Why should I care if the white race dies out?
Why should I care if the white race dies out?
because europeans are the only ones protecting every other race from dying out.
What got me committed at first was spite, then I wanted children, and now I'm thinking of the world for my future children. That's why.
How many countries in the world right now do you want to live in that aren't run by white people? Like maybe a couple.
because latinos and blacks have iqs most under 100 and will become plague like mobs that vote for leftism government to steal your wealth of any form
When the lion is weak, then the hyenas attack.
Once the West is vulnerable due to low populations, then war will be waged by foreign people against the West.
money fo dem programs
Name one race more empathetic and charitable than Europeans. Chinese are racist as fuck and they don't give any fucks about it.
>pro tip: you can't
U mad wite boi?
This desu. I'd like to have a sense of white identity and pride like they show in tv shows from before i was born. it won't ever happen and i know that. If i can't have it then i just want to ruin it for everyone else.
If you have to ask that question, you're not white. And you're also stupid, considering if you knew history you'd realize whites made all the good shit in the world. Once we're gone, we're gone for good. That's it. Expect the world to turn into Africa once all the white people are gone to maintain the western world.
Your only hope may be the East Asians, but they only look out for their own. Whites have shown incredible compassion and willingness to allow non-whites into their societies as equals. Don't expect it from the East Asians. They will Holocaust you like it's 1944.
Don't call it a grave. This is the future you chose.
I have white children. I don't want their future to be worse than mine. Gas the Boomers generationcide now
Empathy is literally killing them. If they're willing to instinct themselves, I'm willing to let them become instinct.
Fukken kek'd
civilization is more fragile than you think.
Cause who will pay your welfare if we're not around, nigger?
Fuck you
Why should I care if the beaner race is tortured, raped, and exterminated? I don't. As a matter of fact there are plans in the works to make it happen.
Because they are they race that keeps America from being a complete shithole you dumb colored fuck
I already know this but I'd like to hear your take on it.
> (OP)
>Cause who will pay your welfare if we're not around, nigger?
The world would be objectively better without conventional government welfare.
Weaponized empathy is the Achilles heel of Europeans. Ghandi understood who owned the media in Britain and used it to mortally wound the British Empire.
>tfw you realize Britbong Empire was ruined by a streetshitter and their own media
kys kike
I'm half white half Mexican and I think it's retarded to see things through racial supremacy.
pls don't die mom
m8 we don't want to live with you. And we want our race to exist in 100 years. How the fuck is that "supremacy"? Why don't you go pester the fucking Japs or Koreans or Africans or any other race about "muh racial supremacy since you won't let us swarm your country and die out"?
Why does everyone equate having a racial identity to supremacy?
You're fucking retarded and this is why miscegenation is wrong. People like you don't get to have a racial identity
>implying anything can beat the doggo
Niggers, Arabs and Jews will fuck you over faster and furiouser
This, fuck off mexinigger
You cunts don't respect borders no matter what country it is. There's a small spic community in my town that tried to confront me over voting for Brexit
Please see
...because who would the niggers steal from?
Think about hanging out with your best friends having a drink and laughing your ass off. That’s what it’s about. No other race enjoys life like how we do.
Fuck off, You don't really care about borders
That's not true. They'll still live a rich life stuck in the stone ages.
>Why does everyone equate having a racial identity to supremacy?
My instinct leads me to believe it's an inferiority complex. In their minds, they see themselves as inferior to whites; therefore they project those beliefs onto us.
It's very ironic. Because on the one hand, they are the ones who believe in one race being "supreme" to another as deep down they know white societies are better and whites are more beautiful, have higher IQ's, etc... But on the other hand, they want so badly to accost any white person who dares acknowledge what they believe deep down and we all know to be true. It's like it's the truth, but you're not allowed to say it's the truth.
Very strange thing. They want us to lie to them and tell them they are better than they are, and that we are worse than we are. But at the end of the day, liking your race more than others isn't inherently a bad thing; it's what you want to do with that belief, how you want to act on it. And all we ask for is the same opportunities as a race that every other race has.
>Why does everyone equate having a racial identity to supremacy?
They don't really -- it's just a good strawman. A necessary strawman because there is nothing wrong with us thinking the same way as literally every other race on the planet.
Did you get a life and bin that knife yet?
Have you gotten out of your neighborhood ever? Because that's a culture thing, not a race thing.
le 56% face
Le going extinct face
it's not just one race ceasing to exist
it's all of them
whites are the only ones pushing back, that's why you will, for now, only see race mixing propaganda in white countries
after that there wont be a corner of the planet that will be diverse
diverse meaning all the same
>your gran kids will be brown
jokes on them white genetics are dormant
eventually the whole planet will look white but not be white
tldr don't race mix it kills all races
It's not about "Should" you either do or don't and if you don't, well...
Heh, looks like we need more rope.
Same. If we can't have a future no-one can.
>what did Google mean by this?
Not even British. I just think it's retarded for us to be talking shit to Europeans. Of all the (formerly) white nations to be criticizing other (formerly) white nations, we're nowhere close to being able to talk shit when our own house is a mess.
They have their problems, we have ours. Apples and oranges.
Your fucking kids won't care either way, numb nuts.
earliest civilizations 5000 years ago
yellow river
indu valley
europeans live in caves kek
Because, once the whites are gone, it becomes tribal warfare until nobody's left.
Niggers and other shitskins cannot run civilized societies. Everything you like now will be gone when whites are gone, because there'll be nobody left to work to provide things of value or provide gibs to the lazy and stupid.
Basically, all humanity inside North American and Europe goes extinct within a year of the last whites vanishing.
Aaaaandd queue the "Wh*tes r subhuman" turkroach guy who shitposts the same thread every day
There is no reason to care unless you really enjoy larping
Because you'll live in piss and shit just like everywhere that ain't white you stupid bastard.
You folks would almost be tolerable if it weren't for the low IQ.
Why does everyone keep laughing at that picture? I don't get it.
This races are set up for a reason, mix if you want but mixing with whites will still produce more shit skins..
Because you next ..
“they are forced to amalgamate with the slave population, to whom they bring neither honest principles nor good morals” and how “the amalgamation of unequal and dissonant races of men in their most degraded condition, can only be productive of the greatest moral and social evils to the community upon which it is forced”
>Alexander Von Humboldt
and eventually after many generations they will have mostly white features
not advocating race mixing , just pointing out that while pic related is correct, but it doesn't end there it gets whiter and wither with each generation
Because then there will be nobody left working to give you money.
this is assuming that there are still white people to breed with your pic, right now all we get is a stream of brown with no end in sight and I don't think it will end up looking like that in the next 200 years, every1 will have more nigger features because there are more niggers worldwide that want to get into white countries.
Is this him?
Yeah man. I have been all of the states and I have been to Europe and Asia too.
>this is assuming that there are still white people to breed with your pic
no this is incorrect , they may not look white but a large amount of their genetic material is and eventually the white genes will take over in future offspring
that's why it will take many generations for the bleaching to be visible
like i said white genetics are dormant , nigger genetics are more prominent at first they quickly take a backseat to the white genes
Unless your Asian it pretty much means the end of your race.
Let's say you have 6 white kids. How is that going to save the white race? The Tyrones of this world are having 8-16 kids by different moms. They don't care about race. All they care about is pussy and welfare. Just let this world die already.
fair point if true in the long run, but again, there are way more blacks than there are those white "hybrids" and that pic u posted will just become a smaller and smaller minority as the hordes just walk in