So I have this black co-worker who I was cool with until today. I let him go on my phone to look at something, and to my dismay, my fucking login name was displayed on my browser as: NiggerDeath. Needless to say, the guy flipped out, started interrogating me, and getting aggressive like he wanted to do something. Jesus Christ, now I have to work with this nog who knows I'm a closeted racist....fml..
When they find out you're racist
>not hiding your power level
You deserved it
Just tell him you made it when you were young and edgy and thought it was funny, instead of Megadeth which is your favorite band you put niggerdeath because you're an edgy teen and you wanted your friends to laugh.
just pretend it never happened and call him a lying nigger if he mentions it
>Let a nigger take my phone.
>Now he knows I'm "racist."
Why in the FUCK would you EVER let a nigger touch your phone?
>I let him go on my phone to look at something
first mistake right there
I was accused of being a racist and lost my job due to the bias a black man had towards other. If people want to accuse you of being something, they will without remorse, you should know this.
Nigger love phones.
>I have this black co-worker
first mistake right there
anyone who grows a beard and shaves the mustache is an instant cuck to me
>I let him go on my phone
to me. niggers come in every color race creed and religion, I do not think of niggers as black, I think of niggers as just low-life scumbag sycophants
fuck off luke
Today at work a black guy comes up to me and some other guys with his aloe vera drink thats all green and says
>"have you guys ever tried this, its amazing!"
why? is there drugs in it?
>Excuse me? Are you stereotyping me?
"Yes. Because of the color of your skin"
*roars of laughter*
Good times not working with cucked blacks or whites. Even the black dude laughed his ass off.
just kill him and blame it on gang violence
>Establishment politics is the only thing that scares the establishment
My friends and I already call each other niggers a lot with hard R and all and half of them are hispanic. Literally no one cares about you saying nigger except for blacks and apologetic whites. You'll be fine OP.
letting a negro touch your phone
That Nigger needs a chill pill
It sucks because even tho he's a nig nog we were totally cool until today. Like we actually got along quite well. And to make matters worse, he's literally a gang member and one if his 'homeboys' got murdered yesterday.
"Muh powerlevel needs hidin" is a kike control psyop at this point
Last thing they want is all of us running about spouting off muh race realism
Sup Forums is a containment board
Muh powerlevel is the firewall to outside world
Youre a degenerate
You are the company you keep
You deserve anything that happens to you
I guess you're right. Fuck u anyway tho.
surely he understand your a loser that LARPs as a racist. Even black people do this, to pretend they are white people.
Also why do you put pic of Owen Shoyer
too bad youre black co qworker is such a pussy faggot and isnt cool
He's definitely a nig nog. But still, despite me being a closeted racist, I'm always a respectable person IRL and I judge people by their behavior around me. This guy has shown nothing but respect and good character which is why we got along.
I'm on a diverse crew, we all make racist jokes about each other and its fucking great.
Everyone's racist its better to just be light hearted about it rather than hateful
Say he stole your phone preemptively
My first thought as well desu
>letting someone touch your phone
>letting a coworker touch your phone
>the phone you have private conversations on
>the phone you use to look at porn
What the hell is wrong with you OP
This is the most sensible solution to your problem. Although it's probably too late to use it as you've already tripped up on your explanation.
Second best is to call him a dumb nigger and lynch him.
I'd like to imagine that he'll approach you later and say, "Look, I understand you want all niggers dead, but I just want you to know I'm not mad at you or anything. Here in America we have the right to hold whatever political belief we like. I disagree with you but I respect your opinions and your right to have them." This is the kind of America I want to believe in.
I agree.
>not offering him your wife and daughter as reparation for slavery and oppression
You deserve this
You should be happy that he didn’t take off with it.
>letting a nigger use your phone
consider yourself lucky you got it back you dumb faggot.
>gang member co-worker
Better be a prison guard op
Oh look, it's this thread again.