American Hate Thread

The Am*r*c*nts are all waking up.
It's time to remind them as to how much they are universally hated - not only by Europeans but by the rest of the world too.

I can honestly say, with good heart, intention and conviction, that of all the myriad of beings and creatures god in his infinite wisdom placed upon this earth, there is none more toxic, venomous, conniving or disgusting than the American. His breath reeks of his nation's horrible 'culinary culture'. His woman sleeps with whichever nigger roams onto his street next. His mangled and subhuman hands have brought about the end of many a great peoples and the only thing his wretched, dirty eyes see in envy and lust.

The American is a natural liar and conman, those allied with him should be aware. His armies crumple with the slightest blow of the wind however he will still beat his chest and claim victory and his integral role in any operation. He has allied himself with some of the most dastardly and evil forces in the world and in his arrogance has been enslaved by them. The only respite I can find in these horrific injustices committed by the United States is their eventual and soon coming extinction, for the American, through all his hate and bitterness, hates nothing more than himself.

Other urls found in this thread:

In b4 'lol but ur teeth are bad slimey limey!!!1"

lol but ur teeth are bad slimey limey!!!1

Shut up you ugly cunts. We can go to war again if that's what you really want

What powerchairs and bariatric sports scooters are my American friends rocking nowadays?

That's more than just a strong American-made chair, that's 60" of freedom for you ever burgeoning backside. That's support up to 1000lbs. Two SUPER TORQUE 4m Motors and solid bar stock across the chair.

Don't let 1000lbs get you down. You can live the life of a full blooded American without such things as chins or the ability to see your own genitalia anymore.

Its got a 1000lb carry weight, for when you really need to experience the hectic and exciting American life without such need for things like calves or necks or consideration for 'daily recommended calorie intake', these are things sent out by commies, liberals and socialists to stop an American enjoying his countries bounty.

So much freedom. I feel like my life was wasted by not being American and experiencing this beauty.
It's time you got with the plan, Yanks. It's time to ride the Big Bounder into the sunset with the rest of your countrymen.
It's the American Way.

God bless America.

Semi agreed but Anglokikes are wayyyyyy worse than Amerimutts

Fuck your Satanic Pedo Queen and fuck you Muzzie Mayor , Britscum

Resistance is futile! America WILL become a Communist nation under Trump! MAGA!!!


>meme flag
>probably German.


Are you vacationing in the UK, or just using a VPN based there?

>waking up
Nigger it's nearly time for us to go to bed, holy fucking shit, Nigel you need to get a fucking hold on your niggers.

>The Am*r*c*nts are all waking up.

It’s literally 10pm here. I didn’t have to read anything else you dumb fuck.

I'm 100% pure Anglo BLOOD and I hate every single one of you.



This whole thread



I do feel bad that your mum is going to be raped in front of your dad before he gets beheaded


>t subhuman yuropoor

l2win wars irrelevant nation LMAO

You're country is being destroyed in front of your own eyes and this is what you are focused on? You're welcome for brexit faggot

The garbage no balls manlet filth were left behind
>At the time of the Revolutionary War the settlers in the thirteen Colonies were not only purely Nordic, but also purely Teutonic, a very large majority being Anglo-Saxon in the most limited meaning of that term. The New England settlers in particular came from those counties of England where the blood was almost purely Saxon, Anglian, and Dane.
New England, during Colonial times and long afterward, was far more Teutonic than old
England; that is, it contained a smaller percentage of small, Pre-Nordic brunets. Any one familiar with the native New Englander knows the clean cut face, the high stature and the prevalence of gray and blue eyes and light brown hair, and recognizes that the brunet element is less noticeable there than in the South.
>The remaining Colonial elements, the Holland Dutch, the Palatine Germans, who came over in small numbers to New York and Pennsylvania, were also purely Teutonic, while the French Huguenots who escaped to America were drawn much more largely from the Nordic than from the Alpine or Mediterranean elements of France. The Scotch-Irish, who were numerous on the frontier of the middle Colonies were, of course, of pure Scotch and English blood, although they had resided in Ireland two or three generations. They were quite free from admixture with the earlier Irish from whom they were cut off socially by bitter religious antagonism, and they are not to be considered as "Irish" in any sense.

>he types nervously as the feral niggers draw ever closer to his house.

we kicked your ass once and can do it again ahkmed

Lol but your teeth are bad slimey limey

YOU destroyed us.
Not Muslims.

>It's time to remind them as to how much they are universally hated - not only by Europeans but by the rest of the world
Is one of those things supposed to matter? lol

Nobody fucking with my house. We are actually able to protect ourselves with guns faggot.

Hey this Brit is actually smart: note we could give 2 shits about you achmed

>crying about americans on an american website

o i am a lafin at u

Get fucked, faggot. Enjoy your prison sentence for posting on Sup Forums.


>This is an almost carbon copy of a form of messageboard used in Japan.

We invented fucking jeans faggot enjoy your banned spoons and knives



>This is banned in America


"His armies crumble"
>Got BTFOd in Revolution
>Got saved in WWII
>Used to have an Empire
> Used to be England; now called Anglastan.
>Nobody can buy guns
>Have to be 18 to buy utensils
>15 years prison for viewing far-right propaganda
Why all the hate?

