What does Sup Forums think about the government implementing a mandatory license to be able to reproduce?
What does Sup Forums think about the government implementing a mandatory license to be able to reproduce?
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You'll be the first cuck in line to get one!
Slippery slope. You know as soon as the Democrats have any power they'll employment affirmative action so only minorities can reproduce so they'll have a more "diverse" society.
I'd be all for it, if I trusted the government.
Eh, it would be easier to just kill all the niggers and untermensch. Free market solution.
I thought that bump was an ass for a second.
>wanting further government regulation
Go back to your safe space forum you liberal cuck.
This would work a lot better if artificial wombs were a thing, then both men and women could get equal reproductive rights. Then it would be a matter of making sure women who don't have a license to be on the pill
No, lets not give the government a ridiculous amount of control over what I can and can't do with my personal life.
If I want to make a baby god damit, I'm gonna make a fucking baby. If I don't, God damnit I'm not gonna make a fucking baby.
as long as it is based upon income and not race I would be fine with it.
it would be eaiser to just steralize all men and force women to get abortions.
but responsible adults (mostly white people) would be the only ones approved, and spics and niggers would stop reproducing like rats
>what do you think of getting treaded on?
do not want
>lets not have any social responsability, If I want to murder anyone, thats my right, If I want to burn black crude oil, my neighbors cant complain about the smoke
having children affects the world we live in too asshole, having children is not a right.
Listen up AltCucks this is where the Shapiro is 100% correct.
The State has ZERO business getting involved with marriage or family.
If you support Government regulation of family matters you are the most enormous Cuck to exist.
>the state requires you to have a license to reproduce
>makes law prohibiting distribution to whites
more incentive to use nuclear weapons if that's the case, people would become far more valuable.
what in the fuck? if we sterilize all men how could you then reproduce when you obtain a license?
Also if you make abortion the punishment it would lead to a bunch of spics and niggers giving birth in the woods, and that would be even worse, as we would have undocumented people being born in their own countries of origin.
It's not an easy question. If you give .gov control over birth licenses you might as well implement full fascism.
The nanny state is and socialism is shitty half-measure.
Anarcho-capitalism or full-fash.
Democracy is probably the worst of the worst.
This is the realest reason for this
ZERO business getting involved with marriage or family.
So why should it be involved in confiscating income from some people to give it to others?
>might as well implement full fascism
Well the current system is pretty dysfunctional.
We need something like the roman republic where a dictator comes in for 5-10 years to clean up the institutional rot.
I think the government should implement a mandatory shitposting license you goddamn commie faggot.
Yea-no. It'd go the same way as Voter ID laws.
>libshits cry racism
>after intense scrutiny, government removes the license restriction for niggers, spics and chinks
>whites still required to have a mandatory license to reproduce, resulting in lower white birth rates
Less government intervention is better. Hell, the only reason the white race is facing extinction is because of big government. Otherwise, the nogs and spics would've gotten the redskin treatment by now.
>having children affects the world we live in too asshole, having children is not a right.
Having a children is part of muy biology. The state has no grounds to intervine in a negative or positive way.
It affect the word, well toĆ³ bad dude, go fuck yourself
This doesn't have anything to do with a (rather handsome) certain Internet figure suddenly getting hit up by WN girls somewhat publicly (via the interwebs), does it? :^)
I know where you are leading and I agree
Sex is literally the most widely participated activity in human history. Procreation is a human right because the very existence of humanity is a product of it. For all you know, you probably exist because of a mistake somewhere along your family history.
Trying to stop people from reproducing is the epitome of authoritarian tyranny.
I think it's unenforceable and if it were enforceable, it would certainly be used to aid in white genocide.
>White couples pay all relevant fees and patiently wait for years until their reproduction license gets denied for vague reasons
>Dindus go fux dat shit I'ma go fuck taqueefa muh dik muhfugga
>Dindus continue having 10 kids from 11 different women
>The responsible white couple sits quietly with their legs crossed and pays taxes until the woman runs out of eggs