Video of drag demon

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Oh my god. I can’t even with how cute this is. *dies*

We're living during the end times


We are fucked.

This is so cute OMG : )

>gay marriage isnt a slippery slope

I'm gay and I don't support this. Fuck off.

But the people who support you support this too.

One of the trees on the kids book behind her is shaped like a penis.

It's like that subliminal disney shit. Or maybe this isn't meant to be subliminal.


This warms my cold dead heart desu

Ugh. That's like when liberals were telling trump supporters that they were nazis because of David Duke supposedly supporting Trump.

I wonder what it's voice sounds like.

No, it's not.

It's a demon. They are all female aren't they?


>the most sickening part of this isnt the retard dressed like a demon, its the crowd of white people and third worlders smiling like contented cattle at what is occurring in front of them. They think its just the best idea!

There isnt a fire in hell hot enough.

Does anybody else feel like the horns look like crab legs? It could almost be a mascot for Red Lobster.

I warned you about the fags bro

makes me think of those demons in The Devil's Advocate


Someone should tell him Hemsworth is already taken by Tyler Swift...

>Ill save ya kids
>whip out bfg 9000
>send that necrobeast back to the four corners of Hades

i highly doubt the 'no' vote will win but if by some miracle it does then it shows that we havent lost yet


Naw. Use it as a teaching moment. That drag shit is highly flammable. Light it up and then put it out to show the kids the importance of fire safety.

mfw half of America doesn’t see this for the satanic brainwashing that it is.

>tfw this demon looks less disturbing than the real one

Probably like this motherfucker



Fucking this! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard that

This is sick and clearly demonic. Anyone who would expose a child to this is also under demonic influence.



>tfw this thing will die of aids soon

You enabled it though. I accept that you were used, but you need to acknowledge that your "rights" movement was just another part of the multi-pronged critical theory assault on our civilization.

Are there sauces for these quotes? Ive always had a feeling our founding fathers wanted to keep this country white but all commies eat you up if you don't have a source

we must purge the country , ARISE COLUMBIA !

aids is no longer considered a death sentence.

more likely it will commit suicide.

Even the nice white ladies know this is sick, but everyone's scared shitless to pipe up and utter a discouraging word.

They could bring gimpy S&M duos and nobody is going to be a bigot and say anything.

it looks like a fucking demon. if i was one of those 5-7 year olds who saw that i would be freaking the shit out and having nightmares. nightmare before christmas gave me nightmares.

that's some bullshit jumping the sheman beast does leave the floor

what do you expect when your own kind is flaunting this shit like no tomorrow and only getting worse.

if you don't want people to state the obvious then instead of telling us to fuck off tell your own kind to fuck off and stop regressing into

why is that demon dancing with the children?
it's some kind of ritual?

How is this related to Gay Marriage?

they started this bullshit
>they are just weird, it's not mental illness

its related to gay marriage as much as pic related. we all have our own demons but we are expected to keep them at bay as much as we can. these fuckwits wanted to embrace absolute degeneracy rather than at least try to add civility to their already degenerate nature like normal people do. we draw lines, set boundaries. they don't. they broke them down and unleashed pandora's box.

Have you tried killing them? Try it.
The man reading at the library is a BDSM drag dominatrix at a club. See Now I want to Be your Dog.

Wow, this so much.

Go to his channel. It gets even worse. I do not want to post it, it so bad. See Moxie ft. Pinche- Lollipop


I'll write this every time I see a thread like this.
Despite being Christian, I pray for Islam to take over and kill all these faggots, put women in place, and never again allow this kind of degeneracy.
Why don't christians start killing faggots?

we took the other cheek meme too literally

I'm just Mommy's little helper today!


I hope you die of AIDS, alone and miserable



Can we put a bounty on this creature?


fucking spoopy O_o

Fuck off free mason piece of shit.

The true America has nothing to do with the goddess Columbia.

absolutely fucking nightmarish.

Hear, hear!

This makes me yearn for the days when police used fire hoses and dogs to control riots

That librarian should be fired immediately.
Xochi Mochi

is the channel that this drag queen runs. This stuff is totally disgusting. This is what this librarian exposed these kids to. She should be arrested for endangering children.

Columbia is a more based anthem than the star banner and you know it

>want Islam
Im not even a christian and I don't want these inbred terrorists anywhere near my country. You shouldn't either! Stand up like a man damn it and turn Christianity back to what it once was: a way for a man to have honor for God, country, and countryman. That's how our ancestors used it at least. If you think it can't be done then renounce it. Don't just roll over and die to the inbred goat fucking insurgents. Islam is as much of a disease as, and is similar in strain to, kikery


It was advice for our own people. Not the ones who wish nothing but our destruction

That room needs to get BREIVIKED.

all right, that's it.....what's the game plan here Sup Forums? who do we boycott, which advertisers do we hound? LOOK AT THIS FUCKING TAG!

it only a matter of time before the gay demon gets you too

This has been spammed a lot but I don’t mind.
Whatever your first instinctive reaction to something is usually correct. All the rationalisation after to convince yourself you are seeing something else is the conditioning at work.


nah, FUCK this shit

>"Timmy! How was your day at school?"
>"A monster from the wild things read us a story about how we too can be wild, mommy!"

literally Baphomet

Get that librarian fired. Call CPS on the b.

America is by far the worst off of any Western nation at the moment

day of the closet when?

You mean you don't want this reading mental illness propaganda to your kids in a public library funded by your tax dollars?

What are you, some kind of bigot user?

I havent verified. post at your own peril .

Finally we can have real life DOOM?

i want off this ride.

Check the comments
>so pure

heIIo reddit. nice half-measure.
these people don't need to be fired. they need to be killed.
everyone within 3 degrees of separation of allowing this to happen needs to be kidnapped, taken to an abandoned warehouse, and have their faces peeled off on video, mexican cartel funkytown style.
this needs to be happening a dozen times per day to random deserving targets all across the country.
these face-peeling punishments need to become so common and ubiquitous that people stop bothering to even report on it.
only then will we be 1% closer to God's forgiveness for allowing any of this to happen in the first place. how far this has gone


((she)) would be popular at a war gaming convention. I mean ((her)) make up looks frigging sick. But if it was meant for children's story time....

top kek


"michelle obama public library"


these fuckers needs a good fucking punishment

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! spread it far and wide guys....THIS will get the normies riled up more than usual