Sand Nigger Hate Thread

> Be living in Birmingham.
> Literal shithole filled with Paki and Kebab Sharia gangs.
> Kebab Sharia police forces all bars and pubs to close before time.
> One fine day at pub with boys.
> Drink past midnight.
> Kebab gang patrolling in their Sharia car with a red moon and star flag hanging on the front.
> Yell outside pub to close down and all other Sharia or Quranic bullshit.
> NotAgain.jpeg
> Pub owner decides to close the pub because they all gang up outside his pub and threaten to break it down.
> Pub closes.
> Drunk Sikh Pajeet is refusing to go because he needs more whiskey.
> Pub owner asks me to help this Pajeet outside so that he can close out and get away from this Sharia mess.
> Take Pajeet outside.
> Drunk Pajeet stumbles and falls down.
> Sand niggers gang up on Pajeet.
> Pajeet somehow holds himself up and mistakingly rips off the Islamic flag from their car.
> All Paki/Sand Niggers charge towards Pajeet.
> Pajeet yells out Mather chode and all other Pajeet slurs.
> Pajeet pushes a Sand nigger so hard that he busts open his nose
> Sand Niggers try to hold Pajeet still. But Drunk Pajeet is too hard for them to handle.
> Pajeet takes out a khukri knife beneath his undershirt.
> Sand Niggers back off.
> Pajeet ready to rip open sand nigger gang.
> Sand Niggers literally run for their lives.
> Everyone on street and pub cheer for Pajeet meanwhile Pajeet crashes down on street asking for more whiskey.

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You made me not give up on this world.

like beautiful pooetry

that was a sik story bruv

So what was preferable in the end, a Birmingham infested with Sandniggers or Potato niggers?

At least the Pajeets don't yell out and force pubs to close down before time because of their 3rd grade Arabic Satanic Cult guidelines.

Sikhs are bro tier! Based Sikh!

sand niggers = Arabs
shitskins = Paki and pajeets
Arabs are better than shitskin


I meant the Irish micks. Always heard Birmingham was a Paddy stronghold in the UK until Muslims took it off them.

So was it better when Irish infested it with their degeneracy and mayhem or is it better now with Muslims who more or less are peaceful and behave.

You sucked a Sand nigger dick right?
Don't wanna know about this.
Only Canadians can be this degenrate with Arab Shitskins cuckloading their women.

Fenians were no better and mudslimes now blast their prayers in loudspeakers all the fuckin time. They take to streets to protest alcohol and all other non-Islamic, Western things more often.

>Arab Shitskins
wrong real Arab from the middle east have lighter skin. I'm actually half Assyrian and half Iraqi. though fuck Islam, a middle east without Islam would be better

Birmingham Alabama infested with niggers is still preferable I'm sure.

English people are cocksucking losers, guess this is payback for opressing Éire :^)

They are still the shittiest community in any western civilization. Do shit tier work like waiter, can driver and offer prayers in the middle of the road on top of their cabs.
At least the Pajeets are doing much better than sand niggers in any western civilized country unlike fuckin sand niggers.

>Sikh story

The Sikh has shown you the way. Threaten the muslims with death.

Another American cuckloaded by a Sand nigger Mohammed dick.

>canadian doesn't knowhow racial slurs work

I'm starting to love this guy!

careful there, your pm is a bitch to the pajeets.

Sikh people are most adaptive to western culture and traditions.
Don't intervene with their religious bullshit.
Give back to the community with free food and stuff.
And most importantly pay their taxes.

omg nobody cares just get the fuck out of my country

He is a fuckin Iraqi Sand nigger.

I lived there for 24 years and I can't remember meeting a single spudfucker

Muds on the other hand are a different story - couldn't move in the street for ninjas and cuzzies

It's Birmingham, England. Not USA.

sikh are bro tier. they want the borders closed as much as we do.


What the fuck did you mean by this

Sikh >> Any other degenerate from East.

Nah they are weak, just like all Western scum. We take and take and none of you do anything. The irish are queer losers, we're taking over their country just like the UK and US.

They will long for the days of English "oppression" when we are done with them.

Where do you think I mean when I say ninjas and cuzzies knobhead?

Ans that pajeet's name was, That's right Albert Einstein.

FACT: poo will rule the world.

Get a fuckin degree first faggot. Else Pajeets and Poos will fuck you like Mohammed fucked his underage hoe.

Based harpreet

That didn't answer my question

triggered much?
Actually fuck off just like you I was born in Canada. It's my country like yours
no half Iraqi and half Assyrian and I'm ginger so fuck off pajeet





Lol. You are and always be a fuckin shitskin sand nigger like most of your brothers in West.
Being Canadian adds more to the cuckload degenracy that you are.

Hola senior, cut garden for how much?

Lol a beaner talking about food. Buy yourself food first beaner before the cartel hangs you and your family by your balls.

im not watching that until the end. fuck that.

Based pajeet god

Stop hiding behind a meme flag. I'm pretty sure you're a paki from the UK. Hiding behind a meme flag shows how much a coward you are

Paki are worst than beta Asian men

There is a reason why Sikhs and Hindus are so defensive around Muslims. They know they can't win against us, our ideology is too strong.

I have several degrees and never even attended university. Your cucked people in the UK are too afraid to question me about my qualifications from my home country, plus there are so many fellow Muslims in management positions its easy to get a free pass.

