What is sexual orientation? Does it exist or is it sociological mumbo jumbo?
What is sexual orientation? Does it exist or is it sociological mumbo jumbo?
doc, I'm hurt myself again :(
in b4 thicc
They just showed us pic related in sex ed and called the day.
>sociological mumbo jumbo
Do you like vagoo and tiddies or benis and butthole?
I honestly think that sexuality is a continuum and that we're all natural polysexual to begin with. Then eventually some of us choose to narrow our sexual preference to just one place or object. Fortunately, Sup Forums mostly is more open minded than that.
>I honestly think that sexuality is a continuum and that we're all natural polysexual to begin with.
So you're saying that gay people don't exist?
Is someone who is attracted to children but doesn't molest them still a pedophile?
>So you're saying that gay people don't exist?
Nah, definitely they do, but we're all filled with so much sexual potential. It's definitely true that straight men can go gay too, like happens in basically every prison in the world. Do this seem right to you?
a deregatory term used to reference the backwardness of china
Mammals evolved to seek out enjoyment of their peepees.
>is it sociological mumbo jumbo?
Thats what (((they))) want you to think.
>sociological mumbo jumbo
To justify, or more like normalize unnatural behaviors. Or for those of us who are normal degenerate behavior.
Silly faggots, dix are for chix.
>Nah, definitely they do, but we're all filled with so much sexual potential. It's definitely true that straight men can go gay too, like happens in basically every prison in the world. Do this seem right to you?
that means that gay people can go straight, by definition
Here's the real question though: why should a behavior have political protection?
So is every attempt at gaining enjoyment legitimate?
So if I decide to fuck a child and it consents, it's not immoral to do so?
All I know is that I have a sudden urge to breed if I see that body.
>Is someone who is attracted to children but doesn't molest them still a pedophile?
Yes, that's literally the definition of a pedophile.
Doesn't exist, Guys can be attractive, gals can be attractive. Who you fool around with doesn't matter. The Romans were redpilled about this, women were for procreation, men were for fun.
it was all invented by kikes and liars to make cover for spiritual problems and degeneracy. i just figure i was lucky enough to be born male so following what many others do is just the enabling of females. in any way
is someone who thinks about murder a murderer?
> women were for procreation, men were for fun
What are trannies for?
Mtf also for fun and love. Nothing better than pounding a boi pussy. Ftm are just abominations.
There is absolutely nothing better then fine white women. I can't believe these hooknoses want to ruin the most beautiful thing in the World.
Pedophilia isn't the act of child molestation itself, it's just the term for the mental illness of being attracted to children.
>What is sexual orientation?
Sexual orientation is a social construct created by the right to stop straight men from fucking cute boys.
Why is being attracted to children a mental illness?
It's a recent invention though. The term homosexuality didn't exist until the end of the 19th century
for your tampons
"[Pedophiles] would be diagnosed with pedophilic disorder either if their attractions toward children are causing them guilt, anxiety, alienation, or difficulty in pursuing other personal goals, or else if their urges cause them to approach children for sexual gratification in real life"
Every observable instance of homosexual activity in other species falls under two categories;
1.) social bonding between males that hunt together (they still fuck females)
2.) bullying and harassment.
I’m inclined to believe that when it occurs in humans, its more often than not the later.
Both rely on a tendency toward promiscuity to function, either way. If your genes incline you toward monogamy, homosex tandencies just won’t manifest, since they undermine that. The promiscuous reproductive strategy, on the other hand, gives you that leeway. Gays are basically what happens when someone with that whore-out gene gets addicted to banging dudes.
>if their attractions toward children are causing them guilt, anxiety, alienation,
lol this can't be real. Feeling those emotions doesn't mean your mentally ill.
> or else if their urges cause them to approach children for sexual gratification in real life"
How does that make you mentally ill?
What are we defining as a child here?
>Both rely on a tendency toward promiscuity to function, either way. If your genes incline you toward monogamy, homosex tandencies just won’t manifest, since they undermine that. The promiscuous reproductive strategy, on the other hand, gives you that leeway. Gays are basically what happens when someone with that whore-out gene gets addicted to banging dudes.
That might be it. More often than not people who are homosexual take part in dangerous and promiscuous behavior at higher rates than regular people.
That also implies that exclusive homosexuality is something that's only found in humans.
>doesn't even shop the nypd on the sleeve or shield
>shadows are off
shit tier photoshop job