The Fake News is going crazy with wacky Congresswoman Wilson(D), who was SECRETLY on a very personal call...

>The Fake News is going crazy with wacky Congresswoman Wilson(D), who was SECRETLY on a very personal call, and gave a total lie on content!

This is really something. I don't know where to start. Somebody else start, please.

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Huge Trump fan but it's hard not to cringe at some of his tweets. This shit makes him look petty.

No it doesn't and you're not a Trump fan. You're Jewish and got a notification to go shill on here from your Hasbara app.

Good news, the next one isn't petty at all?
>Big ratings getter @seanhannity and Apprentice Champion John Rich are right now going on stage in Las Vegas for #VegasStrong. Great Show!

Give me a break. This story is just so ridiculous. Just like always they expect him to be cowed but he won't, they'll get even more hysterical and he'll be the winner.

Yes it does, because he IS petty. And yes, that guy is a trump fan, pretending to be a shill. That's the joke.

>le you can't call out the BS lies of people in power, who are abusing it

Fuck off

We know it's ridiculous. That's why Kelly fin-fucking-ly shut it down.

But the Lord-Emperor needed everybody to know that every day Kelly shows up to work for someone who doesn't give two thoughts to treating him with a really nihilistic level of cruelty.

Your IP has been logged and you will not be killed in The Great Purge, you will be used for long-term experimentation.

Lying stooges for MSM points like Kelly need to be thrown out of office.

Lying? What?

HAHAHA Trump has a tape of the call of course!


>get caught and called out on it
yet again they are a little too showy, i'm sure she had advice on how to display her chutzpah most effectively

Fuck off double nigger.

Trump is slaying the beast from every angle.

Kelly told the truth...trump lied. Then Kelly flipped the narrative..calling the phone called holy or something I didnt follow his misguided army rubbish talk bullshit.. anyway I digress. Trump Lied on the Rep.

Fuck off double nigger the JFK files are coming

He didn't lie at all though, that nasty woman lied and Trump corrected her.

Why are you spreading fake news?

Every single time this faux outrage even over something Trump says, he baits them in a trap. He gives a tweet that pulls them in, and not only makes them more cocky but starts shedding light. He literally lets them tie their own nose and hang themselves.

Literally the moment that congresswoman said “I’m a rock star now” the air sucked out of the MSM they were blowing up, damaged the dems as a whole and Trump went out on top. Kelli sealed the fucking deal by giving the conference and his description. Anyone with a functioning brain can see the dems are dirty, Trump as “meh” but otherwise vindicated and the Democrat and MSM brands took a massive kick to the dick.

This is literally Trumps moves every time this happens, and they stupidly fall for the bait every fucking time.

how did trump know she was secretly on the line if she gave lies as to its content
if she told the truth, only THEN would trump know she listened


She announced the fact if I recall

She admitted not hearing all of the call. Comments in the time though and knows what trump was conveying. Funny how the wife, who the call was for, hasn't said anything.
When Kelly said he was going to tell everyone the process, they never expected to hear the body in ice part. His own son went through that.
Then the ultimate fuck you to prove a point the MSM doesn't get it , only allows questions from someone that knows a gold star parent

Fuckhead fakenews don't realize they all do because general Kelly is one

Okay. then.

I mean, I guess we just let him humiliate everything and everyone for 3-7 more years. We're not cucks at all.


This one is particularly sick. It really is dirty politics. Usa is a banana republic. The media and dems are beyond hostile. They are actually trying to anger you all enough to snap. Planned it for a hillary win and now have to work you harder. Even i get enraged reading this shit.

Any average person should be noticing the lies by now and that these people have zero interest in fixing the country. They are the enemy of the people.

We are watching this from overseas and noting that these people are inciting war against their own people.

As a veteran I’m glad he went on, because he articled in detail what’s appropriate and what’s not, and gave great detail. He isn’t some fuckhead reporter questioning what’s appropriate, he’s literally someone who’s lived it both indirectly and directly. He gave them all a huge bite of a shit sandwich today they all fucking deserved.
Him only answering questions from gold star friends and family set the ultimate dick slap to them. Really put those assholes in their place.

I don't get it. We're at the end of your narrative. And *then* he does another tweet.

He had just "won". Six hours later, he ensures everybody knows that he's fapping at how quickly he can make all the fakenews on the teevees stop talking about those soldiers and go back to talking about Trump again.

I mean most of us keep that shit to ourselves.

