Why Are More American Teenagers Than Ever Suffering From Severe Anxiety?

>Parents, therapists and schools are struggling to figure out whether helping anxious teenagers means protecting them or pushing them to face their fears.


How does this make you feel?

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Helicopter parents coddling them in their youth means they never develop the skills needed to function once they start gaining more responsibility resulting in nervous breakdowns.

Big pharma is overdiagnosing all disorders in everybody so they can sell more drugs

Oh did you hurt your toe? Take 957 different medications, and if you dont, we will report your parents to CPS

>Big pharma is overdiagnosing all disorders in everybody so they can sell more drugs


For one thing, their families could fall apart at any moment, and they know it. They can't even trust their own parents to provide a safe living environment, and they have no role model showing them how to obtain one, or even that such a thing can exist.

(Disclaimer: This answer was off the top of my head.)

society is fucked because the jews took all the money and resources. Our parents' generation is too brainwashed to realize this. Land prices are artificially inflated because jews own everything and they hold land back to increase prices.

Teach boys to be boys and girls, girls. Their little noggins are all confused.

Everyone knows the empire is in decline. We just hope it doesn't start a shitshow.

Because they are pansies and need beatings

slighttly right
yes plus

Social media and iphones since 7 yrs old limits their social IQ

>dont let child face their fears when you control them
>child doesn't know how to face their fears once you stop controlling them
Shocking. The parents, teachers and schools in question should be shipped to a desert island

Social media

I remember how anxious I was as a teenager. My parents pushed me from a very young age to get into the accelerated academic track that started at 3rd grade. I used to retreat to the closet and sit in the dark when I felt overwhelmed. My test scores were always very good, but I lived a joyless existence. Completely killed my passions, made me hate life. I never had friends or went to social functions either.

At the end of the day I got a good future, but lost out on social skills. I'm still not sure whether it was worth it or not.

>For one thing, their families could fall apart at any moment, and they know it. They can't even trust their own parents to provide a safe living environment,

And big gov encourages emotionally unstable women to divorce and collect alimony and child support

Yeah, don't put any blame on anybody else for refusing to learn about the society they live in.


>the jews are why I'm not a winner

Niggers and jews slaughtering them and mom and dad blow it off like their kid has ADH fucking D

How is it not obvious that it is caused by cellphones? How is this a mystery? Kids used to only have to deal with stupid school drama when they were at school, now it's 24/7. I feel the same way about my work phone.

Look at our society. Who wouldn't be anxious?

normally i get the urge to want to sniff a girls butthole when i see pics like this but this one makes me want to put my penis into her ear. i don't know why.

anyways obviously sheltering them and telling them they're all winners when they're not is causing them to harbor extreme anxiety. this is what you get when you create safe spaces that prevent people from socializing and confronting their fear / dislikes. you bred a generation of individuals who don't know how to keep track of their own emotions but instead told them to embrace it and let them control them.

they're the generation of muh feels.

all the theories here are good by my theory is toxins. There are far too many other disorders such as "beta male syndrome", lower iq, and autism to just be "over diagnosing to induce anxiety or something. Bigger society means more trash, more trash means more toxic chemicals and problems.

This happened to me ; there is no amount of attention that can satisfy my ex, and she is taking buproprion for depression / bipolar(?). I’m trying to take full custody of my daughter, but I know it’ll never pan out

because they are experiencing life in a way that is completely at odds with their every biological imperative.

It's their parents' fault. I feel bad for the kids, but if you send your kid to the world totally unprepared for it, you can't complain if he or she collapses upon its weight. And rather than admitting this is their own personal failure, they stuff them with pills. The only thing I can do about it's to make my own child strong and aware of the existence of these idiots so he won't turn into one of them, never.

tfw Their phone is not constantly validatin them.

I remember when I used to come home and forget about work, except for the occasional important call. Now, with email and instant messaging readily available at nearly all times, you never feel like you can escape life. I wish I could just go innawoods.

>protecting them
Just makes it worse. Gotta get kids out of their comfort zone if they start acting shy. Don't let them reinforce their fears for years until it turns into a full blown disorder.

Because they do nothing but go on the internet.

Anxiety is a side effect of being a worthless sack of shit.