Now be a good western fag and don't say anything more insulting about Islam or else ill report you to your police and get you locked up for 15 years. You have lost, we own the UK now.

Pakis are shit even by Muslim standards. The literal shit filled rectum of the Islamic world. Boy fucking inbred faggots.

You still here shitskin?
Go look after your Iraqi dad, he might need a hand with the family goat and your underage sister for cuckloading them.

This is my favorite easter edit, pajeet didn't take their shit only his own

The next one gets hit on the face...I thought for sure the first guy was gonna get his nuts smashed in.

this paki are the most inbred people in the muslim world

Fuck off Jihadi cum.
Hindoos and Sikhs maybe are beta in UK. But they have literally killed more mudslimes in a year than your Jihadi brothers have killed in their entire lifetime.

well that's predictable haha. Jesus, I hope it doesn't bust like a watermelon.

I've actually met many Muslims, but every damned time the absolute ugliest, dumbest, and most backward ones will be Pakis every time. It's like the Alabama of Islam.

No, no blood.

joke on you I don't have a sister and my mom is the Iraqi not my dad. \i truly love how you're trying to slide my question. Show your flag and prove you're a Paki

Just like you.
Being born from your dad and her sister.

Try harder shitskin next time.
Canadian degenracy at it's finest.

you will never take the UK. The fightback has begun, and it will only accelerate from this point.

I dropped Islam a few years back but we shouldn't forget Muslims are stupid it's just paki are the worst. There is nothing more beta than a Paki man

Look how pathetic you are now even. Praising foreigners who are defending whats left of your society for you because you are too scared and weak to do it yourself. You don't deserve anything that you have in the West when you let others take it away from you so easily.

a lucky pooja indeed

There's something truly satisfying seeing a Paki so delusional. It's probably because your average IQ is 84. I can't be inbred because I'm mix-race

Other than Wahhabi I don't mind Islam. But I've just noticed consistently over time Pakistan produces nothing but inbred homosexuals with low IQs.

You're a fuckin Iraqi, that too mixed. Too cucked to fuck your own race. Degenracy at it's best. Guess your dad doesn't stones you for not fuckin your sister?

BASED burger

Fuck off degenrate mudslime scum.

just tell them that pakis are just muslim indians

Keep telling yourself that. I can literally waltz around your capital city in a group of my fellow Muslims with a sign calling for the deaths of all non-muslims. If you even remotely did something similar you'll end up in jail and lose your job, friends etc. My native English employer knows that i hate England and march for its takeover regularly, yet he does nothing about it and "agrees to differ" with me.

You lost your country 20 years ago. Its ours now, you'll never rise up to take it back.

>Paki is self projecting too much
Is your life hard? You resort only to name calling, I guess I'm expecting too much from you. Go back to school shitskin. We can always fight together against the Jews only if you repent

Nah we wait for Zionist scums to wipe your Sand nigger land first. Then we take the holy Land by ourselves.

You call me degenerate while lauding the death of a child. What kind of mongrel are you?

wtf I love Pajeet now

anything but muslims always, even niggers. and they loot and steal, but on some level have more personality and can be bargained with in a way that muslim cult followers can't you guys have a strong link ill give you that but it makes you akin to cancer tumors. you literally are unwanted everywhere because its either your way or terrorism. Die, fucking kill yourself for your cause you saracen wannabe.

>pakistan winnging against Isreal
not going to happen any day my friend. Are you muslim?

Good story. I like Sikhs even more now. Doesn't their religion demand those khukri knives specifically to fight sandniggers?

fucking hell i hate you. you cunts. how can people be so deluded to allow you to live?

im going to do whatever i can to wake my people up, and end this bullshit.

Actually I read about their religious background.
They were like the Crusades. Fighting for pride and dignity and not surrendering under any Mudslime dominant force.
Pretty based af.

Hypothetically and as a joke those welfare towers your government pack them into are sarcastically highly flammable no?

Use the poo formula.
Give no shits about atrocities against mudslimes and keep on with your kebab removal shit.

Ah look its drunken Irish bufoon who is angry we took Birmingham from them.

I'm glad so many of you see Islam for what it is. We don't have a religion of peace, we are a religion of war and conquest. There is nothing you weaklings will do about it because your braindead majority believe the media about Islamophobia and how we are peacefull.

It gives me great pleasure knowing all of you will be aware of our take over and never be able to meaningfully do anything about it.

why do paki and pajeet hide behind pirate flags

A mudslime child.
Any mudslime/sand nigger deserves death.

This is the guy leading the Pajeets. More guts and kebab removal desire than the alt-right posers in West.

your moral compass is out of wack. Sup Forums is satire mate

>be irish
>have a poo prime minister

All you'll do is keep talking about it on here and maybe to people who already think like you in real life. You'll never get "normies" to do anything about us. Even your national flag is considered racist now, meanwhile I can proudly display any of my Islamist flags.

This guy can't be serious right? This is a larp.

Always the degenrate fenians.

Sadly the story of Europe except the Balkans.

show your real flag, otherwise your a larp.
Birtbong, don't fall for it.

Don't give a shit about morals as long as mudslimes are sent to their 72 virgins.

As long as you ban all the gay pride/faggotry shit then you’re ok tier

severely underrated

Fucking untouchable thinking he can afford my services, first of you need a home, that you don't have, streetshitter, second, POO IN LOO.

Eat shit streetshitter.

Of course its a larp. Just shitposting / trying out some new material for faceberg, twitter etc to enrage and redpill normies.