Mediocre b8. Did your trap date not work out tonight?

Why have Americans accomplished so little?
Yet brag about so much?

Cuz we just take it... Problem with that?

>Got BTFOd in Revolution
The French were the ones who saved you. Not you.

>Got saved in WWII
You joined at the last moment after we'd already won the Battle of Britain. You only joined after your arse hairs got singed.

Rest of what you said is irrelevant.

How's that 56% working out for you?

>human being shows emotion


>accomplished so little

We invented the transistor you silly britbong. Nice job comparing all the countries in europe put together against the US

You're right our government is corrupted.
But the average American is a good person.

so what do you want us to do? nuke you or build more McDonalds. both have same effect after 10 years.

Fuck off Hadji rat
You are not English
We will help the English cleanse your filth if they wake up and ask for help

You gave them an excuse to come to Europe after you continually kept bombing them at the behest of your overlords.
You caused this.

Everything wrong in this world can be traced back to America.


How much more will they degenerate?

>that's actually real



Who cares what you lesser beings think? We're better than you and always will be. Your opinions are worthless and if you want to start some shit we can make sure you never live in peace ever again.
Military is everything. The full extent of ours has never been hinted at.

Do you know how a naked mole rat looks like?

I honestly wish you cunts still had an empire. I'm trying to imagine what these men would think of poor Britannia now.


you have so many more issues than hating us cUcK

You killed our Empire.
See Suez Crisis.

No. No we really, really don't.




shut up before we nuke you



don't let your wifes son know that you post on this board, he might report you to the authorities which would land you in the brig

You had a good thing going. You just let go of the rope.

pussie ass commie

Don't have freedom of speech, never mind right to bear arms..

wtf does it matter if we are pure white, your country is a pathetic craphole, you can't even escape the EU...

You might want to free yourself from serfdom, instead of just being envious of people you could be emulating.

Bitching about us won't fix your country.

Your so retarded.
Kill yourself

>The Am*r*c*nts are all waking up.
>it's 10:30 PM
I'll stay up for you senpai

the dogs bark, but the caravan moves on....

t. Londonistani achmed.


>His country started the cuck fetish and propagated it
>has the audacity to use 'wifes son' on me.

The state of Americunts.


Let's see:
>12% Islamic Capital with Muslim mayor
>jailed for wrong-think
>bin that knife
>constant terror attacks

Our burgers are superior.

factually we resisted subversion harder than anyone.
you guys were kissing boys decades ago


Let's see..

>45% Black capital.
> Industrial style prison system.
>minimum mandatory sentencing.
>Constant school shootings
>Constant gun attacks,
>Majority of his largest cities have turned into gang warzones.
>Mass rape of his women by feral negroes.

Fuck you and your cucking imperialist cuntry, meanwhile Niggerian, jiggboomaicas, and other nergoribean wise nose apes are raping your bucked toothed limey women and your country is crumbling while the Irish take back Belfast, the Scottish are close to gaining independence, and the Welsh will gain independence leaving your shitty country in ruins. England is a shitty cucking nation filled with Godless heathens, if it wasn’t for the United States landing troops on Normandy you limey bastards would have been stuck in breadline under the Soviet Union iron curtain, Fuck you, fuck your country, and fuck your imperialistic ways, the Falkland Islands had native Americans and Spanish, but you ethnically cleansed the islands like you did in Nova Scotia, Australia, New Zealand, and southern Britain. They found evidence of arrow heads and native Americans canoes, but you ignore that, just like you ignore your bullshit claim to Northern Ireland, you forget that you used to own 2/3 of the worlds land mass, starved people to death in Ireland, and India, or how you started eugenics


user, I....
The degenerate 'gay pride' culture started in your country and spread worldwide.

>The Am*r*c*nts are all waking up.
lel we're all heading to sleep at this time

u wot m8?

Starting famines is our national pastime.

Fuck off bong. Have fun paying for your telly license and getting your knives confiscated while getting fucked by sand nigger cock.

Wow dad just abuse your own son. This is why we left. Youre a faggot

American posters are so bad that i usually can't browse during burger hours. This board somehow manages to become even worse when the amerilard awakens.
>Gop retards
>E-celeb garbage
>Obvious bait threads with hundreds of replies
>Shitty larp threads
>Tin foil autism like flat earth and alien garbage
Always amerilards


Just because it's cliche doesn't make it any less true.

>waking up

it's 11 pm on the east coast.

Anyway, it's lonely on top, but we wouldn't have it any other way!


The USA joined wwii after it was attacked, but if you think we didnt aid the UK in both 1 and 2 long before an american boot hit the soil you're an idiot. Also, yeah list 6 events and say the usa caused your downfall. Argument by meme is lazy and stupid, traits it shares with those who employ the despicable practice

>universally hated

Bong thinks anyone outside your dying island cares about your crumpets in this era and is sorely disappointed when nobody in Europe or elsewhere can remember where you're located on a map.

What an embarrassment to British people. Cucks like you are why your country is being overrun by lecherous Muslims


>Abdul playing divide and conquer at 4am because it's the safest time for him to molest children

Like poetry.