Tomorrow, Hillary will file for divorce from Bill.
You heard it here first, Sup Forums.
Tomorrow, Hillary will file for divorce from Bill.
You heard it here first, Sup Forums.
Ok. Why you believe that?
fuck yourself larpnigger
Anything to change the current media cycle.
Ahahaha stronk female divorces sexual assaulting hubby. if true many Keks will flow
why's she always making that face. out of all the acting she does that should have nipped that in the bud ages ago, speaks to her inability to control herself.
they sacrifice bill?
K. Keep me posted.
Because. After his first term as governor, bill lost the re-election. Up to that time, shilldog was an Uber women's power broad. No kids, and went around as Rodham not Clinton. No one was a fan. Fast forward to the next election cycle. She has a kid, is a Clinton and lo and behold, Bill wins.
She'll file for divorce because she thinks it'll help her win next time. "She's standing up to Bill! Yass queen slay!" Only problem is, she isn't Bill.
No way, it only makes sense if she's cutting ties with him because he's going down
or she's being forced to divorce to keep from dragging him down with her
Tomorrow Hillary and Huma will announce they are the first Lesbian Couple to run for President in 2020, you heard it here first.
who's that guy on the right he looks really happy
Now that she doesn’t need him or
Now that she’s gonna go to the pokey
Either or she will get nothing but kudos for leaving the reprobate. At the presser wearing a bill Clinton is a rapist T
I could see it, although it would be shit timing for her. Bill Clinton during the campaign at many points looked like he realized her presidency would be a disaster.
She said she's not going to run again. But then again, she lies a lot.
He looked like a fucking cadaver desu
dizzy bitch
Last I heard they weren't even speaking to each other since her shitty book.
He called it shit.
>He called it shit.
And threw it in the trash.
just picture them doing it, like Hillary using a strapon on Huma
Huma is all like
and hillary is like
Can he be compelled to testify against hillary if they're divorced?
You've got it backwards, if she's filing for divorce, she's officially out of running for office.
>Please kek let this be true
Huma is hot and young Hilldawg was kinda cute desu...
My point is she does what is most politically expedient at any given point in time. I'm sure Robbie kook is in her ear saying the divorce will play well with white women in heteronomative relationships looking for a strong female decision maker.
So Bill is going to be the scape goat? Nice move Hillary. Please make sure he takes all the Clinton Foundation pedophile and human trafficking shit too.
>HRC is one a hell of a women, always 2 steps ahead.
Bill suicide before investigations, suddently he is pointed out to be the master of all her sins.
>Sup Forums predicts a happening tomorrow
I doubt it.
Their marriage is a business agreement
There is absolutely no advantage to doing this, not even financial. They gave their souls to Moloch and dont have to live by your rules pleb.
This. But I could see doing it to hide the money.
Sup Forums is always right.
No sauce, nger.
OP's clearly speculating thus you have no choice but to kys.
you're mean
>what difference, at this point, does it make?
OP, I'm gonna need a source on this one. LAR...
Holy fuck; she just cannot take a hint.
Noooo! One of the most solid marriages in the political arena.
How is Bill holding up?
I wouldn't be surprised at all. Bill tried to tell her that her books sucked and threw it in the trash. She didn't listen to him. She didn't want his advice at all. And from two people that are only even married as a political alliance, there in no reason to keep the charade up anymore.
I read her book What Happened just to shit on it and I can tell you she really fucking sucks Bill's cock, gave me the impression he could rape someone and she would still support him (oh wait).
Really hoping you are not in Canada.
Irrelevant: there’s no conjugal visits in supermax for either of them.
You're full of it. You're not hearing it here first.
And why would this mean she's specifically filing for divorce tomorrow?
There's no reason for them to divorce. They probably live separately anyway. And Bill has learned from his mistakes so he knows how to manage an affair. And if Hillary had an affair, (probably lesbian) people would understand. So why go through the hassle of a divorce?
It's been an open secret for many years that this marriage doesn't really count.
>Tomorrow, OP will quit sucking his cousins dick for 5 minutes and then get back to it for the moneyshot
>You heard it here first, Sup Forums.
It's your turn
Why does it always lead to gay sex here?
She's maximizing the radius of her soul-intake vorifice, look at the adjacent human's transfixed rictus as she covers her ear to keep whatever meagre scraps of vitality she can from being drained. Also note the Ms. Rodham keeps her head from rolling away spontaneously w/ the neckerchief.
>magic carpet tour 2020
Absolutely Haram
>She's maximizing the radius of her soul-intake vorifice
fake and gay
No fucking way. Those two need to stay married if nothing else to avoid having to testify about the other. As wife, she doesn't have to implicate Bill. As an ex, it's all fair gamr
Makes sense... She's ridden that horse as far as it's gonna take her
It's kind of out of left field. Interesting
>fake and gay
Much like Hillary
Hmm.. on a another note someone needs to tell Flynty he needs deeper pockets than that..or... Does this mean he is aware of his name is in the hat for sex trafficking and he is just trying to get ahead of it so he can claim witch-hunt? Inquirer' minds want to know...
And you think you just proved it happens tomorrow? Super derp, fake, gay, and thrown off roof.
And Huma is single. But it has to happen tomorrow OP.
Only reason would be to dump him based on his Harvey behavior. Play the victim, the martyr, be the ultimate feminist. She thinks it will get her elected next time. But will only make her a bigger laughing stock, if possible.
Whatev. She's still gonna lose. Her soul was condemned the minute she choose to burn those innocent children in Waco for her false god Molech.
Makes sense, she needs to dump bill if she intends to run again.
1 post by this ID
you idiots will believe anything
Phoneposting faggot
>op is always a faggot
thats the kuru
Nope. Can't be forced to testify against your spouse. She would never be so stupid to do this.
Last one
lurk moar, faggot.
Inb4 Bill is the FBI informant
under appreciated joke carpet might be a dated term
She's a weird and unsightly creature.
fucking ugly cunt.
her face makes me want to vomit and then curb stomp her
This makes no sense.
If they are married they can’t be compelled to testify about each other.
They need to remain married.
>Single woman runs for president
She'd get the retarded left vote...again
Implying she's not into cucking her ex as hard as possible like a normal woman
You heard it here, and thats how you know its total bullshit
Imma' just leave this here...
that's the Hillary double.
Only applies to actions after the divorce.
Oldfag here wants to know what the point of getting a divorce at their age would be. Speaking of divorces, when is Weiner and Huma's going to be final, so they can testify against each other? Extra popcorn.
post proofs or fuck off
>1 post
best thing he's ever done, ironically
First her buddy Harvey was tossed under the bus.
Now Bill?
which hillary?
I'd only believe this if irrefutable r a p e evidence finally came out...or p e d o stuff....
Epstein's videos gonna finally be released???
I haven't heard anything about this but I do know that Hillary is going rogue. There are elements of the Democratic party that are going to try to get a wooden stake in her heart before 2020 because she still has the connections for another fake primary if she wants one.
Or he is literally dying and she wants to get divorce points for when the indictments roll in and she points the finger at him.