What's the consensus of him?

What's the consensus of him?

Other urls found in this thread:


dishonest wannabe intellectual

Conquered Mesopotamia. Pretty interesting to learn about
The youtube fag is irrelevant

Pretty cool ancient conqueror.

Going fucking nowhere intellectually. He's going to fleece a bunch of basic bitch "skeptics" for a lot of gibs in the process.

He created first empire in humans history.

Another radical alt-lite centrist with no firm convictions who knows something is wrong but won't do anything about it, who won't name the (((people))) responsible for fear of being like the left.
Also isn't he a cuck raising another man's son?

No other answer is permitted. This is the only correct answer. Fuck this fat quadroon

>"I'll voice over PowerPoint presentations and call it political commentary!
>"I'm a cuckold raising my wife's son but maybe nobody will notice"
>"I'm an octaroon but that doesn't mean anything right guys?"
>"I hate communists even though my policies allow communism to flourish!"

yeah I don't think Sup Forums likes him too much.

wrong board

When you say dishonest, do you mean as in hiding his power level, or he's just straight up in it for the money? Legitimately curious, I don't listen so I couldn't say.

Based as fuck.

BTFOs (((national socialists)))


muh principles, muh principles, this dirt must be magic

This. Fucking Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian fags don't understand.

he's a cuck and a brainlet. very dangerous combination

Reminder that non-Hoppean libertarianism is part of the problem.

all the philosopher youtubers are gay


The real sargon was just another violent Semite trying to fuckup the world.
The jewtube Sargon is a lefty faggot that cries about how liberalism is evolving into a puritanical morality cult but otherwise loves socialism while pretending to be an 1850s liberal.

His schtick was gamergate, he bitched a lot, it was useful. Now he continues to bitch a lot and take things personally. That doesn't make him a bad guy, just a poor leader or voice for people. If you step back and think of him as your old roommate or your neighbor then he's not bad. If you project a hopeful wisdom onto him then you'll see him as a faux intellectual/terrible leader. He's just not a leader which means he can't be a terrible leader.

The man triggers the right and the left. Collectivists can't beat him so they hate on him. He's a fucking legend.

sjw's are retards. you disagree with me on this ?

Dodges blatant, provable facts because of his feelings. He doesn't have to arrive at the same conclusions at some of these "alt-right"ers he talks to but he often fails to effectively refute their factual arguments and instead chooses to act like a crybaby.

Sargon is to higher IQ individuals what t_d is to lower IQ individuals. People like him are important to grab the attention of people with higher than average IQs that are still caught up in the Reddit type pseudo-intellectualism. It starts them down the path of breaking the conditioning.

It's funny listening to him still trying to sidestep race. Watch his recent discussion with Jared Taylor. I can tell he has some recognition of race and IQ based on his comments. So at this point I don't know if he's lying to himself or just attempting to keep the law from coming after him in the UK.

I remember a very long time ago he was interested in history, and he wanted to make a long series of podcasts about figures. But then he probably thought "what is the point, when I'm just reading against a static screen". He couldn't think of a way to make it engaging so he started making ranting videos exclusively.

Really, sometime over 2hr long videos of him rambling about a feminist artivle about a video game. Sad.

Take Historia Civilis for example, infinitely superior to Sargon, and this is what Sargon was too much of a brainlet to do. Instead he rambles about news articles for hours at a time, polluting YouTube with his platitudes and half-thoughts.


Layman is better

Idiot lefty who trusts all the public services that got us here in the first place. "If only the government ran them how I want them to be run then it wouldn't be used to indoctrinate the populace."

Also supports gun control so already he's ok with his country becoming irreversibly cucked.

He seems to have this fear in the back of his mind that the alt-right is eventually going to start killing innocent people, and that he may be included in that mix.

"Mongrels like you will hang on the DOTR!" etc.

>race and IQ
Genuinely curious, how much of that divide is racial and how much is socio-economic?

He thinks any Jew conspiracy is ridiculous, therefore doesn't know shit

He's a red-pilled alt-righter that will help us defeat the cancer that is the left once and for all.

