Why have you joined the most redpilled religion there is? (((Abrahamic))) religions are all cucked kike shit.
Why have you joined the most redpilled religion there is? (((Abrahamic))) religions are all cucked kike shit
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My dad is buddhist, even though we're a typical white family in rural NZ. I always found this strange, and he had a bunch of buddha figures around our house growing up. Kept it to himself, my mum and myself both raised catholic. One day in my 20's I was drinking with him at the pub and asked him why he chose Buddhism. I was expecting him to give some philosophical answer because he was always someone who thought hard about his words and so on. He told me "every family man needs a religion son. And no asian priest ever fucked me when I was a kid." There was a sort of awkward silence. And we never spoke of it again.
Because it's designed by an asian for an asian mind, and I'm not asian. I'd gladly borrow and implement any of the positive aspects of Buddhism though.
no wonder even the nazis came to hate this cucked religion later on. even hitler said he wished they would have adopted islam's warrior culture
damn your racial criticism. meditation is for any living being.
Anyone who criticizes Paganism or Christianity is either working for a leftypol kike shill or is one himself. When you see a shill, drop a redpill.
Was a pagan you fucking idiot. He wasn't an atheist but he wasn't a chirstcuck either.
>In an 8 April 1941 entry, Goebbels wrote "He hates Christianity, because it has crippled all that is noble in humanity."[79]
>According to Speer, Hitler stated in private, "The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"[204]
Hitler stopped being a Christian well aftter mein kampf was written idiot. The Nazis sought to make Christianity as un-Christian as possible.
Real fascists hate that kike religion.
>even hitler said he wished they would have adopted islam's warrior culture
Fake quote.
Taoism is the only redpilled religion.
Actual red pilled kebab removers are the Hindoos.
Look at their level of discipline.
Read about RSS and Modi.
Btw Himmler was inspired from Bhagvad Gita and always kept a copy of that in his pocket and used direct quotes from Bhagvad Gita to motivate the Waffen Soldiers to fight for their country and war.
You want to fuck around
Get put down
A pro China psy-op to kill one of the last national opposers of cultural unity, Support these monks at all costs.
>I'm going to ignore the jew Sarah Silverman who said she'd crucify Jesus again
>I'll ignore that the Jews say Jesus is burning in human waste in hell
>I'll ignore that the Jews are in porn because they hate jesus
>Ill ignore the Jews admit they're frauds
>I'll ignore that modern Judaism isn't even based on the old testament but on oral tradition like the Roman Catholic church
>I'll ignore that the scriptures calls them the synagogue of Satan
>abrahamaic religions were invented in Norway
Satanists are pretty red pilled...
Daily reminder that Christians kneel before the Jewish god and therefore kneel before the Jew. Buddhists actually kill mudslime and are based. That is all
Wow ur so edgy u get gold star
Buddhism is much closer to esoteric philosophy than it is to 'religion'.
No Thanks, I'm a Mongolian Nazi
What? Shut up, that's retarded.
1. good, ignore sarah silverman, she's a comedian.
2. Jews don't HAVE a hell, that doesn't make any sense.
3. There are non-jews in porn, and sex outside marriage is against jewish dogma
4. ...
5. Like modern Christianity is any more like it was 2000 years ago?
6. Haha yeah, we cucked you snowniggers good with that christianity prank
>there is only the way
>the way is unknowable
>therefore every way is correct
>Ashin Wirathu
>Asian Wrath
I'm curious. Would this be considered Asian on "Asian" crime in the UK?
>everything I don't like is fake
Speer confirmed it.
>Muslims spend decades pushing into Buddhist communities.
>Assaulting peaceful Buddhists. Enforcing their religion upon an unwilling populace.
>The last straw is when they do a simultaneous attack on several police stations.
>Myanmar finally has enough of their shit and finally resorts to resisting.
>Muslims instantly run crying to the UN.
>Retaliation is labeled as 'Ethnic Cleansing'.
This fucking pisses me off, Buddhism is one of the few religions I actually respect.