Is suicide degenerate in a situation where the west returning to greatness is seemingly impossible? Having to go outside and interact with the masses is depressing.
Is suicide degenerate in a situation where the west returning to greatness is seemingly impossible...
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Let me guess, this is a "slide thread" because I'm not talking about the latest so-called happening. I'm just asking your opinion.
Why do I have a different ID now? This is OP posting. wtf
suicide is always unholy in the eyes of God
Well what am I supposed to do in a world where I'm completely powerless to change anything for the better? How can God blame me for feeling helpless. I don't want to live in this horrible timeline.
Your IP address must have changed.
yes. there's always the benedict option
You either save the west or die trying. Suicide is for faggots
It's not about blame, it's about suffering, god wants suffering.
10 thousand years of human progress allowing for a planet of 7 billion people ripe for complete misery
Just get off the internet you dumb nigger
Thing is, your life is your responsibility. Sure things can go to shit for others, but that doesn't mean it has to be the same for you. Take control of yourself, start a business, join a community, go to church, exercise, and stay armed to protect yourself, your family, and your friends. Nobody who was sane ever said life was going to be easy or that things were going to fix themselves, this is up to you. And in the long run if you show people how much better your life is for it, they will follow suit. Above all else, have fun. Kikes hate happy white people.
Suicide is a last case resort, you can't fault some people for doing it when it's objectively the better alternative. But yes if you have aren't literally pinned down by enemy fighters suicide is for faggots.
I am going to start going to church desu. I was raised by retarded atheists, and I've always felt that my life was missing something wholesome.
Good to hear. God speed user.
If you're gonna kill yourself at least try suicide by antifa or something and help the right-wing out a little
Find a good vantage point and make some grass grow.
Suicide isn't really a good idea. I guess if one were dying of a terminal disease and wanted to put an end before it came to the point they were unable- MAYBE.
Doesn't matter if greatness is possible or impossible. Do what you can to have a positive impact on the circle of people directly around you-
keep in mind not wasting energy on the lost.
I limit my interaction with the outside world, but then I have the luxury of doing that. It helps a lot.
God doesn't blame you for feeling helpless, but you don't need to be so much. Talk to Him & He WILL help you- even if it's just to show you He's around. I'd be flat on my face without Him. But He'll lead you places, too. Show you where to find the answers you need. BTDT. Multiple times.
re ID change. Did you clear your cache/ delete cookies? Some nitwit made a comment that I had "only X number of posts". I guess they never clear their cache/whatever. I clear mine several times a day. My old Mac is still a screamer.
>is suicide degenerate
degenerate is typically something that doesn't make you healthier, so fucking obviously yes lmao
First and foremost it is a waste. Why suicide if you can murder-suicide whomever you dislike?
>Whomever you dislike
Now THAT'S what I call degenerate.
if you cannot do what you want or live the way you want, i see it as being reasonable if you truly don't think it's possible that things will improve.
>Is suicide degenerate in a situation where the west returning to greatness is seemingly impossible?
that said, this is a retarded reason to kill yourself
Trips of divine providence.
Maybe I should go back to church.
I remain agnostic, but I certainly see the value of the Christian way of life from a moral perspective.
>t. Raised 12 years a Christian.
Left when the pastors wife killed herself by OD'ing. Really lifted the veil for me.
She was a full blown drug addict, and she was up there every Sunday preaching that we should remain pure in body and spirit.
I learned quickly that I didn't need the threat of eternal damnation to keep me in line.
Doing good and living well are their own rewards.
But that said, there's a niggling doubt in the back of my mind every time I consider ending it all.
Maybe that fear helps.
>Maybe I should go back to church.
i hope you're all not serious about this meme on Sup Forums. it's asinine.
Keep telling yourself that, sodomite.
Yeah, but here's a haunting thought. In the minutes, hours, or next few days after you off yourself, the thing you wanted most in this world all of your life happens. But you're not there. You missed it because you're dead.
great thing about being dead is you can't regret dying, or anything else.
You'll be ded why would you care about degeneracy?
Just worry about the one way ticket to hell.
Hell is obviously the most degenerate place in existence.
Biggest issue I have is being miserably lonely.
A Church is a community.
As I said, I don't wholly buy into the notion of an omnipotent god.
I just miss having a group of people where meeting up with each other doesn't involve getting shitfaced and talking about the other times we got shitfaced.
Among my age bracket (mid 20s) that's the only type of social group setting that exists anymore.
I'd rather be in a community where theres only a few degenerates but they have the decency to pretend in polite company.
It might be a meme.
But I'm willing to take a chance on it.
Suicide is only justifiable when your're being overwhelmed by enemy soldiers, and you don't want to give them the satisfaction of killing you.
As far as we know, sure.
But we can only observe the dead.
Who's to say that we don't have some intangible immortal soul?
Who's to say we do?
I'd rather give life a go and if fear of the unknown beyond death is how I pull myself around, so be it.
Good attitude, user.
>Biggest issue I have is being miserably lonely.
loneliness is only something that seems to creep up when i'm not working on something interesting.
the biggest issue i have is being unproductive and lacking energy. that is what is bothersome.
Fuck off kike
>being unproductive and lacking energy. that is what is bothersome.
These are related to loneliness.
regardless, i don't want a big social circle. i'm not into that.
i want to be able to focus and direct my mind where i need it to go
You don't need a big social circle. But loneliness typically kills motivation and can facilitate the development of several mental disorders.
>soul full of righteousness
>won't go out and destroy evil
>destroy self instead
that's satan talking
Go on no fap and no porn crybaby
Comrade you must make better degenerate tread to turn Amerikanski and West against each other. Kreml is dissapoint!
lack of focus has plagued me even when i had a much more active social life. i find socializing to be very stressful and draining.
what kills motivation is a slowly-but-steadily increasing tolerance to stimulants.
Meditation can fix lack of focus.
This is the least appropriate time to kill yourself, you should fight for your people 'cause when you win you destroy the cause of your suicide thought.
yes, i know. but they're not working very well anymore.
I said meditation, not medication.
This guy gets it. fight evil to the last breath no matter how much it hurts and no matter how much you lose in the process. God has your reward on the other side.
Implying the west isn't already making a comeback
thought you said medication, not meditation.
good diet, exercise, hydration, nutrition, and discipline are all very important, but no substitute whatsoever for medication.
Meditation is definitely a substitute for medication. It certainly worked for me when I had absolutely no focus, and I put it above everything you mentioned in efficacy. But it's a bitch when you start.
i don't think you understand. it's like telling a paraplegic that squats are a substitute for a wheelchair. it might sounds like i'm exaggerating, but i'm really not
It really isn't. Have you gone on a hardcore meditation retreat? 10 hours a day of this shit for 10 or 30 days? Do that with a Vipassana group and then continue for one hour a day on your own. It feels fucking awful but you feel like a different person afterwards.
Soft living gave us babyboomers, you will be a fine soldier, Never Slacken, Never Tire, Never Lose Courage and Never Despair!
Too bad god doesn't exist.
>Have you gone on a hardcore meditation retreat?
appreciate the tip, user, but that's really not the sort of thing i'm looking for
It's not.
There's plenty of research on the topic. I suggested a regime that goes a lot deeper than the example above. If meds stop working at all in the future, research it. It's well documented.
looked into stuff like this before, and i don't doubt that it can be effective, as i've used CBT in the past to deal with OCD. this is different though.
>If meds stop working at all in the future
if this happens, i hope my doc will just prescribe desoxyn, which is doubtful.