Fat nihilist leftist mongrel. Prob a crypto-jew, last name (((benjamin))). If you are lurking, I hope you die a painful death at a young age carl.

lynch this cuck


He is /ourguy/

The only former "skeptics" I still watch are Layman, Teal Deer, That Guy T, and Edgy/Braving Ruin. Also Naked Ape before he disappeared. They seem to be some of the only ones willing to face reality without throwing a fit over it or lying to themselves.

The left aren't the cancer. (((They))) are.

The left are their good goy shock troops.

this is horrific

The left is an amalgamation of a bunch of elite Jews, complacent or just flat-out evil goyim like Merkel, and their autistic puppets like BLM and Antifa. It's a lot easier just to call it the left or the establishment.

Good baby's first redpill. Jared Taylor blew him the fuck out though.

pretty useless in the Civ Revolution game

Can you fags stop assimilating this e-cuck with an historical figure of significance? This is triggering as fuck.

>he suppots gun control


Good at triggering leftists and going after low hanging fruit, but will never actually tackle issues of substance.

He's good for getting people to hate feminists and shitlibs. We can then radicalize his audience because ultimately he doesn't provide any solutions to the problems we are facing

the anti-kek

>Also Naked Ape before he disappeared.
Did he die of AIDS

Apparently he's just depressed/blackpilled.

Love Historia Civilis anyone got any similar people I should check out.

Quadroon of Cuckkad

Not racist and sexist enough

Faggot. Like all e celebs and most celebs

Is he even a quadroon? I legitimately don't see it at all. I feel like he's just lying about being part black so he can virtue signal Talcum X style. He looks completely white.

quadroon or octoroon

>that pic

fucking niggers.

This is the correct post

Did sargon ever make a statement on gun control?

Today in "we have impossible standards".

Fuck him and his retarded reddittor fans

Are you really fishing for compliments anonymously?

Sup Forumss consensus is that he's popular so they can't like him.
I personally think he's okay, sometimes good, sometimes bad. A good critic, but doesn't have the best ideas himself.

Great job, faggot. Now everybody's gonna make fun of our flag

psuedo-intellectual who fluctuates on every opinion he's had. his entire basis thought comes from reactionary opposition to others, not any convictions he actually holds.

his "arguments" consist primarily of ad hominems, and really he appeals to the lowest common denominator of issues (MUH ANITA SARKEESIAN, MUH KULCHUR WAR)

Trump was a mistake.

Look at what you've all created.

The reason SJW people are hated, and it wasn't even based on valid reasons. The wage gap is real, white supremacism is endemic and conspiracy theories rule public consciousness, even in the younger generation, because of him. He's a fucking slimeball.

You should rotate your words.

Intellectually dishonest wannabe.

That fact that you are a canadian posting about being a cuck is too much irony in a single post to handle.

Smart man. Dont always agree but he thinks through his points. Has been doing a lot of reading lately which has generally improved his quality.

Back to sucking dick you go faggot

>civic nationalism
>"there's nothing wrong with white people becoming extinct in a couple of decades"
>they hate me because im popular

sure thing sargon of acock, sure thing

What do you mean socio-economic divides IQ representation among the population?
What are you a nigger?

opinionated pseudointellectual. Why does he have so many subs? His content is stale and not entertaining

I'm not kidding though. I mean look at pic related, she's an octaroon and she clearly has distinctly black features. Sargon's facial features are completely white and he allegedly has more black DNA than she does. And while his skin is somewhat swarthy, I'd probably assume it to come from some other type of Caucasoid race. He looks kinda like a slightly paler Turk.

Or he's such a hardcore redpiller that he's willing to raise another white man's bastard spawn instead impregnating his wife
and further tainting the white race with his mongrel blood. And in the process, he also saves a young white girl from the pitfalls of a fatherless upbringing, whilst advocating for white and male interests. He's an encapsulation of Pols idea of a based non white man should be. And Pol still hates him.