Even Kelly, repeating what he told Trump to say, sounded a lot like what everyone says he said
I mean, do you REALLY honestly think he didn't say it, come on man

This. Former Trump voter here. We seriously can't let this guy get his hands(tiny) on the Nuclear codes.

We were all glad Kelly went on. Everybody needed that to happen.

Except POTUS, who doesn't even surprise us anymore when he ignores what Kelly did to get his news cycle back.

Trump is making this idiot the new face of the Democrats.
Kamala Harris btfo

>Trump has to call a black family
>>Pence, hit "record"
>Black family picks up
>Trump gives condolences and acknowledges his bravery knowing the potential costs of service
>Call ends
>Nigresses turn inside out from lack of comprehension skills
>Go public with "I gots dis recorded masa. Imma fuck you in duh medias and shiet"
>Trump: I recorded it too.
>Miss Nigress: Imma finna release dis shiet!
>Trump: OK, go ahead
>Trump wins

He's a fucking genius, and this nigress is going to get her ass handed to her during next election cycle.

She only has a written statement out. Unlike Trump, she clearly listens when everybody tells her to think for two seconds and shut the fuck up.

You know what you signed up for Sup Forums when you voted for this man.

He said exactly what Kelly eluded. That phrase “he knew what he was getting into” but it was completely blown out of context by MSM and the crazy congresswoman with many hats. Kelly was literally the voice of reason saying why it’s said and what it means, which every veteran on earth knows but sensitive liberals don’t grasp.

I totally think Trump said what he did, but I also think this sheboon was trying to twist it as something horrible when it wasn’t. Turns out I was right.

really, he probably doesn't because if he did, he could release it and clear things up really quickly

it's true, but it's not something you say to a widow
"hey sorry your guy is dead, but he knew what he was signing up for". it's callous

Why doesn't he just show us the proof that she's lying? He says he has it.
Or did he lie about having proof? I'd bet my life that he fucking lied.

You're not convincing anyone. You're not stupid. You know that Trump has deliberately acted openly cruelly every single day this week. Nobody is talking about who said what, but why the hell the President is saying anything. At. All.

>got a notification to go shill on here from your Hasbara app.
nailed it

Sad part is that we all know it's true. Fucking obscene, man.


And I'm thankful for it every single day. There is no stop to the Trump Train.

Yeah well the Khans are a gold star family too and Trump treated them repulsively - even if he felt personally attacked by them.

Heard on radio on way home from work that Trump said "he knew what he signed up for"
Although it's probably "he knew what he signed up for and still did it and faced the danger and is a real American hero"

*That the moms said
Fucking phone

The Khans can go back to Pakistan and continue to sway the population that the POTUS is against Islam. It's as if you want your children to be blown up by pissed off Muslims.

The question is why Trump keeps re-upping this goddamn news cycle that *literally* every. single. other. American. wants to fucking stop 3 days ago.

Trump will bring the redpill to mankind

>Attacks Trump with dead son at political shillfest
>”Haha now YOURE the bad guy if you fight back!”
>Fights back

I love Trump Twitter. I always kek when he tweets about what he saw on Fox and Friends.


After hearing what Khirzr Khan did when he went to Pakistan I don't give two shits what 'gold star' family they think they are. You don't not invite hatred against fellow Americans.

>every. single. other. American
This thread is saturated. I love the fear.

I thought the call was a lie, but kelly confirmed it today?

I'm serious. Who wants what's happening to happen? Plenty of people don't care in the slightest. But anyone who is paying attention to the news and cares at all only wants one thing for this story, except the guy who keeps spurting tweets cause it relieves some impulse, some instinct, for him, and that particular brain, we all know at this point, acts only to satisfy that urge.


Fuck off. There's nothing wrong with this tweet at all.

We elected him to be our cultural bulldog. To bite and never let go. To bark at any threat. He's draining the swamp and getting shit done all while beating the (((Establishment))) at their own fucking game.

Back to Shillblue with you, shoo shoo.

What the fuck would know about shit, you fucking hippie? Unless you've ever looked out the window and seen the goddamned chaplain and an officer of equal rank walking up your steps with two officers wives behind them, why don't you shut your worthless gob?

The Gold Star isn't carte blanche. If the Khan's don't value their own dignity, why the fuck should anyone else?

Shills will get fried on the electric chair when it gets proven that their efforts were funded by regimes and organizations hostile to US interests.

