Sup Forums praises capitalism and hierarchy, recognizing that people aren't equal

>Sup Forums praises capitalism and hierarchy, recognizing that people aren't equal
>Sup Forums refuses to accept that the same applies to sex, that humans aren't monogamous and it's natural for Chads to get all the sex while incels get none

Why the hypocrisy? Low IQ untalented people deserve poverty but ugly incels DON'T deserve a life of loneliness? Sure, it's not their fault in either case, but life isn't fair.

Me on the right

Me on the right

Me on the right

Me on the far right

Me on the alt right

haha sing!


Me on the right

How the fuck does Sup Forums *not* accept the second part?

80% of women fuck only 20% of men. We need to seize the means of reproduction from the normies.

Fuck subsidizing sluts' abortions/birth control, incels need taxpayer funded plastic surgeries such as leforts and buccal fat removals

me on the right

Bravo on the reverse psychology, notice how the good looking is on the left and ugly looking on right. Just like politics


At the moment we only have capitalism in the sexual market but socialism in the economic market which puts men at a disadvantage.
We need freedom on both sides in order for there to be a levelled field

>humans aren't monogamous
yes, they are

"A study of some 230 different species of primates – monkeys and apes – has found that the risk of infanticide by rival males was the driving force that led to monogamy being established in some primates, including humans, scientists claimed.

Monogamy is rare in primates but in those species where it has evolved it was always preceded by a non-monogamous breeding system where there was a high risk of incoming males killing the infants of rival males in order to take over their rival’s females."

Seriously what is it like to be as ugly as that guy. There is *literally* no way a woman will ever touch you.

I agree completely. sexbots can't come fast enough

That's only from your perspective sweetie. From picture pov, right guy is attractive and left guy is not. LOL LEFTIES BTFO!

money can work
hookers are a God sent

That's good point OP. Lefties cry for equality of income all the time. What about the equality of the number of partners?

Equality now!

>Sup Forums refuses to accept that the same applies to sex, that humans aren't monogamous and it's natural for Chads to get all the sex while incels get none
It does? I'm pretty sure we don't. Though we can just LARP about muh monogamy and the Chads won't look into the information that girls will be attracted to a small percentage of the male population because they're too busy getting balls deep into some prime vag.

Me on the right

Me on the right.

>sexbots can't come fast enough

Just like real women, amirite?

But the sexual market is already socialised to fuck.
Men pay more taxes.
Women receive more public money.

If almost all women are going to passively leech off every single man, by government mandate, then logically they should be entitled to female companionship (because why the fuck else should a man pay for a woman?).

If you want true sexual capitalism, stop throwing tax gibs to women. Then they'll be *forced* to match with a man who can pay for them, like things used to be (because a hundred years of total freedome has shown that women as a whole are simply incapable of taking care of themselves).