>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
PREV APPEARANCES/LINKS (fuck poo in the loos too)
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump meets w/PR Governor 10/19/17
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis welcomes greatest ally+stmt on nigers 10/19/17
>AG Sessions @OK Sheriff's Assoc 10/19/17
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 10/19/17
>WH Press Brief (Sarah, CoS Kelly) 10/19/17
>Santa arrives @Trump Intl Golf Aberdeen 10/19/17
>DeptInt Video: Grand Canyon visit 10/19/17
>WH Video: 2nd Lady announces HeART 10/19/17
>Proj Veritas: NYT American Pravda pt4 10/19/17
>Pres Trump meets w/Senate Finance Cmte 10/18/17
>2nd Lady (SLotUS?) Healing w/Art (HeART) 10/18/17
>UN Amb Haley @UNSecCouncil ME Debate 10/18/17
>SoS T-Rex speaks on US/India Partnership @CSIS 10/18/17
>AG Sessions full hearing befor Senate Jud Comte 10/18/17
>The Renewal of the American Spirit
>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>American Hero
OP pastebin:
/ptg/ President Trump General - Dodged a Bullet There Edition
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Sup Forums gets utterly DESTROYED by Jewish academic.
Go back to making our video games leaf
his wifes permission?
Why does Hillary have a satanic goat on her shirt?
why is her uterus in her chest?
Isn't this highly illegal?
I love Kellyanne.
is this game worth pirating?
>inb4 support the devs xDDDD
i dont need a redditor to tell me whats morally correct, i just want an answer to my question faggots
Did they change the rules that now allow 51 votes instead of 60?
couldn't you at least hide your flag to avoid making it so obvious you're a kremlin agent?
>inb4 polish isn't kremlin
no reason
Just listened to whole thing, about 4 minutes long. Trump's call with widow and he is gentle and gracious
Me too. She has a nice smile.
>being the first person to reply to your own thread
this is literally only something redditors do
Game was fun. Pretty short though
>debating using logic vs. debating with harry potter refrences.jpeg
does anyone have this pic?
>half the budget is keeping boomers alive
Are they worse than millennials?
why is her uterus *outside* her chest?
Little 'woos need lots of rest,
Get some sleep to be your best!
It's a good platformer that doesn't fuck around, it also has a nice cartoony art style, if that's your thing
>Pretty short though
why is it so fucking hard for these retards to make long games anymore? like look at super mario world, look how long games used to be
jesus christ
She does.
>leftists call Trump a racist because he was being """"disrespectful"""" to a goldstar family even though they were anti military in the first place
>black woman shares her phone call with Trump showing how kind and respectful he is
>t-this doesn't change anything! he's still literally hitler!
I am actually, really angry right now
was actually pretty interesting to listen to
i was hoping it was a long platformer with a world map
no. certain things only need a certain amount of votes
Most people over 50 are between the ages of 50 - 60. About 28% of Whites 36% Of Whites are over 50. Increasing too.
I've never even seen the movie hahah
Wait, did she record it or something?
Probably not.
Most states are "1 person consent" for recording phone calls. And that person can be the person secretly making the recording.
>I know this because some faggot recorded me yelling at someone at work and then tried to use it against me
The game is worth pirating
Good game a little short but its got a nice amount of difficulty, and the graphics are truly amazing in uncucked 1930's animation
Sup Forums is running like shit.
are the glow in the dark niggers doing weird things again?
Trump is amazing in person isn't he?
The way they tried to attack Trump by politicizing the nigger soldier's death is unforgivable. The MSM must burn for this.
not when you're a clinton
Niger is Trump's Benghazi.
Yeah, it's pretty good. They put a lot of work into the game and it really shows. It doesn't even push any liberal commie bullshit, if you can believe that. It's pretty cheap too, so if you like it consider buying a copy to support the devs.
there are disruptors all over the place, including itt, so you tell me
How much do you wanna bet this is Trump leaking this clip, not the woman
>american brazil flag in the background
Explain this one to me is that his heritage?
>yesssss goy
>hate your eldersssssss
>you have nothing to learn from them, just focus on the bad onesssssssssssss
>it's not like they're an important link with the past and to ignore the experience of elder generations makes you lambs to the slaughter before usssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Trump wouldn't have won without some wise old people.
Unironically #NotAllBoomers
jesus christ
Trump sounds caring and respectful, and the widow sounds appreciative
this is going to blow up in the Democrat's faces
"The existence of the troll factory, which has a history of spamming Russian and English blogs and comment forums, has been reported on by many outlets..."
