Fantano is getting no platformed

Fantano is getting no platformed

all of the tour dates for his speaking engagements have been cancelled.


good I always hated this faggot

His career will go downhill since he stopped his meme reviews

White supremacist Fantano memes when?

>died gribz

Its so disgusting to hear him speak he is so blue pilled on everything and I dont even mean stuff like race that need a little acclimatization to right wing politics. I'm talking about shit like immigration and its dangers and when he is presented with evidence he refuses to read into it or even acknowledge it.


>Get falsely accused as being alt-right in one of the worst articles ever written
>Make a good video where you BTFO said article and reaffirm your liberal allegiance
>Get no-platformed anyway because SJWs and Neo-liberals are incredibly stupid sheeple.

God I hope this wakes Fantano up. It's not just left vs. right - it's freedom of thought vs. collective cultism.

He's so reddit

based finns
Sup Forums BTFO

my point is that this is going to bring more left leaning centrists towards our way of thinking

And this faggot will never learn his lesson that being a left leaning cuck with a nigger girlfriend will not be enough to appease the kikes

Anthony Fagtano will never go right wing

He's a fucking soyboy

The establishment liberals sure are smart, pushing more and more centrists with an audience toward the right.

>nigger girlfriend
Nigger wife, who he had or is having a kid with.

Excuse me for not realizing that its now legal to marry animals

I want to sympathize with the internet's biggest melon, i really do, but even after the rabid attack on him by liberals, he still made a video praising Eminem's drumpf rap and talking about "crazy" it is that trump is president. Hes basically fucked at this point

And his response to that literal Jew at Fader trying to slander him was to throw Sam Hyde under the bus. Sure worked out for him didn't it?

Good. I hate this libcuck faggot. Although this is horrible and unfair, it's great that it happened to him.

Isn't he the brother of Shaun King?

What the fuck? So they hate Anthony because he's done a Sup Forums AMA and maybe goes to Sup Forums occasionally? That's their excuse

No, it's just because he's not beholden to them. They are so jealous. Fuck anyone trying to mess with Anthony's career, he knows a lot about music and I love hearing his opinions.

Fuck off fantano you nigger lover

>he's not beholden to them

this could be a pretty seismic event for us.

like pewds before him, anthony is sacrificed on the altar of social justice for all to see.



What did he even do?

He *gasp* liked MEMES!!!

Fucking Nazi.

I believe he posted an AMA on Sup Forums
A "news" site found it, wrote an article calling him alt-right and now no one wants him to perform his show at their venue.

>Get no-platformed anyway because SJWs and Neo-liberals are incredibly stupid sheeple.
You say it like they don't do it on purpose.

Sam Hyde was invited as a guest on his show. That and he apparently lurks Sup Forums. This was enough to trigger some kike into writing a hitpiece and destroy his career.

dat *sighs* and cracked voice
LMAO Alt-Rightfags get BTFO

That's an awfully hot covfefe pot

Was it a kike? Did he get "oy vey the goyim know shut it down"ed like Sam hoidel?

>And his response to that literal Jew at Fader trying to slander him was to throw Sam Hyde under the bus

when was this?
what a fucking cuck, after literally making videos imitating the guy and even interviewing him.

Wasn't he dating a negress at some point?

i think he still his.

haha get owned altright FASCIST FUCK

thats actually retarded, Sup Forums is the most shitlib infested fucking board on this site

you know the fame this place has for the normies right?

i have a dream that this will push fantano into our territory in the same way it did pewdiepie

>the fire rises

No, it dims with each silenced person, no matter the side they stand on. The semitic shackles are being forced upon the goyims' wrists and you're jumping happily because it's supposedly going to ,,wake people up''. Waiting for some revolution to happen while losing more and more freedom every day is only reducing your chances of winning.

>make everyone a nazi
>surprised when nazis become normalized when you can become one as easily as disagreeing with a liberal

These idiots are producing the very problem they complain about

I mean, yeah, the do it on purpose because they fall for some of the stupidest shit ever. Only a moron would think Fantano is Alt-Right.

Is Death Grips redpilled?

He has a black girlfriend.