>This badass all-American bitch pulls by beside you giving you this exact look
What do you do?
>This badass all-American bitch pulls by beside you giving you this exact look
What do you do?
Other urls found in this thread:
Man the harpoon
is that a Hog?
She is skinny af nigga
I throw my box of Twinkies and run.
tell her to fuck off cause i'm taken already
ride it hard and put it away wet.
just not let my friends see me.
turn 360 degrees and drive away.
Top kek
Turn to the side to hide the fact I just came in my pants. Then do anything she asks. A fine 10/10, Aryan piece of american ass like her doesn't come around too often.
what mode is this?
How did all the fat go to her face? The rest of her body isn’t even that bad.
Why is all the fat in her face and neck?
I report this fucking stupid slide thread
Her mom drank alittle to much pepsi while being preggo obv
That face does not match her body
Isn't she a rapper?
I'd give her a high 5, and laugh to myself at what losers most Sup Forums posters are
jesus that neck. her distribution is weird as fuck looking. her gut wouldn't suggest a neck that fat.
Fuck off, we're full.
>when in rome
>see 10/10 burger woman
>tip fedora her way
>invite to the nearest burger place
>get to burger place
>Tyrone sees me with his babies moma
>wat da u doin wit my girl white boi?
>get shot
>8/10 overall trip to burger land
ugly chicks are like mopeds, they are fun to ride, just don't let your friends see.
>9000 KEKS