>Be American
>Complain about two-party system
>Don't vote for a third-party candidate who is objectively a far better choice than what is being offered by either of the major parties
Be American
But he didn't have all the cities in Syria memorized by heart. Was he even serious?
I lived in New Mexico when he was Governor, he's straight a commie that say's he's a libertarian
another quality thread
Everyone's afraid of being cucked or shilled. (((They))) are making it only two sided.
>libertarian party candidate
>pick a libertarian-light senile old man
Should've gone with McAfee.
>bake that cake bigot
dude is not lolbertardian
hes a meme commie faggot that calls himself lolbertardian like mojo nixon and bill maher
He is a shitty Koch brothers puppet who failed his state as governor, watch video for explanation
Gary is a great guy but I just don't think he was fit for president.
Aleppo man would have been worse than Hillary. Dude weed lmfao
lolbertarians are a joke.
he probably could of got 10% if he wouldn't act like a fucking spaz on camera
Potheads fuck off
Fuck you and the Aleppo Man you rode in on
>didn't know the capital of syria where one of the most significant geopolitical events of modern times is taking place
let's not also forget that he was an autistic tard baby that would sperg out at the slightest provocation and would do weird fucking unstable shit all the time, his brain must be roasted from all the dudeweedlmao
Johnson is a fucking straight up meme fuck him but this shit was hilarious
>dc party duopoly
>Capital of Syria
Gary Johnson smoked himself retarded and went too far left to pander to the disenfranchised Bernie bros. Austin Petersen shouldve been the candidate desu
t. user who voted for Gary in 2012
I did vote 3rd Party, but not for Gary the commie Johnson. He might as well run against Stein for the Green Party nomination. I voted for Castle of the Constitution Party. I know what? Derp!
>I lived in New Mexico when he was Governor, he's straight a commie that say's he's a libertarian
You mean the far-left poser who doesn't into Aleppo? Please. Trump was as third-party as any candidate could get during his run, even if he officially ran under the Republican ticket. Now watch as he destroys and remakes that party for us over his terms, providing ample distraction for our own plans.
>Gary "Giggles" Johnson
he's a walking meme
and not in the good way
Gary Johnson went full retard in August 2016...
He had some partial/mostly retard moments before and afterwards, but it was this specific moment that I knew he was getting high on his own supply.
That cackling buffoons set the Libertarian party back 50 years. You will never be taken seriously with clowns like him. He was a joke in every sense
Was he fit for governor?
He's goofy and chose the wrong VP but he has proven himself to be the best choice imo.
>Re Elected in a state that votes 2-1 democrat
>Vetoed wasteful spending 750 times
>Cut state taxes 14 times
>left with a billion dollar surplus and a balanced budget.
We fucking missed out big time.
I voted for Gary in 2012. I had heavily followed Ron Paul's bid for the Republican nomination and even had the pleasure of voting for him in the primary. I realize now that Gary is nowhere near the patriot Ron Paul was.
I voted libertarian this year not because I like Johnson but because I at least agree with the party ideology and I would at least like to see them in a fucking debate.
Third party politics is a mess right now. The Reform party was a miserable failure despite the promise it showed. I hope the Libertarians can get someone notable enough to draw attention.
They need someone with charisma and Gary Johnson was not that man. I hope they can find somebody decent for 2020. I don't expect a win but I'd at least like to see them cement themselves into the discourse.
libertarian = mass immigration
*who doesn't affirm the NAP and who jumps ship back to republican'ts after not being nominated.
The problem with the two party system is because of the lack of alternative or transferable votes, not the viability of third party cantidates.
The problem with the two-party system in America isn't the voting,
it's the laws that create a winner-takes-all outcome.
Thus voting for a third-party candidate is only weakening your political position.
This desu famalam
>he thinks aleppo is the capital of syria
nigger are you really this retarded?
I'm insulting myself here but then again I went a private school that taught me actual history and geography instead of "social studies"
>american education
420 BLAZE DUDE!!!!
Gary Johnson was the worst fucking candidate I've seen the Lolbertarians put forward, they'd have been better off reanimating the corpse of Harry Browne as their 2016 candidate.
Gary chose a pro-global government guy as his VP. Global government is less libertarian than national government.
>The problem with the two party system is because of the lack of alternative or transferable votes,
No the problem is that the two parties are in control of the system that elects them, so no other parties can get in. Where the change needs to happen is at the state level, and in the Congressional level to start getting rid of the problem.
Castle was the best choice, it's a shame I live in Commiefornia and couldn't vote for him.
What, you think it's better in Europe where a dozen literally who parties form a coalition under a meme slogan and then divide departments between them like feudal lords?
I feel your pain. We finally got him on the SC ballot this year. Granted he could not speak like a total BSer, but he stated the facts, and what needed to be done. Something that is not even discussed in the two party debates, or campaigns. I guess actual plans, and solutions scare the hell out of the establishment.
>end evil
>not evil c
>what is allepo?
And what is a leppo?
Same, grew up in ABQ. Johnson, as governor, was concerned about three things:
1. Indian gaming
2. You knowing he ran a 10K over the weekend
3. Marijuana legalization
The guy was and is a douche
His antics is what made me start to become more unhinged in my views.
> Libertarians are doing well enough in the polls to start getting federal money
> Poll comes out saying Johnson is taking more votes from Clinton than Trump
> Johnson starts acting like a retard
> Weld literally tells people to vote Clinton
> Two scoops man who had him on his show praising him, is now calling him lizard man and trashing him
They were controlled opposition. Either from the getgo or they sold out.
Someone please just tell me where
For to know no longer I cannot bear
All I really need to know
Is what in the world is Aleppo?
I've searched the globe both far and wide
I've travelled both to and fro
But never found Aleppo
I believe this place is a myth
Made up by Schlomo (((Goldsmith))
To make me seem like I didn't know
That there's a place called Aleppo
I need to get off this ride
The many times I'd wish I'd died
Oh I wish I never asked to know
What is Aleppo?
>open borders
what is your stance in regards to geppetto ?
this faggot isnt a libertarian, he is a cucked out neo con.
I wasn't yet redpilled on everything when the election happened so I actually voted for this fag.
Can't wait to make the right choice and vote Trump next time.
>he's just russian propoganda
I thought he left New Mexico with a billion dollar surplus, and vetoed more bills than any other governor ever.
>Capital of Syria
Wasn't that Gary Johnson? What party did he run as? The Green party?
I'm going to unironically post this *dd*t-tier meme now.