>anxious I was as a teenager
>very young age to get into the accelerated academic track that started at 3rd grade
there is a difference when you have an actual mental condition, not necessary but like, autism that causes social anxiety and being a grown up child like the majority of millennial's are.

they are not suffering from severe anxiety, kys

God damn why couldn’t I ever meet a girl like that, that was single. Everyone says looks, or personality matter, but it’s really coincidence that matters. You have no control over a guy meeting a girl and dating them before you that you. Life is all predetermined.

stop coddling them. stop writing articles about their bullshit depression (which is called "being a teenager"), as though there's some problem.

they'll mope in their bedrooms, and when their parents kick them out at 18, either they grow up or they die of starvation in the street. simples.

Vitamin D deficiency... also A, K2,

Basically they need to get sunshine, and eat grassfed liver.

weak retarded shithead parents are the cause. this nation is disgusting

Sometimes I feel like kids are better off growing up with the internet and cellphones instead of it suddenly exploding around middle school like it did for many here. But then I think about having social media and smart phones at age ten and I feel bad for these kids. They are going to be the most brainwashed and anxious generation.

Anyone else have SAD because of puberphonia?

I almost committed suicide after giving speeches my senior year. I wish someone would have helped me do voice exercises.

The more millennials commit suicide, the better.

kys, gook

i've found that women like OP pic related are usually extremely emotionally unstable and have some sort of "problem." more than what can be explained by simply being a women. i've really only met a handful of sane women like OP pic and classify them simply as the exception rather than the norm for that class of women.

>We just hope it doesn't start a shitshow.
Speak for yourself, a shitshow would be awesome and needs to happen.

would you sniff pic related's butthole?


This. This. This.

People don't meditate like they should, or as much as they should
We constantly bombard ourselves with things that cause fear, and anxiety. Which is fine in certain doses. The problem is people don't know how to relax, let go, and just enjoy the moment in front of them.

sounds like a chemical imbalance.

Im 36 and have had severe anxiety all my life.

Its a real fucking bitch.

Society is totally fucked up. It's so easy to become just totally disconnected from other people. If you don't make constant, active efforts to pretend to like people you will become a social outcast. You're not allowed to have opinions which conflict with the mainstream at a time when the internet has made outsider-opinions more prevalent than ever.

>Parents, therapists and schools are struggling to figure out whether helping anxious teenagers means protecting them or pushing them to face their fears.

Holy fuck just leave them alone. Leave them the fuck alone. Provide basic needs and freedom. No pushing, no pulling. Leave them alone.

Because white people instinctively realize they have no future.

because its a completely materialistic, corrupt, pointless society and they have not only nothing, but they get told they have to take on massive debt to even be considered for "jobs" that are all taken by old fat people and disgusting millenials

its the screens man. The screens. and all that comes along with the screens.
It is the screens.

It's what happens when you have a generation of kids who play vidya, browse the internet and use other forms of technology 24/7

i swear it has something to do with those Christmas lights

cuz they arent sukin on my kaaak

export all democrats to africa

I'd suck a fart out of her Ass
With A Straw

Isnt this Sup Forums in a nutshell?

Long Live the New Flesh

It's pretty much a given that anyone who posts on Sup Forums has social anxiety, me included

Cell phones.
no literally. Cell phones. Studies have shown this.

19 year old here.

1) The total obliteration of religion has left crippling existential dread across basically every youth in America. The youth have no purpose in life or ways to navigate. The only "direction" handed down to them is the decadent, hedonistic ways of the Millenials and Boomers, which Gen Z rejects because they're insanely conservative.

2) The total destruction of the family has put half of children in broken homes. They lack familial structure in their lives.

3) Over-diagnosis of diseases has left every teenager in America feeling like they have something cripplingly wrong with them that only a magic pill can cure.

4) A horrible economy for the youth means that Gen Z has become extremely sensitive with money. While frugality may be beneficial in life, it is also is immensely stressful. People are stressed about finances.

5) The disassociation of whites from mainstream society has left an entire generation of White Americans (half the population) feeling disconnected from society.

6) Social media and technology has existed since these teenagers' lives began and it has molded them into a superficial and artificial generation, with narcissists abound. Everything is about appearences.

7) Sexual activity rates have plummeted, especially among men but also with women. While the Top 20% of men can still get laid regularly, maybe even more so than before, the rest of people are doing worse. Relationships in particular have been destroyed. Out of all my 25 or so male friends, only three or four are in committed relationships with girls in their areas. It's incredible. Sexually active relationships have just totally dried up. They're either replaced by crushing loneliness or the cheap sexual satisfaction of hook ups.

8) The future state of the country and the whole world is grim at best. America is becoming a failing great power, soon to be surpassed by an authoritarian, Communist regime. It's sad.


