What is Sup Forums's opinion on pic related?
charlie kirk is a fegget cuckservative
there i said it
We should only help those who can not help themselves.
I slightly agree.
just send your poor to the syrup mines you faggot
regardless, im probably going to try to charter a TP chapter at my school
he wants more hopeless poor people
he's probably a good christian
Aren't those both the same thing? If they weren't lazy they wouldn't need anything as they'd be able to provide for themselves.
>creates organization opposing "big government"
>completely ignores our foreign policy
total cuckservatism, cant believe im VP of a chapter, gonna dump these retards and move on
You get that by abolishing welfare. Private charity can take care of the honest cases, jail the rest.
Niggers are both and it would be RAYCISS so not gonna happen
the needy what does that mean. people like him?
charlie kirk: lets attack the weak
I agree on both, but I assume my definition of help is widely different than the cuck vermins definition.
charlie kirk divide and conquer
I support helping my tribe and oppose funding others.
Fuck both of them
sage, because there are bigger fish to fry today
lol u mad faggot?
opposing big government does nothing if you don't oppose the immigration of people who vote for big government (non-whites)
99% of people will agree with this. you need to be edgy these days if you want attention
I support voluntary charity. I do not support stealing from productive people because certain other people are too lazy to be productive
charlie kirk: us against them
charlie kirk: the privileged against the disenfranchised
>hehehe aren't i cool and nihilistic guys
Kirk was raised in Wheeling, Illinois. Although not active in politics, his parents were conservative, and his father, Robert W. Kirk, was the project architect manager for Trump Tower in New York.
In 2012 Kirk wrote an essay for Breitbart titled "Liberal Bias Starts in High School Economics Textbooks.
>Helping the needy by never helping the needy, interacting with the needy, opening your homes to the needy, offering food to the needy, giving clothes to the needy,
>demand the government help the poor
i support both. being needy does not mean youre lazy.
It's a wonderful thing to help the needy.
It's a terrible thing when we try to make the government do it.
Holy fucking hell I completely forgot about noko and nokosage.
I honestly forget when they got rid of that.
yeah because government is only to arrange tax cuts for the rich police to protect their property and corporate wars
let the churches do it with all the tax payer money they get. social problems will be solved instantly
Nice trips. I use noko still, just feels right.
UBI is a communist plot
oh well that didn't help so fuck the poor i guess
turns out the pastors thought buying the church a brand new $60,000 pick up would be the best way to help the poor
What is an oxymoron, Nigger hypocrisy for 1000
A handy capped man would be an example.
Obviously born at a disadvantage.
people have been free to help the poor for thousands of years so how could there still be poor people?
That's why eugenics should be the law of the land ,no more excuses
lol, most of us wouldn't make the cut. We'd be in a world filled with high IQ jews and asian drones.
I oppose dysgenic policies.
Defund Welfare
Fund Planned Parenthood.
>Give free food out of my pocket to the homeless bros that drop by my restaurant
>Hate my fat lazy manager that makes everyone else work harder
Hooch und Tate
Don't most people feel this way? Be careful how you judge people, though. You never know.
Thats a pretty good start, user. Hard to argue with the logic and forces libshits to question themselves.
I want to play devil's advocate... What are lazy people?
What would qualify a person as not someone who needs help, but someone who is lazy?
and when the poor get desperate you can tell them how tough you are on crime
put the poor in jail for $100,000 a year rather than just giving them $10, 000?
One giant step in the right direction for your miserable country.
Next step is: I support the needy, but I keep it to myself and don't force you to as well.
I bet most of the dysfunctional are mentally ill.
and you don't wanna waste money on treatment.
>$10,000 a year
plus the police services
plus the health services
plus the housing services
plus the nigger baby services
plus anything nigger related
sounds like a deal desu
Am able bodied/minded person who decides to leach off the system wpuld be lazy.
Sorry for the typos.
The solution is simple really, time limit welfare payments unless you're truly disabled and only allow those that have contributed taxes to claim welfare in the first place.