There are only a couple of states where it's illegal to record phone conversations without the other person's permission. In most of the USA there is no legal requirement to inform the person you're talking to that the call is being recorded.
I saw one of the movies when i was like 9, I don't even remember it that well
>get a call from the President
>don't record it
Anyone else here unironically a Spencerpede after tonight? Shit went down tonight, Redemption Arc Complete.
In the span of a single speech Spencey BTFO of the following:
> Israel
> Bolsheviks
> College kids
> Disruptors
> The "you're a nazi" narrative
> The "the nazi argument was settled 70 years ago" non argument
> Anti-whites
> A screeching kike in the audience
> Multiple screeching roasties
> The Jewish media
> Autistic Talmudism
> Niggers
> Moarpheus
> The World
Oh, he also had an entire state declare a state of emergency because he was merely speaking.
You can see that Trump was good in this call because the WaPo tweet has not 30k retweets.
Ben is Trump's Nigghazi.
that would be pretty incredible considering it seems like her kid took the video
Dunno. It's worth pirating though. I bought it and had a good time, just got kind of surprised when I realized I was already walking into final boss territory.
Sign an immediate family member up for the military, wait for him to die, and he'll call either you or your mother, or just sign up yourself, I'm sure you'll meet him eventually
Trump wouldn't stoop as low as that congresswoman
He got 56% of White People over 50. White men between 18 - 21 and White men between 30 - 44.
>Oh, he also had an entire state declare a state of emergency because he was merely speaking.
>nice amount of difficulty
does this mean
>requires skill, focus
or does it mean
>endless trial and error xDDDDD
because one is better than the other
Go longhorns! Hook'em!
*Are much more useful.
>that Paul Ryan story
Just reading the headline gives me a sense of disgust
>consider buying a copy to support the devs
no, even if i love it i am not going to consider this
>De Alencar
who hungry for Wendy's now?
(shadman-leaving-guy left already btw)
I really want to like him, but the way msm promotes him makes me feel he's deep state.
>Trish will never come home in her leather domme outfit after dealing with race baiters at the office all day and take it out on your balls
Life seems empty sometimes
Fuck you we helped out election day and primary day.
Is a vag or a satanic goat silhouette?
Listening to your grand parents is always good.
>Grandparents remember the british empire.
>lived in Africa long enough to escape when it became a marxist decolonialized shithole.
Is his """"wife"""' still a tranny?
Look at it this way, these days, this is your alternative
Yes, the ball's voice is that of morty. THAT morty
Urge to sleep: rising
He is literally controlled op, Ausbro.
Just because the globalists are getting so desperate that they have their never-head-a-job richboy sock puppet shill repeating more of our memes than normal doesn't mean you should be taken in.
Bad persuasion, why are you bringing up Benghazi like that? Either you're claiming Benghazi was legitimate and Hillary/Obama fucked up, or you're implying that, much like the recent deaths in Niger, it was an unfortunate accident politicized by opportunists like yourself.
>paranoid schizophrenia: the post
what's the diddly-ifference
You should learn from boomers in that you can come to understand how a post-war generation can ruin a country by being wet and jelly-like when it comes to standing up for their society, its people, their values, etc.
Decent mix of both. More the former than the latter, though. It requires skill and focus, but it will usually take a couple tries to learn the patterns
it was a lighthearted joke from the dinner, they're making it seem ryan went out of his way to blast trump
This is the phone call that people were talking about? It was incredibly respectful and heartfelt. I already thought Trump was a decent guy, but this phone call really seals the deal. Dude's just a nice guy all around.
>loli boobs
Shademans a sjw libcuck I thought?
Oh boy I am in deep fucking shit Sup Forums. GF found out I donated to Trump campaign. She is throwing a hissy fit, calling me a pig and shit. She managed to calm down.
She is 30
I am 27
She has been pretty clingy lately, and keeps bitching to me about the need to settle down and her biological clock. I'm not her first but I do like her alot, got promoted a few months ago and my boss is training me to be his successor. I wanna focus on that. The other caveat is that i'm shit with girls, could not get a gf for the life of me in college and H.S. Only when I hit 26 was i getting good results.
What do I do? Also fuck /adv/ they give shit advice every time.
Call her fat then dump the bitch you LARPing pussy.
Please Make Jackson Great Again.
This is a different widow
29 > 20 electors cucksylvania