Based Pastor Anderson thread.
Guys, why is Baptism so based?
Based Pastor Anderson thread
lmao that guy got btfo'd hard
He's right that he likely has nigger blood in him. US is a country of mongrels.
>shit skin worshipping christcucks think they are rebelling against kikes by worshipping a rabbi
That guy is just like your typical ''american'' on Sup Forums shilling for shit skin worshipping judeo-christianity.
Just for reference, what are some Biblical arguments that avowedly forbid race-mixing — are there any?
reminder that Adam founded the independent fundamental baptist church in the garden
Evangelical cucks with white savior complex are the worst
Blacks are beasts of the field with hands and feet
He condones niggers marrying white women?
>pastor discarded
>Pastor Andy gets butthurt about the obscure as fuck "he who pisseth against the wall" passage because in Germany they have laws against peeing standing up
>Proceeds to let two people of two different races get married
None, Jesus was a black man and Negroes are the true Israelites spoken of in the Bible.
Haha! Somebody saved my picture. Now where's the one were he's visibly a Jew to finish him off.
he do the jew thing
say something and do other
he has lot of white children
self reported that they were white. percentages are based on 23andme's dna test
>Baptist here
>His sermons and docs are what got me saved
I like Pastor Anderson, though I disagree with him on interracial marriage, celebrating christmas, and biblical flat earth. The memes still crack me up though
This would actually make a lot of sense seeing that they have always been the persecuted. But Jews have as well, so maybe anybody who shares Jew blood is the chosen people!
Mandatory viewing for all anons:
>percentages are based on 23 and me dna tests
Why does your chart not say that then.
>Not a single one of these verses are from the new testament.
>Doesn't understand that Christ's death and resurrection established a new covenant with god.
>Which is why Christians eat pork, shrimp, and wear mixed fabrics.
>Which is why race mixing is perfectly fine in Christianity.
because it's a figure in a research paper that already established that
>race mixing is perfectly fine in Christianity
suicidal theology
kindly kys
He's completely wrong though. God created the races, separated man and kept them different. I'm not sure where he's getting his idea of "you have a black ancestor" and "we're all mixed" because he's way off. When paul spoke of "neither jew nor gentile", which is what this pastor is referring to, he's speaking of there being no spiritual superiority simply because of blood. How would physical lineage translate to spiritual supremacy when the individual chooses to follow jesus or not? It makes no sense. But with regard to physical traits, we are quite different, anyone claiming "one blood" isn't paying attention. There are so many wars and problems between different people, obviously god recognized these different "bloods" and had them fighting for centuries in the bible. The pastor is repeating cultural marxist bullshit, he might as well be a wolf in sheep's clothing.
You can't be a white nationalist and a Christian at the same time. All whites who are Christians will be rounded up on the day of the rope and forced to choose between Christcuckery or their race.
then whites arent going to win
glory to the new chinese overlords
I'm not even arguing pro or anti race mixing. I'm just saying within Christianity there is nothing in the New Testament that prohibits or even frowns upon race mixing.
You clearly have disputed my point.
I don't listen to early DNA studies, maybe in forty years because not many people have used those tests yet. Plus you should post the study instead of just some picture from it with numbers with no meaning behind them to be pointed out.
I'm all for hating thug niggers but this super anti-race mixing shit is a load of horse shit that Sup Forums christians need to get over. We are all made in God's image and to belittle other races is an insult to God.
The inherent problem with trying to separate whites from christianity is that once you do it, you end up with a bunch of cucks who promote race-mixing. Go into the deep south where fundamentalism rules and you'll see some of the most spiritually devout, racist people you'll meet in america. This isn't limited to whites, black church-goers aren't keen on destroying their identity either and tend to stay black, although this is relaxing amongst the youth. You claim that it's impossible to be christian and promote a racial/national identity but the biggest defenders of identity are (usually) the devout christians.
There's no biblical rule against 'race mixing.' The closest you will get is forbidding marrying foreign women because they will lead you (Israelites) into idolatry. They thought more in terms of nations than of races and any foreigner could join Israel and worship Israel's God if they were sincere
christians are the chosen people. the jews who rejected mossiah were literally cut off.
You could probably make a better case against race mixing using natural law
When the Lord says anything on the lines of 'don't take a wife of someone unlike you' he is referring to their religion. He is telling christians and people of the faith to not take a person not of the faith as a wife/husband.
>be me
>hang out with half native american friend and his white wife
>friend says, "I actually told one of my sons to find himself a black wife"
>I can't hide the cringe and actually make a a pinched face in revulsion
>he says, "that isn't very nice" but he laughs knowing what I mean, sort of
>me: "Black chics are just extremely unattractive, if you want to race mix, at least go with a traditional asian."
>watch him go into dream world of an ultimate fantasy of vicarious living
>me: "imagine eating traditional japanese or s. korean dishes on holidays"
>watch him go deeper into fantasy world
>me: "now imagine a loud, obnoxious black woman screeching during your holiday and eating chitlins"
>watch him get the same cringe face I had
>me: "Now imagine having a grandchild that could potentially cure cancer or invite you to their fabulous mansion. Now imagine a grandchild that you feel like you have to bail out of jail for the 3rd time to crash on your couch"
>watch as he awkwardly begins to be red pilled and hates it
I get it, Christianity doesn't say not to race mix technically. Jesus actually corrected this thinking for Jews because they hated half breeds but he painted them in a good light with his "good Samaritan" story.
but there is religious truth, and then there is just common sense. there is an exception to every rule, this black guy isn't necessarily a piece of garbage, but the rule is that black men lead to single mothers. If this guy is a Christian, I honestly think he will stick to it.
But you could also say that Jesus was trying to tell the Jews to chill out over the gentiles because he was wanting to bring them into the fold. But Jews doing what Jews do, weren't cool with that, so they had him killed for that and a number of other terrible reasons. Now out of every group, they are probably the least likely to accept a Savior that was being talked about throughout the Old Testament. "Dropping the ball" would be an understatement.
Because they have the highest divorce rate?
>we're all mixed
Only an anerican would say something this retarded
>23andme's dna test
is a scam either way
Wait so this is a jewess getting BLACKED? This is what we want.
only on this planet and in this culture would most people do and say and think the following: you get born from vagina so i'm going to put myself back into vagina in order to make mini me's that also fall from this "holy" vagina i also used to have my own and now a barren "dick" head and i also have this turkey baster and artificial eggs and wombs but who the fuck cares. baby slop holes and muh dick. i need some estrogen and milk. can anybody feed me tit milk for my pablum cereals? fuck ive lost my bib.
Numbers 25
Deuteronomy 7