The test that proves regressives are psychopaths

You’re watching a train careen forwards down a track, and in its path, five people are trapped
and awaiting their doom. There is a switch that could divert the train down a separate path,
and although this would save these five people,
it will instead plough into one single person stuck to this alternate track.

Would you flick the switch?
You’re watching a bunch of immigrants on TV, they are poor and possibly hungry.
You could vote for a party to divert money and jobs to them by allowing them free
entry into the country, but doing this would destroy the lives of people you meet
every day, and it could litterally kill a few of them by introducing islamic terrorism.

Would you vote for or against open borders?

Other urls found in this thread:

Not my property and I am a strict follower of the NAP

I swear no one uses this flag unironically.

The videos you see of "refugees" are fake, and you're a naive sheep giving away all you own to import fighting age sandnigger men to ruin your country.

no, they are not fake.
Nice try psychopath
Pathological lying is one of your traits.

Proves the populist Right has always been right.

>le trolly cart conundrum
Enjoying your sophomore year?

They are fucking staged you gullible fucktard. I hope you freeze this year

Oh boy a trolley thread.


The massive surge of immigrants into Europe is staged ?
The destruction of western demographic is staged ?
Islamism is staged ?

I only have a few on my phone unfortunately.

Oh, you meant the real shit, I was talking about the stupid political commercials with sad 8 year old girls and shit


The jew, obviously, the niggers will never figure out how to untie themselves


Regressives Would pull the lever, that's what they do, they don't care about society, they
care about virtue signalling / pretending to do the right thing.

They have no social connection to the world around them, they are incapable of Actual
emotions, that's why they act strange and fake emotional outbursts.

it's just a theory

Push the fat guy onto the tracks.



Someone points a gun at a babies head and tells you that if they pull the trigger everyone in the world lives, if they don't, everyone dies but the baby lives.

What do you do?


My answer



you are a good britbong

Flip the switch to run over the nogs. Then proceed to tear the switch pole apart, walk over and bludgeon the jew to death with it.


that's my favourite, but i couldn't find it.




They're commies user. That guarantees they are psychopaths.

In fact, they are below psychopaths. As comimes aren't people while psychopaths might be.





The people that come up with this shit are sadistic psychopaths. They like to convince people there are only two options in some scenarios. The truth is life always gives you more than two options, but people might limit you to only being aware of two of them. It's a way of fucking with your head. You might say something like, well I would try to run ahead and untie that one guy. They will ruin this for you though, because they get aroused when they get to play God and imagine that they can put in a compromising situation like this. They are sick fucks, and if anyone puts you in this position, they are probably a psychopath.

or you don't have to be a republican or democrat



Ugh. This question is so fucking dumb and only white people with their pathological altruism could possible think it's any kind of moral conundrum, because they are incapable of proper rational analysis.

From a moral perspective, I did not strap the five people to the track. I did not strap the one person onto the track. I am not driving the train. Therefore, if the five people die due to the train's current course, I am not at fault. But if I divert the train, I WILL have caused the death of one person.

So the obvious course of action is to ignore the train and the five people, go untie the one person from the track, and then notify the authorities.

Similarly, I did not cause the immigrants on TV to be poor. I did not cause them to be possibly hungry. But if I vote for that party that allows them free entry, I WILL be responsible for introducing islamic terrorism.

That brown 2yo kid found the solution


You don’t know what a psychopath even is. Read some Dr. Robert Hare. Psychopaths don’t just lack empathy. They manipulate people, usually praying on one person at a time. They don’t understand emotion so they mimic what they observe. They don’t comprehend abstract, everything is binary. They don’t get music or anything artistic. They even lack a sense of smell for some reason.

Medically the term psychopath isn’t even used, it’s called “antisocial personality disorder” in adults and “Asperger’s syndrome” in children which they claim is a form of autism (spectrum)






That means you're not a psychopath.

Leting the refugees in could, knowing that it would hurt the local community is
a psychopath choice. psychopaths dont understand social and emotional commitment,
and they act extremely narcissistic, like regressives.

