Chad officially banned from flying
How will he ever recover?

Other urls found in this thread:

>it's not good

gee thanks for telling me how to think, forming my own opinion is hard work

yeah I wonder why

Virgin Airlines
> Headquartered in San Faggotisco
> TSA grabs your ballsack
> Passengersare typically weebs and hipsters
> is actually just Alaska Airlines
> Muhammad Atta rejected them to use for 9/11 attacks

Chad Pedestrian
> walks

>It's not good.
For who?

Checkmate, alt-right.

By your own memes, Drumpf is literally a butthurt virgin who needs to ban Chad just to compete.

Y'all have lost the meme war



not uh

I will delete my Diamond account on Sup Forums now.


>For who?

Chad is (WAS) our biggest partner against ISIS and Muslim extremists in central Africa. Apparently they have the best special forces in the area.

By adding Chad to the Muslim ban because they didn't supply a sample passport in time, they damaged the relationship with a critical anti-terror partner.

The withdrawal of Chad forces from anti-Terror ops in Niger probably resulted in the ambush that killed the 4 special forces members.

So...not good for the US and the Trump administration.

Fucking Muslim bans.

>Waste of trips
Fuck off. Anti Terror partner is what faggots like Egg McMuffin say.

Unless this ban happened before October, I don't know how you get this.

I lost IQ points reading this post. Let this serve as a warning to others.

You failed to mention the multiple terrorist groups operating inside Chad. Ban makes sense.

>multiple terrorist groups operating inside Chad

Same with Mali and Niger, which is why the US was there. But they are not on the Muslim ban. This is about paper.

>Sup Forums
nigger begone

Now youve just about done it

So any country with 50%+ muslims should be
slapped with a travel ban? What point are you trying to make?

>I lost IQ points

Yeah, that explains a lot actually lol

why they heck I get travel ban? I never do anything

Sounds like they should be on the ban list as well

those poor muslims. its THEIR RIGHT to travel to america, who are you to tell them otherwise?

Sounds like you don't really know shit.

i like how there is no archive link for this and we have to go with whatever user says is the reason.

the virgin open borders / the chad travel ban?

no they should be nuked

the point is muslims are terrorists

I'm sure some are and aren't on the ban list because of other things than just terrorism. Syria pretty much lost control of their passport system, one reason they were on the ban list.

Even Sweden and the UK?

>So any country with 50%+ muslims should be
Yes and we are next.


Great arguement. The reason we are given is that Chad has terrorists, is supposedlytrying to get rid of them and apparently isn't sharing information. Africa being Africa it's liekly that the government has met some kind of "understanding" with the terror groups.

It could be that terrorists from neighboring countries are using Chad's good standing with the US to fly out of there and then find their way into America.

Why the fuck are there niggers in my country?
Why the fuck are niggers allowed to exist?

Specially sweden and uk.

Certainly London and Oslo should be nuked.

Don't care. We should be at war with the entirety of Islam.

Rex Tillerson
Exxon Mobile

Soured Deals
Punish Chad
abuse of power.

It's chock full of niggers?

Niggers didnt exist before 1900. They were invented by the jews

Jews are also niggers. Sand niggers.

>chad stares down nigger and niggeria
>virgin islands hides on other side of the planet

>Chad is (WAS) our biggest partner against ISIS and Muslim extremists in central Africa
a round about way of giving no insight considering Africa is full of useless niggers

>By adding Chad to the Muslim ban because they didn't supply a sample passport in time
So our greatest ally can't even supply basic information? You're a fucking moron for trying to champion these niggers.

I didn't want to go to the US anyway

Oslo isnt sweden but yes.

anyone got any virgin chads?