Very insightful comment, user. I agree this is a major factor.

also, lack of patriarchy.
not that it exists like feminists say, but having strong men that dont submit to whiny women and arent afraid to get involved or speak their mind (and are allowed to do so without other men backstabbing them) creates a culture of feeling safe and secure.
push feminism, cultural marxism, political correctness, government/country antipathy and discrimination hysteria, and you have a society filled with anxious individuals who have little to none support system.

>be white, suburban mother
>*simultaneously neglect to be emotionally involved with your brat but also enable his neurotic behavior for 16+ years*
>Oh, golly gee! Why's Eric acting up lately? Dr. Rosenbaum said he has [Completely Fabricated Mental Disorder] - and needs to be put on [Sedative (Lobotomy-In-A-Pill) / Antidepressant]™. I think I'll take his advice!
>*give neurotic brat daily 100mg dose of Lobotomy-In-A-Pill / Antidepressant*

Really forces you to contemplate, eh? Maybe ... just maybe ... your son isn't insane, but has severe emotional and mental trauma from you neglecting him for sixteen years, you bitch? But nah, because actually addressing these deep and longstanding issues through heartfelt bonding, discussion, and reassurance would be too hard - you have so much to do with the PTA after all!

Just giv'im a Lobotomy-In-A-Pill, and if he's too sedated to act out then you won't be embarrassed at the weekly wine-and-pastry gathering with the girls! Ingenious!

This. Sums up a lot of what was said ITT

This kid gets it

9) Artificial lighting was bad in our parents' days, but it's even worse now. Smartphones and laptops have created endless supplies of light which are designed to hold your attention as long as possible. People regularly stay up well into the early morning on their phones, unable to pull themselves to sleep. This gives them chronic sleep deprivation, which afflicts something like 40% of teenagers these days.

10) Society has become dull and mechanical. People can't help but feel like replaceable cogs in an unfeeling machine. Don't feel like working for slave wages at Smashburger (TM)? Some Mexican will take your job for half what you're paid, so keep that smile always up :)

11) The parental generation was weak and effeminate. Ask most young men if their daddy ever took them hunting and they'll say that their dad is afraid of guns. Ask young women if they know how to cook or clean and they'll laugh and say they're going to need a maid to do it. The young have no idea what their roles in society are.

12) Older generations have poisoned the food and water supply with all sorts of absolute shit. The amount of money, time, and effort it takes to eat healthy is beyond the reach of most people. We were raised on a diet of corn syrup, processed fats, and shitty red meats. We know it's cancerous, but we can't stop eating it. Our bodies have learned to crave it, plus it's cheap and everywhere. It leads to chronic lethargic feelings, obesity, and other ills.

13) Every institution in society once held sacred has been totally corrupted and subverted to some degree. Marriage is now a scam to feed divorce courts. Religion is a scam to loot money from the unwitting or rally the base for votes. The University system is a scam to force you to take out loans for a worthless degree because you can't get hired without it. EVERYTHING is subverted, materialistic, and artificial.

I agree, grandpa.

t. grandma


Because modern schools are prisons. Big brother constantly watching over their shoulder. They have nothing of their own what was not interfered with by adults.

because so many of our kids are raised without being taught how to motivate themselves

The family structure is dead. My mom is a pill popper, my dad is a recovering heroine addict. My grandparents have taken me in and I’m very appreciative, finally gained independence and pay for my room.

But that’s the problem. No one has a mom or dad anymore, or a community. Drugs in this country effect people of all ages now along with how shit the job market is. Society is deteriorating.


>ask girls out
>Date them
>Throw up because you're nervous
>keep doing it despite anxiety
>Keep putting myself in more uncomfortable situations so I get used to it

My mom's side of the family had a lot of mental health problems, my mom has severe depression and her dad killed himself.
I'm gonna keep pushing myself though, and fuck therapy, too much of a Jew field.
All you can do is keep improving yourself and pray.

At least, I hope I'm doing it right.

joo pills

Ban porn


Secularization of Western Human Society has largely lead the more self aware of us to a point of realizing how largely meaningless everything ultimately is. Also, with the infusion of psuedo-science that is psychology into their lives in the form of therapy and medication has lead them to solutions that are not actually solutions.

No answers + no meaning can lead to extreme nihilism or a plethora of severe issues

religion is a personal connection to god, it doesnt involve "organization"

you are on your own, sooner you learn that, the better chance you have to survive.

Mental Illnesses are mostly for rich people to indulge in.