If you limit it to say 3 months per person, per year maximum it'll become a transitional payment only and a shameful one to be on at that. Also only making it available if you've previously paid taxes stops kids and immigrants from being able to be put on welfare from the get go as they wouldn't be eligible for them.
Why did you respond to me three times? Couldn't you have put it all in one post? Are you okay?
Nothing can help people better than other people, who do something out of the kindness of their own heart, for a cause they care about. Institutionalized charity dusts the problem under a rug, and provides only temporary solutions. Welfare doesn't promote people to go find jobs, a good family structure and close friends and peers who can help you does. Foreign aid doesn't promote countries to rebuild and restructure their government and economy, it promotes stagnation and dependency. Having people who actually care about the communities come forward and do work is what helps provide impoverished countries with what they need. You can't have a country of men and women who do not fight and care for themselves and each other, and who depend on other countries for their existence. This is not a sovereign state.
Also, I didn't say a thing about churches, or about tax cuts.
>people have been free to help the poor for thousands of years so how could there still be poor people?
Governments have been free to help the poor for thousands of years so how could there still be poor people?
plus the police services
plus the health services
plus the housing services
plus the nigger baby services
these services don't cost anything in jail
Why did you respond to me three times? Couldn't you have put it all in one post?
what are you gonna do about it?
Truly mentally ill and dysfunctional people should be provided for in my estimation.
I chose the lower one.
"I oppose funding the lazy"
bla bla bla you fucking fairy
My opinion is that your existence does not mean I owe you money
If they all go there automatically it doesn't cost anything in the first place?
>plus the health services
Don't give niggers health serivces in prison, they're left to bleed out
>plus the housing services
>plus the nigger baby services
No services for niglets cause they're all in prison
notice it's the pro life crew that don't give a shit about others
Why nigger?
All welfare is dysgenic
once you're borne all their hard work is finished
Fair enough, what would be considered a needy person?
He follows me on Twitter. He has such a punchable face. IDK why. He screams ‘basic bitch’.
You need to help the vulnerable. If a family will starve to death without support then the government really should intervene.
But I also think that most of these systems don't really do that and just give out a minuscule amount of money then try as hard as they can to stop giving out that money instead of actually helping the people in need get into proper, dignified employment.
In my country at the moment there are working poor where both parents work full time jobs, live in a complete shithole and don't use any drugs whatsoever yet one bad day can derail their whole lives due to low wages and high rents, mainly due to neoliberals hording property and flooding the country with unskilled immigrants from China, India and the Philippines
The government shouldn't be handing free gibs for people. Maybe instead focus more on giving actual food shit like flour, bread, and vegetables while training them with abilities to get into industries. The current system of giving free food stamps and money doesn't motivate anyone.
Last bump.
Woah, you get it.
out source, move jobs out of country,
privatize everything so government has no say.
out of control patent law.
yup I blame the poor
churches get taxpayer money, since when?
You cuckservatives and Libertarians need to fuck off.
What Canada needs a National Socialist platform. Anti-Immigration being the focus, not the usual cut taxes and cut social services spiel from a political era which is long past.
Brazil had this gib where families only got money if their children were attending school. Iceland, in order to reduce alcohol and drug abuse by minors, gave poor kids free access to sport clubs and gyms.
Real libertarians don't give a shit about the poor even if you'd like for us to fuck off. Anyone supporting the "needy" isn't a libertarian.
Makes sense. I knew libertarians were massive autismos with little to no sense of empathy or compassion for their fellow man, let alone their own country or their own people.
Here's my thoughts as a working person who receives food stamps: the system is completely fucked up. The second I start working I lose 400 dollars off the top of my stamps compared to when I'm not working. That number only goes up as I make more money. The same goes for medical insurance, my kids' insurance, etc. It rewards the lazy and punishes you for trying to pull yourself out of a hole.
Fact. You have to earn existence by being a force in the market place. The market is, of course, everybody voting on everything all the time. Your vote is not equal to others because more wealth gives more of a say. This even means that some corporations might fail, because they buy things that only poor people buy. Like fidget spinners, alcohol, and print t-shirts. Income is a direct correlation to IQ
well at least the righteous can be grateful it wasn't wasted on the poor