Dude- it would be totally out of line to release the causality and condolence call of a gold star widow for political purposes. That said, of course it's recorded. That's why he said he has proof. Most shit is on record for the sake of review, even small shit. It's the federal govt. the executive branch. This ain't your store manager calling you in for night shift.

Quick run down on these two?

read it and weep...trump lied

Wilson was with Johnson’s widow when the president called and listened to the conversation on speakerphone. The congresswoman has said that the Johnson family was “astonished” by Trump’s remarks, and that the widow was “crying the whole time.” Kelly appeared to effectively confirm Wilson’s account. Johnson’s aunt, who raised him as her own son after his mother died when he was young, has backed up Wilson’s version of events.

This. Kelly came out and straight up told trump what to say and told us what trump was told to say. Take out context and shrieking bitch congresswoman can exploit this grieving family. Pretty clear that dems have no class.

Haven't been following the MSM narrative, quick questions:

1) Have they really been harping on this retarded story for a week?

2) Is the "He knew what he signed up for" part the thing we're supposed to be outraged about? Fucking really?

3) Who is this insane cunt trying to beat out Maxine Waters and Sheila Jackson Lee for craziest bitch in congress and how can we get her wayyyy fucking more airtime?

But seriously we can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes.


Fake news and impossible to prove

okay I get it both forgot to take your meds

1. yes but who LV killing
2. he lied on the rep. states he didnt made the remarks-impeachment incoming
3. i know right... i fukken love the hats

They take the bait every time because they can't resist this middle school tier drama.

Wilson is probably lying. She's a wacky old establishment kook who has everything to win by smearing T

Fuck those sandniggers. They got treated exactly how they were treating him. You don't hide behind your dead son as an excuse to be a complete shitskin.

Kelly stated in the press conference that she told the truth about trump comments to the widow

something beautiful, cry moar faggot

Two half-white / half-black men who use the IQ benefits of their white genes to produce pretty good comedy.

"he knew what he was signing up for, and knowingly made the ultimate sacrifice."

Only the most contemptible shitlib vermin would fail to understand this is high praise, and millions of idiots are doing just that because our country is at peak degeneracy.

it's a distraction he's willingly participating in.

However, it does seem like Trump is obsessed with finding a way for his cabinet to resign.

Perhaps to make way for somebody in the presidential line of succession.

Then Kelly has the wrong facts and/or is lying in a play against T

When Green (alt-right)
and Purple (SJW)
fight, you get Orange (end result is Christian democracy).

Each color has a political ideology attached.

When Red and Blue fight, we get yellow
Republican vs Democrat = Libertarianism (capitalism; corporatism)



That's unapologetically autistic

>Fake news
>total lie on content!
I own an original Renoir.

>How many layers of autism are you on?

>I dont know like 1 or 2.

>Hah, what a little baby, watch this.

It's fucking ridiculous. NO WONDER all the shills say the same retarded bullshit over and over.

I improved it.

It's based on hegelian dialectic.

Aren't you two just the cutest little shillers on /pol

Another kike gets the oven

The mental gymnastics you have to do to make this into Trump humiliating anything here, are olympic worthy.

Aren't calls from White House recorded for historic purposes?

How many times have we seen this? He's controlling the narrative. Pravda will harp on this while he's getting shit done so they're not picking THAT apart and reporting lies.
This. Look at all the other "crazy" tweets, and what ended up happening a day or 2 later. Judicial Watch did get their hearing Thursday morning regarding the emails on weiner's laptop. Oh yes, there's still a weiner's laptop to factor into everything. Add on the Awans...
Just like with Comey, and all the other times. Nobody knew Khan artist's "business", his webpage which he imediately wiped clean when OAN aired it, or his archived Muz brotherhood letters on how Sharia Law should be the law of the world. Trump/his people had info on the guy long before we did. That's why he commented on the wife standing there quiet = it's Sharia Law. Most people still don't know because no msm reported it, or had to see it on Hannity at 10 p.m. if he covered the guy's background.

You really thought that was proof?

It's amazing seeing such a big public figure (the fucking POTUS) calling out shithead politicians and celebrities on an almost daily basis.

Kill yourself shill

he isn't calling them out. he looks like a fucking 12 yr old tool.

if trump was going to respond to her bullshit, he should've walked - explained what happened in a non-losing-his-shit way - and left. it would've been so easy.

instead he sends kelly out there like his bitch. and hides behind twitter.

This Twitter account.

When you're mad we know he's being effective.

You simply can't win - you won't.