>Oh my I am obsessing about X and it's making me feel so-
Oh wait I have to go to work so I don't get fired for being a fucking loony.


Come on man

>I almost committed suicide after giving speeches my senior year
When I was your age I was fighting crack heads for shit and giggles.
You are the weak faggots we talk about.
>speech at school
Either chad and or stacy or a fucking nerd.

You're all faggots. This is caused by overworking parents who do not spend quality time with their kids. Kids who are exposed to oversocializing but without direction from their parents. Life was simpler when your mom stayed home.

I have ADHD and my life was almost a living hell when I was untreated. So, I decided to withdraw and avoid people.

Social media you retarded nigger. All of them base their self worth on the fake shit people of their "totally real lives" on social media. They look at it and say "Damn ,my life sucks it will never be as good as these other people are pretending how great their lives are.". Then rather than actually interact with other humans in person they just sit alone in their little bubbles doing nothing but talking to each other while ingesting pop culture, then they wonder why they are sad and missing a human connection. They are fucking retards that do it to themselves OP, and the jews are reveling in the ignorance of the masses. Also, my generation which should be acting s role models for them are a bunch of pussy ass children that refuse responsibility and rather than grow up and fix their problems like a fucking adult, they whine and cry until someone else fixes it for them. I hang out with my little cousin and his group of friends and teach them things like, how to fix things, how to be a man, how to handle life situations. I could rant on this all fucking night, but I think this modicum of effort should sustain you, ya fucking brainlet.

No reason to live/nihilism, lack of meaning, loss of culture, mass immigration, politics seeping into every aspect of living forcing people to pick between right and left, ridiculous relationship standards, sexualization of the youth, social media pressure, exam pressure, lack of mental health support, faltering economy, lack of jobs, pathetic education system, lack of community, the list goes on and on. It is the end of Rome. Those reasons I listed are just some reasons why kids are suffering from anxiety and depression. I'm 19 and have suffered from it for some years now leading me to isolate myself in my room. I don't like society and I have no reason to participate in it. 95% of the people who have checked out or will be checking out won't be checking back in.

Strange, no one seems to have anxiety outside the western world. Most of the world doesn't need a prescription just to leave the house. Spoiled children of a decadent generation.

They need to have their asses beat in school a few times and be told to grow up and stop being faggots.

wow introverted ADHD, truly a rarity.

The west needs a large scale famine.

I had my dad die when I was eleven and was so oblivious as to live for more than fifteen years of my life in a state of partial deafness without being truly conscious or accepting of it due to an only recently diagnosed brain tumor which isn't a candidate for real treatment.

>Strange, no one seems to have anxiety outside the western world

honestly i think is first world syndrome, their lifes were to easy, here we live in a constant state of economic inestability so we are acostume to bad shit happening so no one has anxiety, alos i think is a cultural thing with you burgers your culture a introvert culture and the argentinian is more extroverted, here you are expected to talk to others to be more close and warm and comunicative but in your country is more like an stoic thing they are your problems and you have to come up with the solutions.

>all of your fuck ups are permanent marks through your life thanks to Common Core and Youtube

For real though, it's probably the screens. God have mercy on the generation being given jewpads as babysitters from the age of 2. Expect ADHD diagnoses to skyrocket as more and more children have their neural reward circuits fried by flatscreen crack.

This is where helicopter parenting comes to bite them in the ass! GG parents, now we have a whole generation of troubled, brittle, nelly, cowardly pussy-assed kids who hang themselves because other kids dissed them online, bravo

Good stuff mate, and a 19 year old as well. Excellent explanations but even then, there's more you can add. The crux of it is that (((they))) have subverted every aspect of modern society and stripped it bare leaving future generations to effectively pick up the tab. Removing the (((problem))) is one solution to fixing the mess we find ourselves in today. It prevents any more subversion from the shadows and stops the wheels from turning.

I work in a pharmacy and while not as "tinfoil hat" as you put it this does happen. Mostly drug reps push doctors to prescribe their drugs and doctors do because patients just want a pill they can pop to fix their problems. Unfortunately most of the time it's a new drug that's almost certainly not covered by their insurance which leads to a big ass headache when go to pay.

I was in a gifted program too, and Boy Scouts too, difference being my parents let me and my siblings PICK our interests and then backed them, rather than shoving us into 1,001 programs and extracurricular things so that they may look good on a college scholarship application

No need for the gov't to egg that on when the MSM does that harder than anyone else can

>gen z
>"insanely conservative"
Nice meme faggot, how old are you really?