TP USA students at Kent State wore diapers to "own" socialism
Turning Point USA is a nonprofit grassroots organization that values fiscal responsibility, free markets, and limited government.
Sup Forums BTFO! How will socialism ever recover?!
TP USA students at Kent State wore diapers to "own" socialism
Turning Point USA is a nonprofit grassroots organization that values fiscal responsibility, free markets, and limited government.
Sup Forums BTFO! How will socialism ever recover?!
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Actually it's a pretty ingenious move to mock you marxist faggots who demand safe spaces.
reminder that all of marx's theories have ended in massive failure whenever attempted yo be implemented.
>the state of Sup Forums
not surprised, mind you marxists consider anything right of trotsky to be 'fascist conservatism' so at best these guys are centrists
>another stolen meme from the right
Holy shit why can't you guys meme at all? Leftist """""memes""""" are just not funny. You control the establishment, acadrmia and media. Memes are made to mock the consensus. This is why leftist memes don't work.
>guy continuously bumping his own thread
State of Leftists indeed
>leftypol memes
absolute garbage
just keep wearing the diapers kiddo
>didn't address a single thing
Why is Marxism is the most failed and destructive ideology there is? Even China dropped that shit and became far better off for it.
switch conservative with communism and you got the same shit. kill yourself
the state of Sup Forums and the white race... holy shit you kids are sad
put on your diaper kiddo
If the confederates lost how come there are still democrats?
if they don't get beaten up in the next 72hs then the american right wing is officially dead
This is actually good activism that gets across the point is a humorous way
newsflash, normal people aren't roused by nazis with torches. They just hate them.
So they are mocking themselves now? What does it mean?
Smells like a false flag.
Diaperman here. It is really me.
We did this event because it gave a pretty clear and distinct message -- safe spaces are for fucking children. We didn't want to cause a straight-up outrage, so we decided to get the point across in a humorous self-deprecating way. Most of the people who walked way were smiling or laughing, and the people who didn't understand what we were trying to say or disagreed with us had a decent conversation with us.
literally just some retards on a college campus and this story's spreading like wildfire
AMA you fucks
Did this demonstration stimulate you sexually?
that one guy 2nd to the right thought he was just going to make some friends. Then tried to hard to fit into the wrong crowd.
Not really, I'm just a man with no shame. I did get to show off my glorious thunder thighs, though.
I tried to keep weird roleplay shit to an absolute minimum. People are just making comments about diaper fetishes because it's an easy target.
Like, yeah, I'm wearing a diaper for humor purposes. Making fun of the fact that I'm wearing a diaper is not a good roast
You are in a cult
you are in a diaper
Nice false equivalence, idiot.
According to Critical Theory that makes sense.
Start chanting something
Jesus too close guys. FUCK.
I think not realizing your words won't fit on the rest of one line is some sort of mental issue. It happens a lot in the left. Otherwise it's just poor planning and laziness.
Fellow Kentfag?
Let's meet the fuck up my dude
Can I meet you at Rosie's at 11pm at the center of the Rotunda?
How shit is campus now? I got out of there in 2011. CS degree.
Looks more like a libtard's art project
A cold, isolated gulag holiday is the only cure for this
Not real communism
Not real communism
Not real communism
Not real communism
Native kentfag, not a goddamn uni tard.
Graduate as well. I'm not in Kent right now... however just might be in the next city over.
The campus is actually pretty nice. Not that I have much to compare it to, I'm only a first-semester freshman.
The business program is what I'm most familiar with, and it's kinda weak. But it's still got a great party scene, great food, great events
I mean good for you for being active in the real world, but wearing diapers "to send a message" is only one step removed from making pancakes with period blood or saving your urine for a year to protest Trump. Safe spaces are also kind of low hanging fruit for choice of message.
But like I said, good for you. I guess it all depends on your campus.
>not real diaperism
>not real diaperism
>not real diaperism
I used to live in the "Green Monster" on Summit, but it went by a different name while I had residence.
I didn't choose the message, I don't have a lot of power in the club (yet). I'm still a first-year freshman.
Did it help a little chanting Wil always make you feel better won't it
You're basically doxxed already I'd assume, or I can find out who you are at least. I have a buddy who is a programmer at KSU right now. It's a 15 min drive for me, maybe I'll get lunch with him and figure out your email.
Not trying to scare the shit out of you, I meant we can meet up sometime without you dropping info here.
why do that when you can just meet up with me in person
Because I'm not driving to get to campus right now, and I rarely go on campus any more.
Meetup tonight fellow Sup Forumsster. This is an open invitation to anyone to meet me at the Rotunda at Rosie's at 11:10pm
Oh that's right if someone says something against the cult there a mean nazzi
i could never tell if those memes were ironic or just terrible (the left can't meme). they crack me up either way. commie faggots are so spergy.
Why is this bad? It's consistent with the alt-right anti-degeneracy stance. Rampant hedonism is for plebes.
what makes leftists so prone to adding this?
why cant left make memes that aren't cringy?
Something about this just screams lefites
>people actually stopped to look at this shit
Would any of you? I'd just walk right by. Why the fuck would you give these people attention?
Kill yourself fagg
Sorry gotta work tomorrow and I have a feeling this would end up late.
Perhaps I'll track you down some time soon, but tonight isn't going to work.
Still a cool prospect to meet up with a poltard who isn't already in my circle of friends.
Attack the president
Keep the hate it going it will help when you need to hurt someone
I could always pop by a TP USA meeting, you guys have a schedule?
>thinking one persons actions displays how the rest of them are
I though the left was against doing that to muslims?
Lol Warren doesn't give a shit. She spent the first 9 months or so on vacation doing a "Listening Tour"
Who are these pictures mocking? Only legitimate brainwashed retards who live on the internet would agree with this. I assume whoever made them also spends all their time on the internet and is unable to differentiate between what a small group of vocal retards think and what most (normal) people think
It's funny you make a post like this when Science has proven that it's liberals who are literally mentally ill and psychotic, not Conservatives. Read up, commie dipshit.
Monroe doesn't wear diapers
good thing i'm not a liberal then.... wew lad
Kill yourself too the sad thing is those fags in the pic could probably whip your ass
Good only talk to people who agree
The others are bad they only know bad things
if only lol
The problem is that it wasn't funny. You are a moron. This is why conservatives are universally viewed as idiots.
Go to bed Stef Cherulli
yea man like totally... just put on the diaper and we can totally have a conversation
who dat?
Humor is subjective.
The passersby thought it was pretty funny.
I thought conservatives were universally viewed as idiots because of their shitty social beliefs and outdated religious dogma.
Communists are liberals
Liberals are communists
You’re an Overweight greasy middle class white guy who tries to play to his ethnicity so he doesn’t have to admit he has white privilege and you’re probably autistic
Communist talking results in death
>linking to everyone who responds like they're an enemy when they're not
Are you taking your medication?