They pretend to care about issues, like immigration because its the presumably
virtues choice (its not) at the cost of local communities of people they meet every day.

what do those digits mean


I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier, I thought you were saying the precise opposite of what you are





kek, no problem, i understand why, it's a confusing test.
But it does bring up a good point about regressives.

And that's it. If I was at my computer I could probably bump this to the image limit and most of them would be actual scenarios, but that's all I have on my phone.

hah, I like this one.

kek, Thanks for the memes

This is a borderline false equivalence, but I'll bite.

In the first scenario, you are asked to bring into question the value of the life of the few (single person) vs the lives of the many (5). If preservation of life is the highest form of morality, the obviously letting the one person die is the "correct" choice, and hence the "moral" one.

In the second scenario, you are being asked to weight the needs of the many against the accomplished progress of a smaller group. Depending on what you value most in each group of people's societal worth, you either:
1. Save the few, which are "objectively" more valuable (functional society producing people that may take us to the stars one day).
2. Save the many that are suffering currently, and set back human progress for a century or 3.

Again, this isn't really a hard problem to solve, but the REAL solution to the problem needs to be addressed in these indigent's home countries, not in the home countries of the indigenous to western society.

thanks for the (You) but I'm not going to entertain ops autism

1) I could give a fuck if a train kills people. How can I make this situation benefit me? That makes my decision.

2) Taking people in is unaesthetic, and ruins your local environment, by them being people, by them being inherently hostile due to looking different and their culture likely anathema to my own values.

3) Don't know them or give a fuck whether they live, die or grow mushrooms from their asscracks, but if I did care a tinker's damn, it would be far more helpful to help them in situ than bring them here

No. Life is struggle, Death is release



The actual moral choice would be to support the people in your local community,
because those are the people you socially interact with every day.

A psychopath would be incapable of recognizing this because the psychopath does not
socially connect with other people.

Virtue signalling and grandiose behaviour / narcissism is more common in psychopaths,
so the obvious choice would be the presumably morally superior one with the most
amount of shallow gratification and pr, even though we know nothing about the
immigrants and their background.

They are an unknown entity in the equation. The local community on the other hand is
not, and will have to cope with the effects of immigration for a long time,
and it will affect their social standing, mobility and the rate of unemployment.

I let the train do its thing. If I hit the switch I'm a murderer, if I do nothing I'm just a bystander and a witness but not an active party in the deaths of anyone. The wannabe hero turns into a murderer the second he touches that switch, the best bet is to try to untie the individuals in harms way but that's not part of the question so it doesn't count.

Right down the middle.


fuking lol

That is the non-psychopathic choice.

You're not a psychopath.

>tfw I pull it and then pull it a second time just to participate in the demise of 5 people

>They are an unknown entity in the equation. The local community on the other hand is
not, and will have to cope with the effects of immigration for a long time,
and it will affect their social standing, mobility and the rate of unemployment.

They aren't an "unknown", though. They are known to come from completely incompatible cultures. They are known to raise the crime rates in Europe. They are known rapists. They are known terrorists. They are known Ismalic extremists. Not all, certainly, but most.

Why let a cockroach in your home?

No, the choice is simple. You fix a place where cockroaches can live and exist with out being interfered with. Give them a few centuries to work out their problems themselves.

Would you like to drink water while they drink shit or would you want to drink watered down shit with them?

This makes one wonder... If the migrants in question were not mostly young man of dark skin, ready for a romp in the sack with many native ladies...

but instead mostly horny east Asian females dressed as slutty school girls ready to sleep with the local fellas...

Just how many of these libcucks would want more immigrants?

You don't know me

The refugees are still alive, mine isn't working.

I plant bomb on both trollops, red and blue die.

theres a meme for this. and the real answer is they would believe whatever they were told to believe.

Follow Ben Shapiro much?

>regressives are psychopaths

No, they're sociopaths pretending to be empaths.

... and this is how "Saw" movies keep getting made