response
>shit bricks when you realize all those PRs are now going to settle into the mainland - and vote
bet you wish Trump had done a little more to improve conditions now, huh?
lol at Sup Forums
you worthless faggot shills can fuck straight off.
I dream about the Chicago Fire II hitting the south and west side every night. Stupid Commiefornia, getting all of our killing fire.
Who are all the spics in the mural? I know che but who is the terrorists fuck on the right?
>t. Nigger
>what happens
>prostitution prices go down at least 20%
check backpage a lot of Puerto Rican thots for sale
>Trump's botched hurricane response
well, i see you've been lapping up the (((media narrative))) like a good boy, but you should probably neck yourself anyway.
You get one (You). Trump' s response will go down in the history books as one of the most extensive and comprehensive disaster reliefs of all time, you'll even have kids learning about if before he leaves office in 7 years. Bad shill is bad
Not him, but if we're talking about mestizos specifically, they really are a burden to the country. Mestizos are arguably the least talented race in existence. At least blacks, who are the racial group with the lowest average IQ, are disproportionately represented in things like sports, performing arts, and entertainment. Is it because of affirmative action? Perhaps one can argue in entertainment, but you cannot deny their athleticism.
Asians on average are the racial group with the highest average IQ (not including Ashkenazi Jews, who one can argue is not a race), so they disproportionately contribute in rigorous occupations such as science, technology, the medical industry, etc. This makes them highly desirable in a first world setting.
Europeans are like the "jack of all trades" race for lack of a better phrase. One cannot deny their great contributions to world civilization within the last thousand years. Although not the highest in IQ (not including the aforementioned Ashkenazis), they collectively are represented fairly even in almost every field worth mentioning.
Now we have the mestizos. What are they good at? What are they disproportionately represented in that the other races cannot already do? They have been bred to be Darwinian dead ends. They will never amount to anything, not now, not ever
So THAT'S what (((they))) were doing by pummeling the islands with hurricanes.
But then the whites who moved to PR wouldn't be able to vote.
Hawaii... I'd like to visit someday, but firstly airfare from the mainland is godawfully expensive, and I've heard it's cocaine heaven.
liberal buzzwords don't work here
they are a legal state now brainlet
>What are they good at? What are they disproportionately represented in that the other races cannot already do?
Being literal face skinning savages
>5 beans leave their island
>only believing the white house talking points
>calling everyone else mislead
lol at Sup Forums
Theyre all going to the Northeast. NY and PA will get the most.
Real estate will plummet in PR.
No tax base to pay debt.
U.S. grants statehood to cut losses.
Real estate rises.
I live like a coconut king in Rincon sitting on my throne of whores until the end of days.
I had to look them up but it's: Rudy Lozano, Frida Kahlo, Benito Juárez and Cesar Chávez, not necessarily in that order.
Mexicunts got super buttblasted when a developer bought the building and painted over it. There were protests for days. They said they were going to repaint it but I don't think they've done it yet. Mexicunts hate that whites are reclaiming a neighborhood that they built.
As some one that grew up just outside the bronx and live at one time off of Jerome ave and the Grand Concourse. I can tell you there are some that are civilized but a majority barely function higher than the most ghetto hood rats.
Then white people can come to Puerto Rico and make it decent.
Lol Hispanics especially Puerto Rican’s are some of the fattest people you’ll meet. Black and Hispanics inflate the U.S’s obesity stats that why it was only an issue recently. I’ll give u a pass cause ur a europoor and don’t know any better but. Do some research
Just, give up on him. This nigger has no clue.
I said one, now you (You) me if you want to talk. HOW about we investigate the obstinate mayors of Puerto Rico who stand in front of pallets of relief being actively handed out to have a press conference about how there's been no aid. Go fuck yourself, Hell is forever and being a dishonest shithead will get you there.
Mexicans recking your hood boy?
The people are like 95% trash. And the woman crazier than Mexicans. But the culooooo is the bomb. Just use an alias, burner phone and never take them home or show them where you live.
>Democrats will never lose another election if they can flip Florida and Texas
Pouring more democrat voters into urban areas that already vote democrat won't cause states to flip. Puerto Ricans aren't Mexicans, they're not going to fan out across the country in pursuit of low-wage labor setting up spore colonies in every town they pass through. They're just going to hole up in coastal cities and compete with the niggers for cushy civil servant jobs.
doens't matter, once they move to another US state they can vote in that US state and they will vote 99% dem
Florida will certainly go blue next election due to it
How in hell would they able to move here without jobs, places to stay and connections?
The only place they can go is California and Florida where all of them congregate.
it's spelled misled, dipshit.
Those women are hideous and deformed
Nice bait, you piece of shit
unfortunately they’re citizens OP
very very unfortunate
If your baby penis is to small to smash latin ass don’t hate on what you can’t have. I’m sure there’s plenty of flat chested skinny ass girls in Canada to reject you as well.
One word, my friend: gibs
Trump needs to grant Puerto Rico its independence so we can turn them away at the border.
i find it hysterical that we are calling U.S. citizens immigrants
Weird proportions, weird face, stumpy legs, bulbous bodies..
I don't want garbage.